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TOPIC: Concerns on Serious Roleplay Server/Staff

Concerns on Serious Roleplay Server/Staff 11 years 3 weeks ago #39934

Today was the launch of the Serious Roleplay server; and I understand that there can be some problems and confusion but I feel like I should voice my concerns here.

Within seconds (literally) of joining this "Serious Roleplay" server there were multiple staff members online that were no-clipping around the server. One reason being there was a celebration for the opening; understandable. Although for some it seems they were doing it just because they could; and were just zooming around the map.

Physgun Access
A player on the server was driving in a fire truck, and an admin came down with noclip and started physgunning the fire truck stopping him from driving, ask a few questions, fly away, rinse and repeat. Another time I was in a firefight with Xhantium; a moderator came over physgunning me and pulling me away for virtually no reason.

SERIOUS Roleplay
Again I understand it's early, but this is the time to force roleplay on everybody playing and shove it down their throats. Right now basing, raiding, mugging, etc seems to be no different from any other DarkRP server. A strong system needs to be made to support /me's and other serious roleplay features for the server to be successful and for there to be real RP.

With all due respect, being a Super Admin on Friendly Player's HL2:RP server since the launch (7 months) I have a lot of experience with serious roleplay; and in order for this server to be successful these things along with a few more need to be stomped out quickly.
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"Tbh you would have been a cm by now if you hadn’t got banned." - EMP 5/10/18
Last Edit: 11 years 3 weeks ago by Viking.
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Concerns on Serious Roleplay Server/Staff 11 years 3 weeks ago #39935

I disagree, admins should be allowed to use no-clip whenever, discreetly would be good but, whats the point in them having the power to do it if there just gonna get told off? They have to walk around the map... almost all the time the admin doesn't see what caused the F1 to happen, so then being able to fly allows them.
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Concerns on Serious Roleplay Server/Staff 11 years 3 weeks ago #39936

Teddy_Legs wrote:
I disagree, admins should be allowed to use no-clip whenever, discreetly would be good but, whats the point in them having the power to do it if there just gonna get told off? They have to walk around the map... almost all the time the admin doesn't see what caused the F1 to happen, so then being able to fly allows them.
Clearly the superiors of the server disagree, seeing as the ability for an admin to noclip has been entirely disabled on the SeriousRP server because of the events that happened today.
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"Tbh you would have been a cm by now if you hadn’t got banned." - EMP 5/10/18
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Concerns on Serious Roleplay Server/Staff 11 years 3 weeks ago #39937

Teddy_Legs wrote:
I disagree, admins should be allowed to use no-clip whenever, discreetly would be good but, whats the point in them having the power to do it if there just gonna get told off? They have to walk around the map... almost all the time the admin doesn't see what caused the F1 to happen, so then being able to fly allows them.
Then why do we have the teleport or spectate commands? Both of those can be use way more effectively then noclip. With out player seeing admins zip around the map.
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Concerns on Serious Roleplay Server/Staff 11 years 3 weeks ago #39939

I completely agree that admins flying around the map with noclip is no use and simply kills the serious roleplay aspect. There was no need to disable it completely but I guess one admin can ruin it for the rest who could put it to actual good uses but oh well.
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Concerns on Serious Roleplay Server/Staff 11 years 3 weeks ago #39943

highly professional
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Concerns on Serious Roleplay Server/Staff 11 years 3 weeks ago #39944

I think we should have some sort of a staff member guideline that whenever one is noclipping, they must cloak themselves. I do agree it ruins the rp completely, because every time I noclip throughout the map, people yell at me and stop roleplaying.
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Concerns on Serious Roleplay Server/Staff 11 years 3 weeks ago #39945

Yeah, I would rather much noclip was only used when inspecting a base or needing to access a base for some reason. The admins should use the spectate feature and for those who do not actually know this, you can actually use spectate on a random player then right click to free yourself from being locked to a player. This would allow you to fly around in the spectate mode and inspect things rather than fly around and disrupt the players who are trying to roleplay.
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Concerns on Serious Roleplay Server/Staff 11 years 3 weeks ago #39946

I would just like to point out that no admin was no clipping when explained it wasn't aloud instead it was the super admins breaking their own rule. Or does it not apply to them, does being a role model for the server not matter?
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