ToBeHonest wrote:
My mom was a lawyer, working in a cabinet in Paris, we lived close to Paris and i still do to this day.
She was taking the train to join the "Gare de l'Est" and she witnessed a few suicides and accidents with the train, she never really saw graphic stuff but when this type of accident does happen, the train is obviously stopped and won't move for a few hours. Passengers are given a military ration type stuff and they either climb on the next oncoming train or wait until the pieces are removed from the tracks...
It was in 2016 or 2017, she always came back from work at like 9.30pm and this time, she was very late, probably 2 hours late, she entered and she was covered in blood. I didn't puke as many people would expect but i started to cry because i saw my mom was tired, she was on the edge, seeing your MOM like that man, that feeling aint good
My mom told my brothers and I that a young guy got sucked in a TGV (Train à Grande Vitesse) high speed train basically.
It wasn't a suicide, it was a guy coming back home, with earbuds in, and he was standing past the yellow line, it's where you shouldn't stand when trains go through the train station, you can get sucked under the train, i looked that up and it's called the vertigo effect, the faster the train is, the more likely you are to get sucked under the train if you stand too close.
My mom at that time was waiting for the train, she was behind the man, and she got splattered in blood, when the TGV stopped a few kilometers ahead, well you could basically see the results of that tragic event, thankfully my mom didn't see it but there was a video of firefighters recovering the pieces which was recorded by a train station guard or whatever, it was published in a French facebook group.
Hope your mother is still ok pal, that would leave a fair few people traumatised