Name: MissLegend#NafeIsgaywomen
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:151030918
Time / Date of when it happened: Last Night around 2 pm
Item/s lost: Hyper Suit
Server Name: Server 1 DarkRP
Proof *VIDEO/PICTURES*:No Video but admins saw it happen XswordPlayz
Story:It took me 4months to get a hyper suit and I finnaly got it yesterday night admins told me to make this template so I gotcha, he gets on to happy birthday Xswordsplayz and kills him with a gluon gun but wall killing him he killed me with my hyper on

Niko could can say he killed me / he felt bad and ripped his nano and both of his jugs ty niko/Please Clarky Give me my hyper suit back