General Information: my name is slayer11 (real is ali ) im 15 years old , a good gang member , super raiding i got alot gang loot today , raided drug money like super easy alone with my lovley m202 and got 1.6k gang loot and im really friendly with a rapid vault raider my gang members sum times i mistake on kills xD i dont see their name by game render limit anyways if u like me thats up to you :3
What is your Steam Name? Slayer11 #Holly4SA (steam name)
What is your SteamID ( STEAM_0:1:71230153
What is your ingame name? Slayer11 #Holly4Sa
How much money do you currently have? 900k
Any special weapons? m202 , pkm , 2 miniguns , striker , f2000 like 4 ,damacus sword and much much more good ass stuff
add : defib , diamond keypad cracker , diamond lockpick (all can help in raids)
and a suit
What rank are you currently and what are you applying for? mobster or (remember im active and i have proven my self alot from raiding sucessfully alone mostly and sum times with gang members if that was enough can i be an [prospect - mastermind ?? , thx] )
Questions: no questions
Time in gang? no idea xD but i think like 3 - 2 months or i think more
Why do you think you deserve this rank? for helping gang members and trying recruit new gang members in (ik what to do exactly ) having me is more than helpful for this gang

as i am really a good helper and giving me that rank is a big honor in this gang

it will help me get direct movement for all the gang members , so i hope u will think about it and if ur not sure just try me for a few time and u will see that im more than what u guys think

ok thx and i hope ill get a respond !