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TOPIC: Silent March Gang Thread

Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #235539

ThatsKarma wrote:
Exrobite wrote:
The gang of BiB rejects :lol:

Need to comment here? Does it look like BIB are welcome in this sacred land, I think not now there's the door move it.

Why is there so many of them here then?
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #235544

General Information:

What is your Steam Name? : Gamertron21

What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:122752424

What is your ingame name? : Gamertron

How much money do you currently have? : 71million

Any special weapons? : RPG x3 - Milkor x1 - M202 x1


Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer) : I want to join Silent March because my friends inside the gang are always letting them base with me and all of the members in Silent March are nice and helpful. They seem kind and always active on the server, so ill always be able to role play with the gang. In general I just believe that the gang is a great group and I would like to spend my time on the server enjoying it with them.

Why do you think your better than the average player? : I am fair so I would say I am an average player but I am much more experienced than many players and I help others and not just myself.

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10:
Building: 7
Aiming: 6
raiding: 7
communication: 9

Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant? : Because I am an active player who knows all the rules and knows how gangs work and can help other gang members. I know a couple of the members inside (Silent March) also I have a lot of money that I will use to further the gangs upgrades and help any members raid and defend their bases.

How can we trust you not to betray us? : I know members inside the gang and base with them and role play with them. I also have no recent warnings and don't break any rules.

What gang/organization are you currently in/were in? : Brother hood 3 Weeks / MS-13(Digital Insanity) 2 Weeks
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #235785

Message to officers in gang, Don't accept anyone in gang if you haven't made a reply to this topic about it! example: Someone took "TheDevil" in gang without making any kinda post about it in this thread.
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(OOC) Clarky: rdm me once more and youll be seeing yourself perma banned

If life is nothing but a bitch, I hope my dick is big enough
To fuck the whole world

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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #235891

What is your Steam Name? The walking banana

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com) STEAM_0:0:139769460

What is your ingame name? [SM] The BananaSlanger

How much money do you currently have?

Any special weapons? No but i will get

What rank are you currently and what are you applying for? Currently i am an Member and i am applying to become officer


Time in gang? 1 week i think i dunno.

Why do you think you deserve this rank? Becuse i am a nice guy i like playing with SM players and i am doing great work in the gang:)
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #235921

Application Of The walking banana (STEAM_0:0:139769460) ,

1. You've been in the gang only for a week
2. Officer isnt a rank you must rank yourself up by the hierarchy
3. You haven't filled in the following application properly
4. You could've endeavored your application a bit more

Sorry But Your Promotion Has Been DENIED

Apply For Silent Mobster Because At The Moment You Are : Silent Assassin

- Head Officer Of Silent March
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Last Edit: 9 years 3 months ago by Am1og.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #235973

I Contacted Seppe And asked him if i can join back and he said yes can i please be invited to the gang again and I've deleted my old gang :(
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #235975

Bradley Wiggings Promotion Application!
General Information:

What is your Steam Name? Oliverknaggs

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com): STEAM_0:0:125975134

What is your ingame name? [SM] Bradley Wiggings #SMRULE

How much money do you currently have? 24 Million

Any special weapons? Thunder gun, matador,rpg,3 diamond keypad crackers, 3 airstrikes, 11 PKM's,12 Area Strikes,Super Charge Uranium, 2 Mini Guns, 1 Damascus Sword,Suit,Defibrillator,2 f2000 Rifles and diamond pixaxe i also have lots of BP

What rank are you currently and what are you applying for? Silent Mobster

Time in gang? 1 Week and 3 days

Why do you think you deserve this rank? I think I deserve this rank because i have been in this gang quite a while now and i know silent marches ups and downs and i can handle that and i know alot of the silents march members i respect them all and i want to because i love respecting people thats why i want to be trustful in this gang!
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #235990

ollyboy123456 wrote:
Bradley Wiggings Promotion Application!
General Information:

What is your Steam Name? Oliverknaggs

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com): STEAM_0:0:125975134

What is your ingame name? [SM] Bradley Wiggings #SMRULE

How much money do you currently have? 24 Million

Any special weapons? Thunder gun, matador,rpg,3 diamond keypad crackers, 3 airstrikes, 11 PKM's,12 Area Strikes,Super Charge Uranium, 2 Mini Guns, 1 Damascus Sword,Suit,Defibrillator,2 f2000 Rifles and diamond pixaxe i also have lots of BP

