TimeForPug wrote:
I am leaving Silent March!
Thanks for the good times

*Pulls out shotgun* Nope, you are coming back.
Edit: I may also leave Silent March, there is none to spend time with anymore because i don't get responded when i am asking.
I have no fun in this gang either. People hates me in this gang because the decisions i made example as sirspoods hates me because i didn't take him to vault with me. ( I wanted to raid alone)
Another Edit: I still remember how this gang was born. Me and Seppe were in skype call and we felt that we wanted to leave the gang where we were. I asked multiple times what gangs should we go in then etc... and Seppe wanted to make own gang. I had feeling it wouldn't go well, but when i saw Seppe took it seriosly i had acutally good feeling about the gang. When i saw Wheatley joined gang it was awesome. Seppe and Wheatley are my first best friends in ssrp! <3
But for now CYA Silent March. I go look for other gangs. Be aware because i will be raiding you guys, with all love of course <3