Whidd wrote:
In-Game Name: Whidd
In-Game Money : 15,961,813
Gametrackers: ALL TIME STATS
Score: 760
Minutes Played: 10676
Score per Minute: 0.1
Rank on Server: #271 out of 20875
Video of your raiding:(Not required) N/A
Which gangs you were in: Minutemen
Have you had any recent warnings? (If so what ones) No recent warnings.
Why should we choose you? (At least 50+ words) I've been looking for an exceptional gang, and I believe this is the one. I believe you should choose me because I have plenty of dangeorus weapons to raid with, if I have the correct role to do so. If I am to raid, I will bring in plenty of loot. I might also add that with my juggernaut suit and mingiun 2.0 I will be able to base with ease.
Sexy SL1CK Wrote:In-Game Name: Sexy SL1CK
In-Game Money: 36.4 million
www.gametracker.com/yaboislick/ (but I don't really use it)
Which gangs you were in: ChickenDipper (my gang that's bad)
Have you had any recent warnings? Repasting dupe during raid: this is when I thought the raid was over cos it all went quiet and thought the raid was over buy reposted dupe and apparently they were still raiding when we killed them
Why should we choose you? I all around enjoy basing and enjoy raiding and I do prefer to sometimes take orders from higher members because I know that there is something to do to rep the gang. Some AZGEDA members have based with me in the past and we got on well I also enjoy building bases and other stuff
ItsVentrix Wrote:n-Game Name: ItsVentrix | #GOINGFORHYPER
In-Game Money : 13M
Server 1:
Server 2:
Video of your raiding:(Not required) None
Which gangs you were in: Tactical Defib
Have you had any recent warnings? (If so what ones) Yes, for NLR.
Why should we choose you? (At least 50+ words)
I think I should be chosen because I am a very active Zarp RP player and have lots of hours on S1. I think I would be a good reinforcement to the gang because I know quite a lot about raiding and am not afraid to use expensive weapons in raids if that makes us succeed the raid. I also trade alot and know most of the current prices of special weapons so I can swap that knowledge with fellow gang members. All in all I believe I would make a good contribution to the gang and with lots of special weapons on my to-buy list and owned currently I would be a great addition to the gang.
All these people are accepted
IceWolf Wrote:In-Game Name: IceWolf#RoadTo120Mil
In-Game Money: 7,910,018
Which gangs you were in: Justice (Was my friend's gang)
Have you had any recent warnings? Illegal basin: I was scared of printing on easy raideable places so I went to high roof
Why should we choose you? I like to base, print and raid, I think im good at PvP but defenitely I need some practicing + I am pretty good builder (I can show some of m best buildings).