What rank are you currently and what are you applying for? Silent Mobster

Time in gang? 1 Week and 3 days

Why do you think you deserve this rank? I think I deserve this rank because i have been in this gang quite a while now and i know silent marches ups and downs and i can handle that and i know alot of the silents march members i respect them all and i want to because i love respecting people thats why i want to be trustful in this gang!
Didn't you just rejoin...
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #236117

General Information:

What is your Steam Name? #Panc1s`

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com) STEAM_0:1:95098295

What is your ingame name? *Panc1s*

How much money do you currently have? 3millions

Any special weapons? Milkor


Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer) Because your clan is super good. When i mean good i mean good the players are pro and u have almost all the unlock on the gang and the admin of the clan is very cool :)

Why do you think your better than the average player? I can be positive always and i dont disrespect other by small and big things just a game!

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building, Aiming, raiding and communication 7-8

Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant? Because i can man a clan 1-5% better :) by doing postivie things!

How can we trust you not to betray us? Its my first apply on forum so ;D

What gang/organization are you currently in/were in? The Fearless
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #236397

General Information:

What is your Steam Name? LaurensP

What is your SteamID STEAM_0:0:119530915

What is your ingame name? Laurens

How much money do you currently have? 3M

Any special weapons? Airstrike


Why do you want to join us?

Cus i need some good players with me when im raiding , gang upgrades like the tommygun and jackhammer to save some money cus i had 40M and got VIP i want my money back i really need a good gang also cus i always play alone so im not bad i had 40M just by playing solo.

Why do you think your better than the average player?

I had 40M and i never played with people just raiding and printing.

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10:
Building 7
Aiming 4not good im gonna buy a new mouse like the 15th december
raiding 8
communication 7.5

Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant?

Cus im really good solo and maybe even better with people around me that help me.

How can we trust you not to betray us?

I have no friend where i play DarkRP with so i can't and i never was in a gang exept MS-13 bud i left the first hours cus it was a boring gang.

What gang/organization are you currently in/were in?

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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #236507

General Information:

What is your Steam Name: Lionasty

What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:103661302

What is your ingame name: Lionasty

How much money do you currently have: 29m

Any special weapons: Yes, Gamma Rifle, Milkor and RPG..


Why do you want to join us: I always wanted to join you because most of my friends are in there and I like the fact that you're active and do alot of stuff..

Why do you think your better than the average player: Because I can rek 3 guys even if they break NLR :D

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building: 7 Aiming: 7 Raiding: 8
Communication: I don't really understand what you mean.. but I use chat to communicate as my mic is bad.. (6?)

Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant: Because I want to be in the gang and help it grow!

How can we trust you not to betray us: Betraying SM means betraying my friends who are the most important thing for me in-game.. so friends = gang which means I would never ever do that.

What gang/organization are you currently in/were in: All I remember is being in DM and Silly Singers and other little gangs which I no longer remember their names..

Thank you for reading and I hope I get accepted! ;)
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #237113

The following promotion/join applications have been reviewed by either xSeppe or Karma, below you can find the verdict for each and why they were either accepted or denied.

Lionasty has been accepted into the gang as a Silent Assassin
No One has been accepted into the gang as a Silent Assassin]
FranGT has been accepted into the gang as a Silent Assassin
FelixAntonio has been accepted into the gang as a Silent Assassin
Bradley Wiggins has been promoted to Silent Mobster
Khai-Tam has been promoted to Silent Mobster
Dedpewl has been promoted to Silent Mobster

These applications or members have not standard out enough to join our rosters, they are welcome to reapply in 1 week or speak to a owner to revive more ways to improve or permission to reapply early.

James Stone has been denied access to be promoted as they have only just became active once again and are hardly seen basing. Nor is this rank obtainable by a couple of days of activity, one more thing to add I do not believe this rank is able to obtain by anyone.

