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TOPIC: [TTT] The Ultimate TTT Guide

[TTT] The Ultimate TTT Guide 8 years 3 months ago #450378

The Ultimate Trouble in Terrorist Town Guide

Before we start, here is a link to the Zarp Gaming TTT Server rules!

If you have ever played TTT, you will be aware that there are 3 classes in TTT. They are Innocent, Detective and Traitor. You may not know this, but there are roughly a traitor for every 4 players, and a detective for every 8. In summary, Traitors are in a 2:1 ratio with the detectives.

There is one thing to remember as an Innocent, trust noone except the Detectives. The aim of your role is to find, and kill, the Traitors. A good thing to do whilst Innocent is find, and identify, unidentified bodies and locate C4s and warn other players of its location to name a few. If you kill a traitor, be sure to tell everyone that you're proven and maybe hang out with the detective until the end of the round. You can also be proven by being tested in the 'Traitor Tester' by a detective or another player. Beware if another player test you because they could be a Traitor and use it as an excuse to kill you with the trap!

Playing as a Detective is relatively similar to the Innocent class / team, you can trust noone. However, as a detective you have some advantages over the other players. You spawn with a DNA scanner and 2 Credits to spend at the shop. When you press 'C' a shop interface will appear on your screen with 3 categories. It looks just like this:

This is the 'Passive' category. This category only contains 1 item, which is armour.

This is the 'Active' category. This also only contains 1 item, which is the radar. The radar is very useful for tracking players who are alive and it tells you there position with a green circle. It scans every 30 seconds, so be careful as you may not be shown the real position.

The third and final category is 'Weapon'. This has 6 potential items you can buy to use to your advantage. The first being the visualizer. This can be used to view a death scene of a player who was killed by gun only. If a player has died due to there means, this device is rendered useless. If the player was shot, it will show a blue hologram of where the victim was stood, and a blue line that shows where the bullet, that killed the player, came from.
The next item is the defuser, which instantly defuses a C4 and makes a red glow around them.
The third item is the UMP Prototype. The UMP's damage is capped at a disappointing 18 damage, however it can be very useful because it will disrupt the victim's aim as well as leave an electric shock 'marks' on them so the others know who to shoot / who has been shot by you.
The next item is the teleporter, which does exactly what you think. If you want to use the teleporter, you must mark a location with right-click, If you are standing on solid ground, pressing right-click will result in a message display in the top-right corner that says "teleport location successfully marked. Then you can use left-click to teleport to the set location.
The next item is the Health Station. The health station allows people to heal when placed, and contains 200 hp. The health station regenerates 0.5 health per second for people to use, so dont use all 200 hp too quick!
The final item you can buy as a Detective is the binoculars. The binoculars can ID bodies from a distance. If you see an unidentified body in a hard to reach or impossible to reach place, as long as you can see the words "Unidentified body", you can hold your right mouse button to identify it.

Both the Innocents and the Detective have access to the Traitor tester. The 'tester' can be used to find out what role a player is, and its resembled by a light on the side of the tester. This is what it looks like:

The tester isn't just available for use though. You have to activate by finding a gold block hidden somewhere around the map. It can be found in many places, such as; The beach by the tester and the cave under the lighthouse to name a few. You will get use to the spawn locations after a few rounds. This it what it looks like :

You can also collect diamond ore blocks from around the map and place them into a furnace. The diamond ores spawn in various locations around the map, and you need to find all 9. Once all 9 have been collected, a diamond block will spawn on the ground in front of you. You need to take this into the 3rd floor of the tower, and place it in the set area. This will make the Innocents instantly win, and teleport all players to the end. This is what the furnace looks like :

And the diamond ore looks like this :

Playing as a Traitor is relatively easy. The aim of your role is kill every Innocent and Detective in the game before the round ends. Be careful whilst killing other players, as there are 4 players for every Traitor, so you are heavily outnumbered. However, you have a special room equipped with 2 traps to help you kill players. This is the traitor room and here is a quick tour of it!

