I could fully agree with what you're saying. Why is it that someone must play on server 1 to be accepted for a certain position, just because most people prefer going over there, its sad that you never actually see someone saying "be more active on server 2", its like you guys don't even give a damn about that server.]
Btw, gmod troller changed, he had a week with most f1s, started being active, now he's saying people that work hard actually don't. Take for example what happened with you, gmod troller said that you don't do enough f1s, even tho you did 300+ that week that he continuously kept on mentioning it.
Btw, Gmod, if you see this then explain why is it that when someone made a thread about cody doing his job right, you say "what about me", Is that all you want? attention? is that what you do this for? you may dislike me after this, but you changed.
╯№Walrus╰ wrote:
I agree with you.
If you're applying for moderator, or already a staff member, you should be active on both servers equally.
Not just be on one and live a simply life.
The thing is that people think of server 1 like the main server and server 2 like a side server that doesn't matter.
Btw usually nowadays the amount of players is pretty much the same on both.