sergeilol wrote:
Xanthium Harper.
Pfft. How incompetent, they can't even spell their leader's name correctly.
You can try and 'big yourselves up' with your apparent 'weapons', however we're remaining modest about stockpiling. When we do decide to hit harder than obliterating Blazer and Chungwogo's base, you'll know about it: we're waiting for the right time to strike, because we use strategy rather than blowing up an empty base then running like a coward.
Your claims are also very ambiguous, you have not yet proven your apparent capabilities and I personally invite you to do so.
we are truely an brotherhood
You're clearly not a brotherhood, you wouldn't be claiming that you're even comparable to us if we weren't already ahead of you. Unfortunately, kidnapping is a sign of how 'ard you are around here, and we chuckle at the way you see our business. Just a bunch of cowards.
Nor do we charge 1m for joining the gang.
We're financially supported by our gang members, as they believe in the gang. You are prepared to let anyone in with no 'deposit' of any kind, and therefore you have a weakness.
Let's use a case study to put it into perspective. You instantly allowed one "Matthew Nameful" to join your so-called 'gang', but the decision was so spontaneous, you didn't consider the welfare of one of several members that have personal disputes with him. God, learn how to make your people happy at least, Harpers.
To be fair, we've won many battles, but so have you: we won't sugar coat it. The war is ongoing, you and your lack of hesitation to use explosives will cost you greatly, you're only trying to drag us down because we're already above you. Be warned, we may appear pretty dormant as it stands, but when we do get bored and find our leisure in pouncing on you and mauling on you, we'll do it in style: you won't know what hit you.