You also have access to a shop, similar to the Detective's one. It will open when you press 'C'. This is what it looks like! I will not be showing the first section (Passive) as it is the same as the Detective one. Similarly, the next tab (Active) only contains 1 extra item, which is the disguiser. This removes you name, so this makes it much harder for players to KOS you. Anyway, here is the tab full of the weapons you can use to help kill the innocents.

The first item is the defibrillator. This can be used to revive dead players, but it can only be used once. Also, you need to have a large area of open space around you, otherwise a warning will appear saying 'Insufficient Room'.
The next item is the newton launcher. the newton launcher can be used to push players into traps or off high ledges. It has unlimited ammo, but has a 'recharge' time between shots. Keep in mind, it is very easy for players to spot when you have it out!
The third item is the M98B. This is the sniper rifle for the Traitors. It does slightly more damage than the ordinary sniper that spawns on the map. It is useful for sniping players stood at long distances, but if a player is near they will easily see its a Traitor weapon.
The fourth item is the poison dart gun. This is a weapon which was added to the server, after being suggested by the server community. It has 3 bullets, which deals 90 damage (dealing 5 damage every second) leaving you on 10hp at the end.
The next weapon is the silenced pistol. This pistol will make victims die without screaming. This is very useful when picking off people with low health and not being noticed. It has a clip size of 20 and will add 20 ammo when you buy it.
The next item is the flare gun. The flare gun can be used to burn dead bodies, thus removing your DNA sample from the body. However, it leaves a burn mark, so people will be aware that someone is disposing bodies.
The next weapon you can buy is the suicide bomb. This is very simple to use. Hold it and click the right mouse button and a beep will begin. It will kill all players in a small radius around it.
The next item you can purchase is the decoy. This can be placed, and if a Detective uses the DNA scanner with a sample of your DNA it will lead them towards the decoy.
Next up is the teleporter. It is the same as the Detective (See above)
Next up is the poltergeist. This has 6 shots when purchased and it thrusts props forward at a deadly speed no matter what the size and creates 7 violent explosions. This is better for maps with large amounts of props, and isn't very effective for minecraft_b5.
Next is the radio. The Radio is placed on the ground and sounds can be played by opening a menu inside the shop screen (C). You can play a variety of sounds including gunfire, explosions screams and C4 beeping. Playing C4 beeping to scare people away from an exit to a T room or dead bodies or into a place where the C4 will soon explode. Playing gunfire noises can also be used to draw people to areas with a C4.
The next weapon is the recombobulator.. It shoots a bullet which, upon impact, creates a similar effect to the discombobulator. It will force players to be launched away from the location it hit. This weapon is most effective when a large crowd is present.
The 3rd weapon on the final row is the C4. The C4 is a timed explosive that can be set for anywhere from 45 seconds. The higher the timer is set for, the larger the blast will be. Also, the longer it is set for, the less wires are available for defusal.
The final item in the Traitor shop is the knife. The best tactic to use the knife is to walk up behind a player facing away from you. Stab them once, then by the time they can almost see who you are or turn around, stab them again. Other players who are nearby may hear them yell but they will not know that you did it. However, if you successfully get a kill with a knife, it will be unusable.


There are a few keybind which are very useful for playing in a TTT match, and I will list them here. I will say what to put in console, and give you an example of what it will look like in chat. All examples will be with 'PlayerX' as the target.
You bind the keybinds using the following format!
bind "KEY" "COMMAND"
ttt_radio traitor
Shows up as "________ is the traitor!"

The player who your crosshair is pointing at will be put into the blank space. This keybind can be used to KOS a player.
PlayerX is the traitor!
ttt_radio suspect
Shows up as "________ acts suspicious."

The player who your crosshair is pointing at will be put into the blank space. This keybind can be used to call suspicion on a player.
PlayerX acts suspicious
ttt_radio imwith
Shows up as "I'm with ________."

