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Today's Community Team meeting has been completed. We have the following important announcements to make that were discussed in this weeks Community Team meeting. The following attended: Chuteuk, OnionRings, CEO, Faithful, Jawson, Callum, and Martin. Community Bans/Unbans N/A Server Owners Meeting Attended by the following: Chuteuk Martin OnionRings Faithful Callum Kanna Donny MadMagic Halloween Teaser Today plans were discussed for the upcoming Black Friday and Halloween Updates, stay tuned for more news coming in the following weeks! Alongside these plans expect a trailer for the Halloween Update coming soon! If you look in the Sneak Peeks channel of our discord you'll already see the first teaser for a very special event coming this Halloween! SSRP Balance Change Logs As per the last CM team meeting outcome, I have released the first iteration of the SSRP Balance Change Logs viewable here! Until Next Time ZARP! |
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Can't believe captin got demoted
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