Steam Profile:
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:49279318
RP Name: kawaiibob
Activity On Zarp DarkRP: im on for around 20hours at the moment
RP Related
Rate yourself on 1to 10 on Zarp combat:8
What craft-able items:I currently own 2 airstrike,2 defibrillator and a blueprint, 2milkors,4 matador,1 m202,diamond pick,and lastly 2 mini-gun
How can we trust you: I have been very trusted in ms-13 the number one thing that annoys me is backstabbing its ruthless and doesn't get you anywhere in life.
How Much Money do you have?2.5mil but by the time you see this most likely a couple million.
What Organization were/are in: MS-13
Why Should i be chosen: I am very active i love to raid and base raids are way more fun when your doing them with your gang. I am new to the server but i make a lot of money and i am pretty productive,I am currently learning to build better bases.
I am leaving MS-13 due to the amount of rule breakers and they are not raiding or basing and that's like the main part of being in a gang basing with your brothers.I have taken your comments into consideration and have gotten to know some of the other brothers.