Funky you are a great guy and all.
That is why I even let that warn slip when I talked to Para about it back when you were applying for moderator, so you could have a chance at staff.
Hacking is a serious offense though, as opposed to many other ways of gaining unfair advantages through rulebreaking then this is definitely one of the worst ones no doubt about it, which is also why your punishment is so severe.
Funky on Steam wrote:
18:27 - Funky^7Monkey^K!ller: `but really want to come back and im sure i wont use it again
18:27 - Funky^7Monkey^K!ller: im feeling pretty sorry bout it cuz it definitely wasnt smart of me
I know this is bringing private conversation into the mix, but from my part you don't seem that regretful about it. Just more general "I know it was dumb", but we all know it's dumb to hack.
You were warned about hacking beforehand. I at least think you should wait a little more time before asking for an unban.