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TOPIC: My thoughts on TTT - What do you think?

My thoughts on TTT - What do you think? 2 years 8 months ago #1386313

TTT Changes:

Custom Roles -

I think that some of the roles need to be altered to maintain the old feel of TTT that many players love.

2 - Swapper:

I would not be against up removing this role entirely. After watching 2 people kill eachother for 5 minutes straight I believe it adds nothing to the gamemode. It just delays the round and makes people either confused or bored of waiting and they end up leaving the server as a result. I cannot think of any changes that could be made to this role that would be a positive thing for the server so I'd just be rid of it. This role is also able to go into the T room on Minecraft_b5 and activate the traps, meaning they can kill other players, which goes against what this role is completely. I imagine they can do the same thing on other maps that use similar T rooms.

3 - Jester:

I do think the Jester is a fun role and can allow for some interesting strategies to take place. The problem is many people that play don't understand that this role is on the server or what it actually does. This results in them instantly killing the Jester and ruining the round for everyone else. Rather than end the round, I think once the jester is killed they come back to life in place of their killer and take over their role, and be rewarded with X amount of points for achieving their mission, and bonus EXP of course. This role is also able to go into the T room on Minecraft_b5 and activate the traps, meaning they can kill other players, which goes against what this role is completely. I imagine they can do the same thing on other maps that use similar T rooms.

6 - Assassin

At the moment being the assassin is more of a hindrance than anything else. When there's a handful of people online, it can take a while to find your target, especially on larger maps. You are practically useless until you find your target as the damage you deal to others is too little. Also, even if you do find and kill your target you have to wait 5 seconds to get a new target, rendering you useless during this time. I have a few changes in mind to combat these issues:

-**Maybe** allow the assassin to see aura of their target through walls, or give a radar like scan every few seconds to help find find their target on larger maps.
-Reduce the 5 second wait time between killing a target to make the role feel more satisfying.
-Change the damage dealt numbers to 125% to the target and 75% to non-targets.

7 - Old Man:

The old man role seems to be the new hot topic so I thought I’d add it to the thread. I am in agreement with the vast majority of the player base and believe the role is awful. Every time I play as the old man I get hit by a singular bullet from across the map and die, and don’t even have the chance to fight back since you only get a shotgun. This is especially common on the minecraft map as the entire thing is an open area, and the server is on that map 24/7. The role itself just feels like a waste of a full round and I’d much rather be a normal innocent. Every other role has a unique benefit and is generally better than its counterpart such as the paladin for detectives and the deputy for innocents, but the old man is more of a hindrance and is really unfun to play.

I was shocked to see Callum say people enjoy the role to be honest, all I’ve heard is complaints.

I think that keeping the server with as few custom roles as possible is important to maintain simplicity for new players. Not one of the popular TTT servers uses custom roles, showing they aren't necessary to have a popular server. Some of the roles are genuinely fun to mess around with so I do believe some of them should be kept to give the server an extra edge over others, but some of the roles I mentioned above are doing the opposite of this and need to be purged or changed.

These are the things I've gathered from the week I've been back. I'm curious to know if you agree with the changes I believe would be a positive change, and any other changes you have in mind to make the server better. Please share your thoughts/ideas!

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My thoughts on TTT - What do you think? 2 years 8 months ago #1386317

I think TTT is poo
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My thoughts on TTT - What do you think? 2 years 8 months ago #1386318

Nafe wrote:
I think TTT is poo
we share opinions
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My thoughts on TTT - What do you think? 2 years 8 months ago #1386336

My problem with a lot of the roles is that i really just dont want to play them. Ive got no problem with the deputy and paladin because they still act as a detective role without changing the core of the role. But for shit like Jester, Swapper and old man i dont want to just have to sit there doing nothing all round its just not fun. The Assassin also IMO sucks because i dont want to wait for a T round to have to spend my round hunting the 1 person im allowed to kill, its just not fun id rather be a normal traitor. Like if they are so invested in these roles at least add an avoid detecive mode like setting for them.
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My thoughts on TTT - What do you think? 2 years 8 months ago #1386339

Miia wrote:
My problem with a lot of the roles is that i really just dont want to play them. Ive got no problem with the deputy and paladin because they still act as a detective role without changing the core of the role. But for shit like Jester, Swapper and old man i dont want to just have to sit there doing nothing all round its just not fun. The Assassin also IMO sucks because i dont want to wait for a T round to have to spend my round hunting the 1 person im allowed to kill, its just not fun id rather be a normal traitor. Like if they are so invested in these roles at least add an avoid detecive mode like setting for them.