The player who your crosshair is pointing at will be put into the blank space. This keybind can be used to show what player you are with.
I'm with PlayerX
ttt_radio innocent
Shows up as "________ is innocent."

The player who your crosshair is pointing at will be put into the blank space. This keybind can be used to declare a player is innocent, primarily after testing. This keybind is best for Detective roles
PlayerX is innocent.
ttt_radio see
Shows up as "I see ________."

The player who your crosshair is pointing at will be put into the blank space. This keybind can be used to say who you are looking at / you can see across the map.
I see PlayerX
ttt_radio check
Shows up as "Anyone still alive?"

This types in chat a short phrase, to which players will respond to if they are alive. This is most commonly replaced by the next command I will show you
Anyone still alive?
This is a custom keybind set by typing:
bind "KEY" "say Lifecheck <-- Respond or KOS"
You can edit it to say what you want, but that is what the general keybind is.

TTT Keywords
KOS - Kill On Sight
When you see the player, kill them

RDM - Random DeathMatch
Killing a player for no reason, and with no evidence to kill them.

If you have any more ideas or contributions, leave them below!
I hope you find this guide helpful!
By Hazzenator -=|=- Screenshots / Video by Johnler
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Last Edit: 8 years 3 months ago by hazzenator.
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[TTT] The Ultimate TTT Guide 8 years 3 months ago #450381

Thanks for this man it will definitely help people out a bunch.
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[TTT] The Ultimate TTT Guide 8 years 3 months ago #450382

Whew nice job hazze! U clearly put time into this and this will be useful to a lot of people.
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[TTT] The Ultimate TTT Guide 8 years 3 months ago #450385

Nice job Hazz! You definitely put a lot of effort in it! But you must admit, i am the best photographer ever :lol: .
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Last Edit: 8 years 3 months ago by Johnler.
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[TTT] The Ultimate TTT Guide 8 years 3 months ago #450388

This looks amazing although you made 1 mistake, detectives spawn with 2 credits or at least I do when I spawn in
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[TTT] The Ultimate TTT Guide 8 years 3 months ago #450482

Amazing work, keep it up! Happy to see the staff team help out a lot more on the forums too!
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[TTT] The Ultimate TTT Guide 8 years 3 months ago #450508

nice keep it up
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[TTT] The Ultimate TTT Guide 8 years 3 months ago #450509

It will help new people!
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Fuck off Luki, why do you have to do this ear rape type beat to my homie EMP.. he JOINED YOUR CHANNEL just for you, and you welcome him like that ? come on bro, have some respect to the big ballers man, and when i say big ballers, i don't mean it in weight. He actually lost 250 pounds,
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[TTT] The Ultimate TTT Guide 8 years 3 months ago #450512

hazzenator wrote:
This is a custom keybind set by typing:
bind "KEY" "Lifecheck <-- Respond or KOS"
You've wrote the string wrong, it should read.
bind "Key" "say ..."

Also for all the TTT binds to show up in a menu you can use.
bind "key" "+zoom"
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Brother Gustro: sally is a minge
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[TTT] The Ultimate TTT Guide 8 years 3 months ago #450696

Sally wrote:
hazzenator wrote:
This is a custom keybind set by typing:
bind "KEY" "Lifecheck <-- Respond or KOS"
You've wrote the string wrong, it should read.
bind "Key" "say ..."

Also for all the TTT binds to show up in a menu you can use.
bind "key" "+zoom"

Thanks Sally, I have sorted out the issues!

As always, thanks for all the positive feedback!
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[TTT] The Ultimate TTT Guide 8 years 3 months ago #450702

Great guide! You've been working on this a while and I gotta say it has turned out very well!
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[TTT] The Ultimate TTT Guide 8 years 3 months ago #450799

Fantastfic guide! It will realy help people out!
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[TTT] The Ultimate TTT Guide 8 years 2 months ago #454347

Really nice guide from my pal hazz B) B)
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