Kronen wrote:
sinzz wrote:
Kronen wrote:
sinzz wrote:
Kronen wrote:
After Sinz receiving multiple bans for exploiting I feel like 3 days isn't close to enough, After the way he has been acting over the past few years and the many exploits he has used 3 days shouldn't even be in the question and honestly it should be a permanent ban.
you scammed afrohat 350b+ shush up thx u
What I did doesn't mean you didn't exploit and shouldn't also be permanently banned.
because I'm not like you who scam more than 350b compared to something that is not considered an exploit because I didn't win anything
I can't make sense of this but ill try my best to respond. Winning or not you still abused an unintended feature which is exploiting you cannot justify that me scamming has nothing to do with this and shouldn't be a part of the conversation. You have exploited you should be perm banned.
it's not you who decides and I guess you should stay banned forever even if you refund afrohat dishonest people like you are not welcome in the ssrp server and more players who trick on other players by the same occasion
and at the same time it's not as if I was the only one to have practiced since many others had discovered it and seen that they had nothing and that it was normal for everyone but if you don't bother to read and make your own story don't try to type thank you