Changelog 13/06/2021:
[ADD] Added missing suits to leaderboards
[ADD] Equip sound to Gluon Gun
[ADD] Mix3rz as Map Developer
[ADD] Added global completion chat message for zone captures
[ADD] Added time remaining for zone captures to HUD for other gangs
[ADD] Network currently active zone captures to clients on connection
[FIX] Banned players performing some actions
[FIX] Transfering gang button not working
[FIX] World model dropping master sword/flaming master sword
[FIX] Bartender drinks with Pineapple not working
[FIX] Bartender hiding players hiding ice etc
[FIX] Lua error when being sick
[FIX] Lua errors from rad shields and other placable items
[FIX] Hits being stuck above head
[FIX] Exploits with the Grim Reaper suit
[FIX] Auction House display not working after a bid sometimes
[FIX] Exploits related to Hoverboards
[FIX] /buyarmor exploit with banned players
[FIX] Rare error with propeller trap
[FIX] Location not showing in server browser
[FIX] De-activating nukes whilst dead
[FIX] Crafting not checking weight correctly
[FIX] Hoverbike exploit
[FIX] Not being able to unragdoll players in some cases
[FIX] Golden Carrots resetting suit health to 150HP
[FIX] ACS Bubble effects being the wrong color
[FIX] Plants sometimes show they are finished before they are
[FIX] Rare errors in the Bartender system
[FIX] Owner avatars cut off in the gang leaderboards
[FIX] Turrets not being removed on player disconnect
[FIX] Lua error from printer shelf when printers are destroyed
[FIX] Rare Lua error in Events when a hologram is nearby
[FIX] Summoner exploit when reloading
[FIX] Dynamite being grav-gunnable
[FIX] Error when pressing gmod buttons
[FIX] While jailed, if you climb into a chair, you are able to become invisible, and in some weird occasions, can't die, only if you remain on the chair.
[FIX] Undercover issues
[FIX] If you spectate a Player while in the helicopter and another player ice kings the player you are spectating, then you will be teleported to that persons location
[FIX] When spectating a user in the police helicopter, both parties can see chat messages sent by the other user as if the spectator were next to the spectated player
[FIX] When a player is spectating someone on the police helicopter, the player can use a camera to see the overhead HUD of the spectating player overlayed on their ow
[FIX] When bartending, if you are hit twice with the battle axe you will be teleported over to the bartender NPC not being able to move
[FIX] After certain arena events, (maze remix) I believe, the weapons aren't removing and you are left with the event weapons in the arena
[FIX] When you arrest a grim reaper in hover mode, it tps the player outside of the jails/map
[FIX] Some weapons not refunding correctly after restarts
[FIX] Deathroll animation will use the correct upper limit instead of the initial limit
[FIX] Coinflip chat correctly resets on creation of a new Coinflip
[FIX] Items which the user does not have will no longer sometimes appear in the Coinflip menu
[FIX] Roll value constraints applied properly clientside to prevent a visual glitch for initiator when entering negative roll values
[FIX] Fixed: [ERROR] gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/zarpcoinflip/cl_zarpcoinflip.lua:474: malformed pattern (ends with '%')
[FIX] Fixed: [ERROR] gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/zarpcoinflip/cl_zarpcoinflip.lua:484: attempt to call field 'Populate' (a nil value)
[FIX] Error with AdvDupe2
[FIX] Error with C4
[FIX] Issue with nerve gas
[FIX] Issue with rapsheet ban reasons not being saved sometimes
[FIX] Rare Lua errors in FAdmin
[FIX] Player bones getting fucked by the Hoverbike sometimes
[FIX] Errors related to the Medi Shield
[FIX] Battering Ram not working on some chairs/vehicles
[FIX] Error with the Ice King
[FIX] Rare error with the Laser pistol
[FIX] Errors when entering or leaving the Nightclub sometimes
[FIX] Daily objective for successful bank raids completing sometimes in error
[CHANGE] Can now drop master sword
[CHANGE] Hoverbike/Hoverboards will now stay for longer after you get off of them
[CHANGE] You can now equip weapons in PD Raids for the first 2 minutes
[CHANGE] When a custom event is scheduled the previous event will restore afterwards
[CHANGE] Timer no longer resets when you die on the Maze Remix event
[CHANGE] Slight delay on receiving rewards from coinflips to prevent the result being known before the animation ends
[CHANGE] Initiator will be notified when the coinflip request times out (after 45 seconds)
[CHANGE] Indicator in the menu for which side correlates to each player (Coinflips)
[CHANGE] Reduced roll animation length to 4 seconds (from 6) (Coinflips)
[CHANGE] Coinflip menu can be closed during the flip and reopened with !coinflip (or through the F4 menu)
[CHANGE] Added header display with coinflip type, value and opponent
[CHANGE] Added a button in the tab menu to send a player a coinflip request which will automatically select the player in the dropdown
[CHANGE] Coinflip rolls will display in chat for nearby players to allow 'spectating'