Kurze wrote:
I also often get dreams of random things in my life that haven't happened yet but they come true at a point in my life
Thats deja vu and its a mini stroke that causes your brain to repeat a sensory input so when you see/hear something your brain already tells you you've seen/heard it before it works correctly.
Ill try to make an example
Brain processes you have seen something THEN you see something + brain processes you have seen something at the same time
You see something + brain processes you have seen something at the same time
Thats why it feels like a dream because it kinda was.
Only reason why I know this is because I researched into deja vu because my mother had a stupid theory that deja vu is when another you from a different multiverse does the same action you are doing, so I had to explain what it really is.
Sorry if I crushed your magic dreams being reality <3