What is your Steam Name:
What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com):
Activity in game:
Server 1, 6417 minutes played with a score of 584
Server 2
I cant find the information at the moment, I played on it once when I was basing with Seppe and a bunch of other dudes
[Do you have any warnings, if so list them and the reason why
where can I see those?
the last one I got was for raiding while building (I couldnt see the building sign from where I shot my RPG at his window)
What is your ingame name:
pepe the frog
How much money do you currently have:
24 million, and a few items worth like 16 mil
Any special weapons:
RPG, milkor, f2000, striker.
defib and 2 defib BPs incase
Why do you want to join us (Longer answer):
I have based with serveral of your memebers in the past, I think theyre some really nice guys. I think it would also be a "relationship" of mutual benefit. because if one thing is for sure playing here alone is going to get you killed, also SM seems to me to be really active. thats what I am looking for, an active gang where we all help eachother out!
Why do you think your better than the average player:
My loyalty, and (no intenstion to brag but) my intelligence
Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building, Aiming, raiding and communication:
Building 6.5
aiming 7
raiding 8.6
communication 9
Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant:
my banter is unique

idk I think I am not super specially gifted in anything but more than useful and helpful
How can we trust you not to betray us:
I have already based with SM gang members in the past, they asked me this same question. and they did not regrett basing with me
What gang/organization are you currently in/were in:
Silly singers