I agree. From what I've heard from the higher ups in the community the custom roles aren't going anywhere. If the swapper is removed and the jester is changed, I think the impact the custom roles make won't be too impactful. The idea of avoiding the custom roles is great too, and something I never even thought of. This should definitely be done for people like you who are just here for the classic TTT experience.

I was very close to mentioning the Assassin in this post as it's really impractical having to focus one person, especially when there's over 10 people online. I could be wrong, but from what I've seen the Assassin does double damage to their target and half to anyone else. Maybe change this to do 125% to the target and 75% to a non-target would make the role a little more playable. Even reducing the 5 second wait time to get a new target would be a good change.

I've added some ideas for changes to the role in my thread, thanks for sharing your thoughts! <3
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Last Edit: 2 years 8 months ago by Jim_Jam.
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My thoughts on TTT - What do you think? 2 years 8 months ago #1386344

Personally I think all the custom roles except swapper should be removed.
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My thoughts on TTT - What do you think? 2 years 8 months ago #1386348

all the roles just feel tacked on for me personally. I literally want to play 0 of them, especially roles like jester and old man and swapper. Why are there roles where the objective is to die and you do 0 damage? The gameplay consists of running around trying to get people to shoot you and then something happens that allows you to actually play the game (or you win for some reason if ur jester). Like what is this phantom garbage bro you die and now you can make your killer wiggle his left toe and play a cheeky game of hop scotch. There was no need to bring these extra roles in. No one ever said that a lack of roles was damaging the server and theres no way someone can argue that the new roles are bringing more players in when most people complain about them and how annoying they are.

Added on: lowkey the mad scientist role is pretty chill because adding zombies creates some interesting gameplay and i dont mind the assassin and paladin/ deputy roles but everything else is garbage for me.

EVEN MORE ADDED ON: why are there roles like jester that punish the Ts for playing man. My preferred gameplay style as traitor is always to catch people lacking with the sniper and generally not being found out, which i assume is the same for many people. Roles such as the jester and phantom punish the traitor for literally killing innocents. Yeah they dont do damage to you but how am i meant to know that if im shooting them first and asking questions later? Just feels so painful to snipe someone and find out they're the jester and you've lost the round just bc ur playing normally and now ur getting punished for that.
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My thoughts on TTT - What do you think? 2 years 8 months ago #1386368

A few of the biggest suggestions I have:

- Nerf the homing pigeon so you don't get randomly onetapped across the map by a fucking bird that can fly across b5 in about a second, making it slower and easier to dodge without inhuman reactions would help.

- Fix the assassin not counting as a "traitor". Basically, you can't complete daily challenges such as "kill X innocents or detectives as a traitor" as an assassin (even though you can complete "kill X traitors as an innocent or detective" with roles such as paladin and phantom), and betting on a player who gets the assassin role to win, and them surviving and winning as an assassin does not grant you the bet win.
There could be other roles this is broken for, but this is the only one I've found, and it's not consistent with the innocent or detective roles and is shit for completing daily challenges when there are only a few players..

- If it won't get removed, make both the swapper, and the person who killed the swapper, spawn someone else on the map, rather than where they were before, so you don't get new players constantly shooting each other because they're confused by the role

- If there is a jester or a swapper in the game, make a clear and obvious global notification that there is one, to give people at least a chance of not just killing someone for a valid reason and losing the game

- Make the old man have a somewhat useable purpose, maybe make the shotgun more powerful considering you only get 5 seconds to use it, and you get 2 shots of an unreliable melee-range gun.

- Fix the scoring system for jesters and swappers, basically if the jester wins, it looks like team bonuses are distributed as if both innocents and traitors won, and the jester only gets 1 point. For the swapper, it's an absolute shitshow if you turn from innocent to swapper to traitor, or back the other way. I believe points are given based on the role you spawned with, so if you become a traitor from an innocent and kill 3 innocents, you lose points and presumably karma based on an innocent killing another innocent

- Let me sort the leaderboard by score, I have no idea when this either broke or was changed, but it looks like some random mess if you sort it by score, my theory is it bases it on the score when you personally joined the server and isn't dynamic, but it's annoying.

- Lastly, there is a lot of visual cancer clutter from the amount of explosives in the traitor menu, tone that shit down a bit or even remove some of the items since very few of them get regular use. Who the fuck has ever bought a virus.

