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TOPIC: Silent March Gang Thread

Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #232091

General Information:

What is your Steam Name? LJ Profile-Steam

What is your SteamID STEAM_0:1:85659959

What is your ingame name? [SM]LJ@NoSound

How much money do you currently have? 1millionz


What rank are you currently and what are you applying for? Silent Prospect


Time in gang? Couple weeks

Why do you think you deserve this rank? Because i am LJ jkjk well i have donated 50m to the gang and got round about 25k gang loot i am really good friends with leaders but not james stone i am best frineds we seppe and he can trust me i am have also made a SM Group on stema hit me up if want to invite!
i always up for raiding aswell and i can defend if you need me aswell so yea hope i get this rank of the team!

Thankyou for reading my application
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #232133

What is your Steam Name:

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com):

What is your ingame name?

How much money do you currently have?:
24 mil and growing

Any special weapons?
Milkor x1 Matadoorx2 thundergun bp's


Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer):
I dont normally like playing solo

Why do you think your better than the average player? Maybe but maybe not
. Im not the best.

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building, Aiming, raiding and communication
building 3-5
Aiming 7-9
Raiding 8-10
Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant?
Its you're choice.
How can we trust you not to betray us?
I have no one els to work for so what would be the point
What gang/organization are you currently in/were in?
I was in a small gang with friends called deez nuts but they are all inactive
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #232137

General Information:

What is your Steam Name: Frozen Redbull Yes?

What is your SteamID

What is your ingame name: Kylie A Pompeii

How much money do you currently have:215Mil

Any special weapons:TGUN / Mikor / RPG / M202/ MATADOR/ ORB Strike

What rank are you currently and what are you applying for?Silance Mobster


Time in gang: 1 Week i think?

Why do you think you deserve this rank?i belive i deserve this rank becasue am active and basing alot with gangmembers am raiding with the gang having fun with them i want this rank because i want to build my way up to the higeranks. trying something new
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Junrey Balawing: and chief is probably 34
Last Edit: 9 years 3 months ago by Kylie.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #232203

Jacki wrote:
General Information:

What is your Steam Name: Frozen Redbull Yes?

What is your SteamID

What is your ingame name: Kylie A Pompeii

How much money do you currently have:215Mil

Any special weapons:TGUN / Mikor / RPG / M202/ MATADOR/ ORB Strike

What rank are you currently and what are you applying for?Silance Mobster


Time in gang: 1 Week i think?

Why do you think you deserve this rank?i belive i deserve this rank becasue am active and basing alot with gangmembers am raiding with the gang having fun with them i want this rank because i want to build my way up to the higeranks. trying something new

Your promotion request has been denied, please wait the time and re apply again! Good Luck!
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #232811

I want to join SM but i dont know how to make application
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #232856

I wish to join the Silent March Gang because I can be the perfect soldier and raider when I am under pressure and when I really want to, and of curse I will give this gang the money that it deserves, it could be all I have, and I have a lot of money.
By TheDevil.
RP name: TheDevil
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #232866

TheDevil wrote:
I wish to join the Silent March Gang because I can be the perfect soldier and raider when I am under pressure and when I really want to, and of curse I will give this gang the money that it deserves, it could be all I have, and I have a lot of money.
By TheDevil.
RP name: TheDevil
Hi Devil!
Use the template please :)
General Information:

What is your Steam Name?

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com)

What is your ingame name?

How much money do you currently have?

Any special weapons?


Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer)

Why do you think your better than the average player?

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building, Aiming, raiding and communication

Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant?

How can we trust you not to betray us?

What gang/organization are you currently in/were in?
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Changed name to HyperioN on Steam
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #232970

BiWx Voorhees wrote:
TheDevil wrote:
I wish to join the Silent March Gang because I can be the perfect soldier and raider when I am under pressure and when I really want to, and of curse I will give this gang the money that it deserves, it could be all I have, and I have a lot of money.
By TheDevil.
RP name: TheDevil
Hi Devil!
Use the template please :)

<code>General Information:

What is your Steam Name?

