General Information:
What is your Steam Name: Lionasty
What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:103661302
What is your ingame name: Lionasty
How much money do you currently have: 29m
Any special weapons: Yes, Gamma Rifle, Milkor and RPG..
Why do you want to join us: I always wanted to join you because most of my friends are in there and I like the fact that you're active and do alot of stuff..
Why do you think your better than the average player: Because I can rek 3 guys even if they break NLR
Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building: 7 Aiming: 7 Raiding: 8
Communication: I don't really understand what you mean.. but I use chat to communicate as my mic is bad.. (6?)
Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant: Because I want to be in the gang and help it grow!
How can we trust you not to betray us: Betraying SM means betraying my friends who are the most important thing for me in-game.. so friends = gang which means I would never ever do that.
What gang/organization are you currently in/were in: All I remember is being in DM and Silly Singers and other little gangs which I no longer remember their names..
Thank you for reading and I hope I get accepted!