General Information: I played 3 years on DarkRp reloaded that just closed for certen reasons,anyway im new on this server have some friends playing around this server,i will be glad to be chosen for this Gang,have some skills that will mabye help out and will be good in the gang
What is your Steam Name:Mortalubi
What is your SteamID (
Age:17.6 (1998.04.06)
Activity in game: playing everyday,but im new in their RP server.
[Do you have any warnings, if so list them and the reason why
What is your ingame name:Mortalubi
How much money do you currently have: 4.5M *updated*
Any special weapons:Dragunov SUV
Questions: no need to question,got all the info needed from the description ♥
Why do you want to join us (Longer answer): Your gang seems to be the best, the gang member are proffisional&nice than other gangs with squicky kids that spam mics,your gang have good futures that makes me smile and cheer,they offers are good seems to be badass gang to be in
Why do you think your better than the average player:3 years of darkrp was admind&co finder,supreme on cs go if thats helps,teamworker,not getting mad from little things,love the people around me and love to make jokes
Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building, Aiming, raiding and communication: to be real i think 8
Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant: -Choose me cuz i have long history in the DarkRp skills,and im a great teamworker i never yell or scream,i will never argue or get mad on little things,i have commitment and honor,and i will take every order and i think i can be a good add for your gang and i can a complish every order
How can we trust you not to betray us: Never betrayed anyone in anygame,and i can even proof it with some random guys that i camped
What gang/organization are you currently in/were in: Im currently in no gang,and u seem to be the best

hope to get in, Mortalubi ♥