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com)

What is your ingame name?

How much money do you currently have?

Any special weapons?


Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer)

Why do you think your better than the average player?

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building, Aiming, raiding and communication

Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant?

How can we trust you not to betray us?

What gang/organization are you currently in/were in?</code>

Biwx great guy!
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Silent March APPLY 9 years 3 months ago #232974

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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #232976

What is your Steam Name? superparty

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com) STEAM_0:1:77246273

What is your ingame name? Crystal Smith

How much money do you currently have? 23 Mill

Any special weapons? None yet


Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer) I want to join back to help u guys again, defend base, especially defend from BiB, i'm a skilled player (NO CHARACTER UPGRADES) I want to be back with my old mates, i had great times in Silent March.

Why do you think your better than the average player? I have been in Silent March before, i know how to defend with them and raid. I do know almost everybody in the gang, and i can/have reached the standard gang skill.

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building, Aiming, raiding and communication Building 9/10, Aiming 9,5/10, Raiding 9/10 Communication 8,5/10

Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant? I am an EX-Silent March member, i have reached the gang standard skill, i have defended with Silent March, raided and based. I had the dupe up sometimes when needed, it was my greatest time. I miss the guys, i almost know everyone.

How can we trust you not to betray us? Why? i do not want to get kicked out again, and never get to base with people i knew, or get raided by them. I always had a dupe up for the base when needed. And came defend when it is needed, i dont wanna fuck my reputation. I hope everybody can forgive me, for what i could/may have done in the past.

What gang/organization are you currently in/were in? Were: Silent March, Drug Money, Revolt, Le Buttocks Family
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #233001

General Information:

What is your Steam Name?:


What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com):


What is your ingame name?:


How much money do you currently have?:


Any special weapons?:

Gluon Gun, 3 Striker 12s, Proximity Mine, 3 Ares Shrikes, 2 PKM MGs, 2 Damascus Swords, and a Minigun.


Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer):

Well, I've definitely seen Silent March around. And you seem very strong, I must say. I have a lot of friends in Silent March and I wish to be able to base/raid with them more regularly. I don't feel like I'm doing very well in SSRP, and I need something to give me that little boost. I think Silent March will help me get that boost while I give everyone in the gang a little boost.

Why do you think you're better than the average player?:

I have dank memes.

No but seriously, I have a Gluon Gun and many other special weapons, I have a printer booster blueprint which I can use to help out other members of the gang, I have a stupid amount of diamond lockpick blueprints which I can basically give out for free at this point, so over all I'll be very helpful towards the gang.

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building, Aiming, raiding and communication:

Building: 8
Aiming: 7
Raiding: 7.5
Communication: 9

Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant?:

Well, like I said before, I have so many things I can give to the gang. I have my endless supply of diamond lockpick blueprints that I can just hand out like flyers. If needed, I could give someone a small loan of a million dollars. I can assist in raiding, defending, and pretty much anything else you need me to do. I personally think I'd do very well in this gang and the gang would do very well with me.

How can we trust you not to betray us?:

I know many people in the gang, such as xSeppe, Holly Banker, etc. Recently I have also helped Silent March raid the bank, which had to be cut short so I could do some F1's. Anyone who knows me will know that I'm not the type of person to backstab others.

What gang/organization are you currently in/were in?:
Meme Team
The Legacy/Immortals/La Cozart Familia
The Brotherhood
Drug Money
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ex-dog LT member on many servers

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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #233007

General Information: Im not rly sure what to type here so ill just type something that migth be interresting! MY name if GunVsGun In Game. Ummh My name is Marcus In Real Life. Ive Played On Zarp For 1400 hours with diferent names. I Dont Switch Gangs After Like a week i Stick With A Gang For As Long As Posible.

