General Information:
What is your Steam Name: TRMBZ
What is your SteamID ( STEAM_0:0:76216906
Activity in game:
(Server 1 = yet to join, had no reason
(Server 2 =
[Do you have any warnings, if so list them and the reason why
one for NLR ( cos i went to the car dealer and on the way there i passed nearby the parking lot and got sniped, so i got an admin and i got warned for nlr even though i hadent even been able to get close to the lot yet)
RDM cos a guy murded a guy right next to me for no reason, so i shot him before he could shoot me
What is your ingame name: TRMBZ
How much money do you currently have: about 2.1mill
Any special weapons: a diamond pick, i have had a couple craftable LMG's but i sold them in my shop
Questions: do people often build gang bases? or do people build there own mostly?
Why do you want to join us (Longer answer): so that a have a reason to keep playing and progress through the server, because on my own im not able to have bases secure, because of large groups of people raiding together meaning theres no point having expensive printers and uranium facility's, i also want to help out with gang bases and raiding so i can help the with gangs upgrades, so theres something to aim for whilst playing on the server.
a more important reason is i want people to play with in general rather than going around the server on my own grinding when i could be laughing my ass off like when xseppe managed to get his raptor stuck in shop earlier today
Why do you think your better than the average player: well im more generous and social and commited to the server and follow through with my aims rather than get bored and mover to the next thing/server
Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building, Aiming, raiding and communication:9-building 7-aiming 8-raiding
Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant: because im more social and will be more generous towards the gang fund, i have plans to give 10-20% of large amounts of money i earn.
How can we trust you not to betray us: well, iv never been much involved with massive powers on the server, the only gang i have been in is L4GY and i left because iv seen no-one from L4GY online, so im seeking out a proper gang i can work with.
What gang/organization are you currently in/were in: was in L4GY