coke wrote:
In-Game Name: JAMEIIIS_
In-Game Money : $4,673,520
Gametrackers: JAMEIIIS_
Which gangs you were in: Soviet Union (currently named Schutz Staffel) and kool kids klan
Why should we choose you (At least 50+ words) I have only got banned once and that was only for 1 hour because I broke too many rules to do with basing, I see my self as trustworthy and would never dream of raiding another gang members. I have good knowledge of the server as I have played for 1 maybe 1 and bit years (on my old account which I don't use anymore). Thanks in advance.
Nate Wrote:In-Game Name: xNate
In-Game Money : $1,220,107 I have over 140mil in items
Gametrackers: Don't have one, type of email I use won't let me make account, I need to make my own email....
Video of your raiding(Not required) No videos.
Which gangs you were in: Oblvion, owned by Darth
Why should we choose you (At least 50+ words) ? Because I'm grinding to get alot of money to help out a gang that im in (Azgeda if im accepted) I will base and raid whenever needed to, and help defend the base always. Plus I can help get us loot and cash for the other upgrades Azgeda does not have yet. I won't be inactive like how I was in my gang and if I needed to be inactive I woulkd notify the gang.
Jamez and Platinum you will both be competing for Flame Keeper. I will give jamez the same opportunity that i gave platinum whenever jamez is available.
JaffaCakes118 Wrote:Your IGN:
|G| JaffaCakes118
How long have you been with Azgeda:
Around 40 days
How much have you donated to the gangs funds (if any):
2.3 million
Why you think you should be upgraded to the next rank:
I donated a decent amount to the gang, i know it doesn't seem like a lot but its a decent amount for me, I have also helped other gang members and based with them such as We Found Water and a few others, I would love it if I would be able to rank up beucase it's a good achivement to be ranked up in a gang.