Nafe wrote:
Lerpson wrote:
not a fan of the map, the new suits and weapons also make it unenjoyable
the pvp needs to be changed, suit health should be reworked, and weapons need to change.
Thanks for taking the opportunity to actually give some feedback, is there anything you had in mind? Which suits in particular are you not happy with and how do you see the pvp being changed?
Well the hyper suit getting a small buff was a step in the right direction but I think it could use some more health, the change in the holo suit was odd but the holo could use some more resistance, and the speed ninja could also use some health and resistance. I know it can be a pain to actually go through with these because it could make these suits imbalanced but when an Eternal with an GLS can 1tap a jugg suit it makes pvp really unsatisfying.
The ACS being the meta suit due to its low price and ability should be used as a blueprint when making changes to other suits.
im not gonna make suggestions for the map, im just not a big fan, i like the old map before riverden and I like evo city. But certain guns like the tgun should have the ability to move your screen like it used to but less dramatic but im not sure if thats even possible, and the gluon should have the old clip size of 200, mummy suits should have a mastersword ability or handcannons should have a faster holster time. this allows faster movement for less of a penalty.
but at the end of the day there should be more than the ACS and Eternal mummy when it comes to a meta so group pushes can consist of a wide variety of suits and weapons that cater to the end users skills.
for example: old pushes when the jetsuit was insane would consist of Jay House pushing warehouse with the following
3 jets
2 holos
a mummy and jugg mastersword
and occasional ACS'
Rad Rounds were used before the HC push and gluons/mini2s were used to attack while the defenders used DMGs and Gluons as well.
And that was actually so much fun, more fun than any other game Ive played