Steam Profile: Dolan the Duck
RP Name: Reggae Shark
Activity on ZARP DarkRP: haven't been on the server for a while, long story short my computer broke(got broken by...) but it's fixed so I'll be on a lot more from now on. (I've been on for about 5 days since then)
Gametracker: I don't even know if this is my profile because I definately played longer than 30 hours(atleast 100 hours) and I'm DEFINATELY not in France.
RP Related
Rate yourself on 1 to 10 on ZARP DarkRP Combat: 7 to 7.5
What Craft-able Items: I'm more a trader, i have crafting level 3, and a diamond lockpick bp lamborghini bp tuxedo bp
How Can We Trust You?: I have never betrayed my gang, I'm always very respectful to gangs, their rules and the members. I also have no reason to do something wrong it would even be dumb because I always try my hardest to get into an gang(except for revolution/Black Blood because the leader was a real life friend of mine so he just let me in).
How Much Money Do You Have?: Told you to give me a day so here you have it, 4 mill
What Organization were/are in: Revolution/Black Blood, Fedora Tippers, Born in Blood
Why Should You Be Chosen?: I'm a good roleplayer, I don't afk in a base printing all day only at night, I'll stay loyal as a german sheperd to the gang, I'm not disrespectful, I enjoy playing the game and don't have to force myself which is important to me for playing well, I'm friendly and helpfull(buying printers for gang members, donating to the gang), ETC.