What is your Steam Name? Ola9ko

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com) STEAM_0:0:21849788

What is your ingame name? GunVsGun

How much money do you currently have? Around 12 mil

Any special weapons? Milkor And Thundergun

Questions: not atm

Why do you want to join us? I want to join Silent March Because i see it has active members. another reson is that the gang i was in started beeing very hostile to me. i think ive got what it takes to join silent march because in a deesect shooter and i think im a good builder.

Why do you think your better than the average player? Because ive played on zarp for around 1400 hours and ive got used to all the glitches with the cars and i think im a decent raider and shooter.

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building, Aiming, raiding and communication: ||||| Building 8 ||||| Aiming 7 ||||| raiding 8 ||||| Communication 5 (because i do not have a mic or i have a mic but its broken and im a poor student so i cant afford a new one xD |||||

Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant? Because I will do my best for the gang and for the members in the gang.

How can we trust you not to betray us? Ummh u can trust that i wont betray u because i would not pay 1 mil to get in a gang and then betray them and then get kicked out (then i would rather buy a new milkor or something) and i think im a pretty friendly player!

What gang/organization are you currently in/were in? I where in the OG (original Gangsters) but the players there where very hostile so i desided to leave it :D

I hope u think ive got what it takes to join silent march. personaly i think i would be a great member of the gang because i a decent raider, builder and aimer. i hope u take ur time to consider me as a member of silent march and i hope u respnt quick
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #233021

superparty wrote:
What is your Steam Name? superparty

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com) STEAM_0:1:77246273

What is your ingame name? Crystal Smith

How much money do you currently have? 23 Mill

Any special weapons? None yet


Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer) I want to join back to help u guys again, defend base, especially defend from BiB, i'm a skilled player (NO CHARACTER UPGRADES) I want to be back with my old mates, i had great times in Silent March.

Why do you think your better than the average player? I have been in Silent March before, i know how to defend with them and raid. I do know almost everybody in the gang, and i can/have reached the standard gang skill.

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building, Aiming, raiding and communication Building 9/10, Aiming 9,5/10, Raiding 9/10 Communication 8,5/10

Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant? I am an EX-Silent March member, i have reached the gang standard skill, i have defended with Silent March, raided and based. I had the dupe up sometimes when needed, it was my greatest time. I miss the guys, i almost know everyone.

How can we trust you not to betray us? Why? i do not want to get kicked out again, and never get to base with people i knew, or get raided by them. I always had a dupe up for the base when needed. And came defend when it is needed, i dont wanna fuck my reputation. I hope everybody can forgive me, for what i could/may have done in the past.

What gang/organization are you currently in/were in? Were: Silent March, Drug Money, Revolt, Le Buttocks Family

Did you not back stab us and raid us with a thunder gun
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #233022

Hey Crystal!
You raided us alot also you did backstab witch is true Raiding us everyday when
we are basing dosent make ur chance any better to get in but am saying no
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Junrey Balawing: and chief is probably 34
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #233030

So when im a cop, i have to break FAILRP? No if i scan my own gang as cop. I will raid them, i will not FailRP
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #233041

General Information:
I play DarkRP alot so I know quite a bit about building etc. I'm friendly and can do what is asked.

What is your Steam Name?
Big Smoke

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com)

What is your ingame name?
Beast Bread

How much money do you currently have?
2.4 mil

Any special weapons?
Milkor, Printer Booster

Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer)
I want to join Silent March because they are a pretty big looking gang and I'm sure I would have fun with you all. I would like to be apart of this gang to not only make friends but to have some fun. I also want to partake in any raiding with you guys and basing as well.

Why do you think your better than the average player?
I am a skilled builder and know alot about DarkRP and I am pretyt good at taking people out. Plus I've played DarkRP and Zarp for a few years.

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building, Aiming, raiding and communication
Building - 9, Aiming - 9.5, Raiding - 9

Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant?
Because they will probably turn their back on you once they get to know you, unlike me who will stay.