TL:DR fuck the homing pigeon, points scoring is pretty buggy, the jester/swapper are shit roles especially for new players, and there are too many traitor items, especially explosives.
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My thoughts on TTT - What do you think? 2 years 8 months ago #1386369

oh yeah and who thought it was a good idea to add a way to fly around the map like superman?
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My thoughts on TTT - What do you think? 2 years 8 months ago #1386377

Barely ever played TTT, but now with all these roles I definitely won't, genuinely don't understand why they added them, just makes it harder for new players to come into the server and understand what's going on e.g. me.
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My thoughts on TTT - What do you think? 2 years 8 months ago #1386409

Nogtog wrote:
all the roles just feel tacked on for me personally. I literally want to play 0 of them, especially roles like jester and old man and swapper. Why are there roles where the objective is to die and you do 0 damage? The gameplay consists of running around trying to get people to shoot you and then something happens that allows you to actually play the game (or you win for some reason if ur jester).

I think with the changes I’ve proposed to the Jester role it will have a much smaller impact on the server, and is frankly the best we can do since they want to keep the role on the server. I personally am not fully against the jester role if it is changed, it’s a fun way to mix up gameplay strategies and such, but people should be able to opt out of it like they can with detective because it literally defines what you do for a full round, and you can’t do anything else other than die.

Anyone who wants the swapper role to stay clearly doesn’t enjoy TTT for what it is. This role needs to be removed 100%

Nogtog wrote:
Like what is this phantom garbage bro you die and now you can make your killer wiggle his left toe and play a cheeky game of hop scotch.

I don’t even know what to think about the Phantom role. Feels like it’s there just for the sake of having a different innocent role.

Nogtog wrote:
There was no need to bring these extra roles in. No one ever said that a lack of roles was damaging the server and theres no way someone can argue that the new roles are bringing more players in when most people complain about them and how annoying they are.

I did think the same thing originally but after last night when loads of new players were on, I saw them have fun messing around with the new roles, so I believe they do give the server a bit of an edge over others.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts :)
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My thoughts on TTT - What do you think? 2 years 8 months ago #1386412

Nogtog wrote:
EVEN MORE ADDED ON: why are there roles like jester that punish the Ts for playing man. My preferred gameplay style as traitor is always to catch people lacking with the sniper and generally not being found out, which i assume is the same for many people. Roles such as the jester and phantom punish the traitor for literally killing innocents. Yeah they dont do damage to you but how am i meant to know that if im shooting them first and asking questions later? Just feels so painful to snipe someone and find out they're the jester and you've lost the round just bc ur playing normally and now ur getting punished for that.

Traitor roles can literally see who the Jester is by looking at them or by checking the scoreboard.

Pretty sure at lease some of the changes outlines in the OP are actually already in the next TTT update Callum's done which is coming in the next couple weeks!
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My thoughts on TTT - What do you think? 2 years 8 months ago #1386414

TheXnator wrote:
Nogtog wrote:
EVEN MORE ADDED ON: why are there roles like jester that punish the Ts for playing man. My preferred gameplay style as traitor is always to catch people lacking with the sniper and generally not being found out, which i assume is the same for many people. Roles such as the jester and phantom punish the traitor for literally killing innocents. Yeah they dont do damage to you but how am i meant to know that if im shooting them first and asking questions later? Just feels so painful to snipe someone and find out they're the jester and you've lost the round just bc ur playing normally and now ur getting punished for that.

Traitor roles can literally see who the Jester is by looking at them or by checking the scoreboard.

Pretty sure at lease some of the changes outlines in the OP are actually already in the next TTT update Callum's done which is coming in the next couple weeks!
If the new roles are supposed to be visable on the scoreboard they are not. Jester/Swapper does not appear for traitors and the paladin doesnt show up as a detective.

You can see the Jester icon over someones head but i get where he is coming from, a there are a few models/hats that cover the icon so you cant really see it.
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My thoughts on TTT - What do you think? 2 years 8 months ago #1386421

TheXnator wrote:
Nogtog wrote:
EVEN MORE ADDED ON: why are there roles like jester that punish the Ts for playing man. My preferred gameplay style as traitor is always to catch people lacking with the sniper and generally not being found out, which i assume is the same for many people. Roles such as the jester and phantom punish the traitor for literally killing innocents. Yeah they dont do damage to you but how am i meant to know that if im shooting them first and asking questions later? Just feels so painful to snipe someone and find out they're the jester and you've lost the round just bc ur playing normally and now ur getting punished for that.

Traitor roles can literally see who the Jester is by looking at them or by checking the scoreboard.

Pretty sure at lease some of the changes outlines in the OP are actually already in the next TTT update Callum's done which is coming in the next couple weeks!
mb gang :unsure:
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My thoughts on TTT - What do you think? 2 years 8 months ago #1386424

TheXnator wrote:
Nogtog wrote:
EVEN MORE ADDED ON: why are there roles like jester that punish the Ts for playing man. My preferred gameplay style as traitor is always to catch people lacking with the sniper and generally not being found out, which i assume is the same for many people. Roles such as the jester and phantom punish the traitor for literally killing innocents. Yeah they dont do damage to you but how am i meant to know that if im shooting them first and asking questions later? Just feels so painful to snipe someone and find out they're the jester and you've lost the round just bc ur playing normally and now ur getting punished for that.

