Name - What is your in-game name?
STEAM-ID - What is your STEAM-ID?
Staff Members Name - Who warned you?
Mr Richard
Punishment Reason - What was the reason of the punishment(s)?
STEAM_0:1:156045385 punished by Mr. Richard (STEAM_0:0:79280795). Updated Ban on 18/11/2019 - 08:31:25 for 1 minute(s) with reason Hacking
Server - Which server did this occur on?
SSRP servers.
Story/Situation - What happened?
Me and a few friends were messing around on the server with spectrum. We were using an in-game command to draw material textures onto our screen. Bare in mind that this has no actual effect in game, provides no advantage to any users and was only being used to have fun with spectrum.
When spectrum saw the aforementioned material, he politely invited us to stop messing around with it anymore to prevent any further confusion. At this point I did. I stopped using the command anymore as the joke was getting stale anyway, and there was no more mention of this.
Extra Information - Anything you would find relevant to your punishments(s)?
I assume after I logged off for that night, Mr Richard decided to take the screen grabs into his own opinion and punish me for it without referring to me or even questioning me at all.
I'll also add that there was no client modification from any third party application. It was a simple command that draws a material on screen.
As written in the rules:
1.5 Client Side Modification & Hacking - Any form of hacking, scripting, cheating or malicious client modification is not allowed on our servers.
Users may modify files to make their game look more unique but abusing this opportunity to create unfair advantages is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: modifying the juggernaut suit model to be a bright color so it is easier to see through particle effects or removing the smoke/fire particle effects from the thundergun explosion.
There was NO unfair advantage that I received from a prank, this can easily be simplified down to customization, which is allowed.
Using an open command that is built into the game is not classed as modifying my client in any way.
I'll remind you, Once I was instructed to stop by spectrum, I did. The fun was over and I was bored of it.
Thank you for listening.