Name - What is your in-game name?
STEAM-ID - What is your STEAM-ID?
Link to Steam Profile: e.g.***/
Staff Members Name - Who warned you?
Punishment Reason - What was the reason of the punishment(s)?
Server - Which server did this occur on?
Story/Situation - What happened?
so as I said previously Dutch shot me for no reason and given the number of hp and armor I had left I preferred to go to the hospital to regenerate my armor and hp and then go to the spawn and kill dutch but following the report that zannie did which was insufficient I do not even understand why he was accepted because 30 seconds was not even enough when the kill started at 0:18 if he would have gone back 15 see 20 seconds we could have seen the whole scene which seems more logical to me because if a player modifies the context and shows that the kill is totally based on insufficient evidence because the time I go to the hospital that I use the armor npc and the heal npc and I come back it takes about 15 seconds and so far it has only shown 18 seconds out of the 30 he just edited this precise moment and just clipped when I left to the hospital etc moreover to certify my arguments I can say that in the "cm logs" we can verify this to support the facts that I advance and show that dutch try to kill me and that I have had to go to the hospital to recover and then kill him
Extra Information - Anything you would find relevant to your punishments(s)?
find it very disgusting to accept a report with insufficient evidence compared to a point of view very different from what zannie advances since in no way does he mention what I did or it happened and is very silent on the description of the story and moreover the sound is cut off I don't even know why so much information is missing in this clip shows a twisted shot by zannie to warn me for nothing when he saw the situation well