SSRP S1-Refund request-BaxBlue
3 years 11 months ago #1323397
Steam Name:BaxBlue Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:556856274 Server:SSRP server1 Date/Time of Incident:7:28 central time Item(s) Lost:Mini2
Story: So i was helping my friend with a bank raid and right as someone used a demon suit on me it teleported me into another building that has a lazer that automatically kills you Evidence:
Additional Info: i just want my mini2 refunded because the game teleported me there and i have no clue why
SSRP S1-Refund request-BaxBlue
3 years 11 months ago #1323399
No, you clearly got knight demoned into a tripmine I was ingame whilst it happened. And It was Na1 who accidentally tripmined you instead of turtlx by the way you even informed us in ooc that you knew that this was indeed a valid kill.
SSRP S1-Refund request-BaxBlue
3 years 11 months ago #1323403
Sam Winchester wrote:
No, you clearly got knight demoned into a tripmine I was ingame whilst it happened. And It was Na1 who accidentally tripmined you instead of turtlx by the way you even informed us in ooc that you knew that this was indeed a valid kill.
As sam said it was a valid kill. Nothing server sided about it and thats the whole point of the suit is to to people to your current position
SSRP S1-Refund request-BaxBlue
3 years 11 months ago #1323412
Nogtog wrote:
Didn't you just leave zarp?
yea i did doug grave my friend once he gets on imma give him my suits and stuff then only come on to talk to friends but once my stuff is given to doug im gone
SSRP S1-Refund request-BaxBlue
3 years 11 months ago #1323424
This is not a server-sided issue, you were killed by a player night demoning you into a tripmine. There is nothing wrong with that. You were killed by a FBI which was trying to defend the bank from being raided. You will not be refunded.