Traitor roles can literally see who the Jester is by looking at them or by checking the scoreboard.

Pretty sure at lease some of the changes outlines in the OP are actually already in the next TTT update Callum's done which is coming in the next couple weeks!

I know for a fact that most of the bullet points mentioned at the beginning of my post are fixed in the next update. The problem with that is they are all pretty big bugs that I don’t think we should have to wait multiple weeks for them to be fixed.

I’m curious to know your thoughts on what I wrote about the swapper and jester role too, since I know you’re against them being removed from the server.
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Last Edit: 2 years 8 months ago by Jim_Jam.
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My thoughts on TTT - What do you think? 2 years 8 months ago #1386431

did you know that the paladin job has script errors?
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My thoughts on TTT - What do you think? 2 years 8 months ago #1386534

Jim_Jam wrote:
TTT Changes:

  • Fix the bloody F1 menu because I'm fed up of picking the weapon I want over and over.

  • Fix the bloody Contender!!!!

  • Fix half the roles not showing as red/blue in tab menu

  • Make is so a minimum of 4 people are needed for a Mad Scientist

  • The end of round pop-up can't be clicked and dragged meaning half of it is offscreen when there's over 20 people on

  • Custom Roles -

    I think that some of the roles need to be altered to maintain the old feel of TTT that many players love.

    1 - Most of the custom roles don't reward points for killing, making the process of getting diamonds even slower. This needs to be fixed ASAP to allow new players to get new cosmetics and reduce the insanely long grind to get anything.

    2 - Swapper:

    I would not be against up removing this role entirely. After watching 2 people kill eachother for 5 minutes straight I believe it adds nothing to the gamemode. It just delays the round and makes people either confused or bored of waiting and they end up leaving the server as a result. I cannot think of any changes that could be made to this role that would be a positive thing for the server so I'd just be rid of it.

    3 - Jester:

    I do think the Jester is a fun role and can allow for some interesting strategies to take place. The problem is many people that play don't understand that this role is on the server or what it actually does. This results in them instantly killing the Jester and ruining the round for everyone else. Rather than end the round, I think once the jester is killed they come back to life in place of their killer and take over their role, and be rewarded with X amount of points for achieving their mission, and bonus EXP of course.

    4 - Deputy:

    Since they are there to fulfil the role of the detective, the least they should be given is 1 starting credit and a DNA scanner upon being promoted to detective.

    5 - Paladin:

    Script errors,Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors, Script errors... yeah fix the script errors

    6 - Assassin

    At the moment being the assassin is more of a hindrance than anything else. When there's a handful of people online, it can take a while to find your target, especially on larger maps. You are practically useless until you find your target as the damage you deal to others is too little. Also, even if you do find and kill your target you have to wait 5 seconds to get a new target, rendering you useless during this time. I have a few changes in mind to combat these issues:

    -**Maybe** allow the assassin to see aura of their target through walls, or give a radar like scan every few seconds to help find find their target on larger maps.
    -Reduce the 5 second wait time between killing a target to make the role feel more satisfying.
    -Change the damage dealt numbers to 125% to the target and 75% to non-targets.

    I think that keeping the server with as few custom roles as possible is important to maintain simplicity for new players. Not one of the popular TTT servers uses custom roles, showing they aren't necessary to have a popular server. Some of the roles are genuinely fun to mess around with so I do believe some of them should be kept to give the server an extra edge over others, but some of the roles I mentioned above are doing the opposite of this and need to be purged or changed.

    These are the things I've gathered from the week I've been back. I'm curious to know if you agree with the changes I believe would be a positive change, and any other changes you have in mind to make the server better. Please share your thoughts/ideas!

    Great Guy
    TTT couldn't have been expressed any better
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    My thoughts on TTT - What do you think? 2 years 8 months ago #1386559

    bruv what the fk are custom roles i just want to shoot people as red role and get shot as green role +support
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    My thoughts on TTT - What do you think? 2 years 8 months ago #1386629

    Who broke the bloody contender again?
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    My thoughts on TTT - What do you think? 2 years 8 months ago #1386807


    Turns out as a Jester or a Swapper you can go into the T room on minecraft_b5 and activate the traps to kill other players, which breaks the role even more.

    Still heard nothing from any higher-up about the changes I've suggested which is surprising considering the amount of support they have been given from the people that actively play TTT.
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