How can we trust you not to betray us?
I'm a friendly person and I would like to know more about the players in this gang, building friendships and even if I tried to betray you, I'm sure I'd be demolished by any attempts for me to betray you.

What gang/organization are you currently in/were in?
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #233101

General Information:

What is your Steam Name? SuperSaiyan

What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:80281714

What is your ingame name?SuperSaiyan (do i need the thing at the start of my name?

How much money do you currently have? 1mil

Any special weapons? Silenced Sniper, Nuke and Defib and Diamond KeyPad Cracker

What rank are you currently and what are you applying for? currently Silent Mobster applying for Silent Disciple


Time in gang? Approximately 1 week

Why do you think you deserve this rank? i think that i deserve this rank because i have based and raided with our gang but something that i keep on doing is accidentally leaving the gang (AFK mining so what im gonna stop doing is AFK mining xD ) and i try to help our gang out to the best of my ability and i have also donated a fair amount of money and got us a fair amount of gang loot.
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Silent March Gang application 9 years 3 months ago #233481

What is your Steam Name? The Walking Banana

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com) STEAM_0:0:139769460

What is your ingame name? The Legendary Banana

How much money do you currently have? 3.9mill

Any special weapons? Not rigth now but i'm about to buy one


Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer) Becuse i have many friends in this gang and i realy like the leader and everyone there and i like the gang.

Why do you think your better than the average player? I dont think i am better but i would have been a good member of SM.

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building, Aiming, raiding and communication builing 4. aiming 6. communication 8.

Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant? Becuse i am i nice guy to be rigth and this should be an ok:D

How can we trust you not to betray us? Becuse i'm not guy that betrayes and i have never betrayed anyone and i will never batray anyone.

What gang/organization are you currently in/were in? Local Lads
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #233489

What is your Steam Name? The Walking Banana

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com) STEAM_0:0:139769460

What is your ingame name? The Legendary Banana

How much money do you currently have? 3.9mill

Any special weapons? Not rigth now but i'm about to buy one


Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer) Becuse i have many friends in this gang and i realy like the leader and everyone there and i like the gang.

Why do you think your better than the average player? I dont think i am better but i would have been a good member of SM.

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building, Aiming, raiding and communication builing 4. aiming 6. communication 8.

Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant? Becuse i am i nice guy to be rigth and this should be an ok:D

How can we trust you not to betray us? Becuse i do Base a lot with SM they like me and i like them and i want to know more about the players and stuff. And if i try to betray you (if its not accidents) than you just kick me out of the gang SM.
What gang/organization are you currently in/were in? Local Lads
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Last Edit: 9 years 3 months ago by BananaSlanger. Reason: had a little bit wrong in the how can we trust you but fixed
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #233497

What is your Steam Name? JOHN CENA.

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com)

What is your ingame name? [SM] [WWE] JOHN CENA

How much money do you currently have? 1.7 MIL

Any special weapons? 1 nirto glycerine (turned all other into gems)


Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer)
I have always wanted to join sm and now I have enough money , also I know there base is VERY secure and I want to print. All the members of the gang are really nice and GREAT players I have raided with then and there really nice. I'm also looking to join this gang because in all other gangs everyone betrays me and steals my stuff and calls me a faggot but allnsm seem nice. Also my friend walking bana bases with u and I miss him.
Why do you think your better than the average player? Because I'm great at raiding. I have raided Scotty before. I know most printer hiding spots and im a great builder

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building, Aiming, raiding and communication
Building;8 aiming ;7 raiding;9 communication;6

Why should we choose you instead of the next
applicant? Because I will be a loyal member , I will not betray you, I will not backstab you I have never done that to anyone and I never will

How can we trust you not to betray us? Because you just should, I would be VERY ritch if I betrayed in my old gang so I will not betray you. Especially now that I spend 2/3 of my money joining

What gang/organization are you currently in/were in? digital insanity (old) The reapers (abandoned)
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