Steam Profile:
Steamid: STEAM_0:1:54572533
RP Name: That Orange Guy
Activity on ZARP DarkRP: About 8 hours now, but i stopped playing a long time ago and changed name, before i was named King Arthur. But my play times are every day when i come back from school (monday till friday) and all day weekend.
RP Related
Rate yourself on 1 to 10 on ZARP DarkRP Combat: 8
What Craft-able Items: I had a milkor but lost it.
How Can We Trust You? Because i have been in several gangs before quitting the server like The Cult, i would be there to help the members and also protect them. I have almost 1600 hours only on DarkRP so i know how to play.
How Much Money Do You Have? I got scammed 1.5 mil so now i got 2.4mill.
What Organization were/are in: The Cult.
Why Should You Be Chosen? Because i would be there to help the members and also the allies, I can be trusted because i know how to play and have been in a big gang before i know the concept and rules. I have never got any warnings in breaking rules.
Thank you for reading.