In-Game Name: Magik
In-Game Money : 218,606,285$
Gametrackers: Can't find them because of old names, But I've been playing since april, Fred.
Which gangs you were in: Azgeda
,Surge,Syndicate,Pink Lemonade
Have you had any recent warnings? (If so what ones) Yeah, Don't know them tho
Why should we choose you? (At least 50+ words) Because I'm Magikal, jk but I've been a member of Azgeda before and I'm trusted by Fred ofc. I donate money sometimes, When I was in Azgeda before I donated 55m. I'm friends with some people in Azgeda and they told me to apply so I got some feedback, Anyways I've been in Azgeda before and I want to help Azgeda climb the leaderboard and I'm dank. So accept this or no candy for you yes.