LaurensP has been denied access into gang as they have poorly wrote our their application, they also are wanting to use the gang for it upgrades

#Panc1s has been denied access into gang as they have poorly wrote our their application, they also are wanting to use the gang for it upgrades

Holly Banker has been denied access to be promoted as the have no been seen in any of SM's actions as state by himself. Nor do be wish to to skip ranks.

- Recent discussions have occurred between who should be the Official Forum Thread Officer, it has been decided "ThatsKarma" will take this role; due to the fact the lack of effort from Walter, also we had a majority vote of SM members and agreed on this. When the rank is opposed, a re-vote will be secluded. Thank you and have a good day SM.

- SM have suffered many problems due to the fact we can't note down who is joining the base who are non-SM. We have devised a plan to solve this, Officers now have to be notified by the SM member who the would like to base and then record it here. (If you are an Officer, add Karma on steam)

- We have now decided to review our members and eliminated members, who have not met our criteria and these are:
Jackele has been Kicked
Qesa has been Kicked
Nip0 has been Kicked
Knoa has been Kicked
Senne has been Kicked
Rasberry has been Kicked
UltraBagel has been Kicked
TheDevil has been Kicked
BILL! has been Kicked
Nuke2x has been Kicked
CyberWolf has been Kicked
Gazzi Kapa has been Kicked
Ninjatoripperoni has been Kicked
Jamie has been Kicked
Ryan Twinkletoes has been Kicked
Faze Dream Hack has been Kicked
Jam_Herobrine has been Kicked
Walter White has been Kicked

- Coming to our last point that we are very excited about, we now have a Teamspeak supplied by one of your members, the IP to the server is and meeting are secluded to every Sunday at 5:15PM +0 where applications will be reviewed etc.

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If you need assistance add me on Steam!
Last Edit: 9 years 3 months ago by ThatsKarma.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #237115

I think that you forgot my application.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #237128

Lionasty wrote:
I think that you forgot my application.

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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #237142

General Information:

What is your Steam Name?

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com)
What is your ingame name?

How much money do you currently have?
About 12 Mil
Any special weapons?
Thunder gun, Milkor, Striker 12, M202, Matador, Minigun, Damascus Sword
What rank are you currently and what are you applying for?

Time in gang?
Why do you think you deserve this rank?
Because I like to play in team, and want to get this gang up higher by donating money etc.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #237148

This guy is SO recommended
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #237183

General Information:

What is your Steam Name?
|Z| Holly Banker
What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com)
What is your ingame name?
[SM] Holly Banker
How much money do you currently have?
Any special weapons?
Thundergun,Rpg,Defib,Proximity Mine,C4
What rank are you currently and what are you applying for?
Silent Cultist

Time in gang?
3.5weeks (I believe)
Why do you think you deserve this rank?
I think i deserve this rank because i am trustworthy,I am building bases for people who is in the gang,I respect everyone,I raid with my gang mates.I like this gang and i will be more helpful as soon as possible.

Thanks for reading!
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Ex SSRP Super Admin
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Last Edit: 9 years 3 months ago by Holly Banker.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #237203

Seppe add me into the rank " Silent Mobster " please. I got accepted
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #237204

General Information:

What is your Steam Name: GamerHero18

What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:110354999

What is your ingame name: |Z| Arnold

How much money do you currently have: 3M+

Any special weapons: Yes, Gamma Rifle, Milkor and Matador.


Why do you want to join us: I always wanted to join you because most of my friends are in there and I like the fact that you're active and do alot of stuff..

Why do you think your better than the average player: Because I can wreck 5 guys even if they break NLR :D

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building: 10 Aiming: 8 Raiding: 9
Communication: I don't really understand what you mean.. but I use chat to communicate as my mic is bad.. (6?)

Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant: Because I keep calm and raid some scrubs

How can we trust you not to betray us: Betraying SM means betraying my friends who are the most important thing for me in-game.. so friends = gang which means I would never ever do that.

What gang/organization are you currently in/were in: All I remember is being in DM and Silly Singers and A-TEAM
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Click my Signature below to add me on steam!

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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #237231

UltraBagel has been Kicked
Oh no!
Anyway, what possible way would I be allowed back in? Or more importantly, I'd like to know why I was kicked, so I can improve on what I lack ;)
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Last Edit: 9 years 3 months ago by UltraBagel.
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