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TOPIC: [SSRP] Changelog

[SSRP] Changelog 4 years 2 months ago #1304807

Changelog 12/01/2021:

[ADD] Expiry times added to Daily Objectives tab
[ADD] Option to disable double-equipping special weapons in Settings menu

[FIX] Other players being able to enter your Hoverbike
[FIX] Wrong text on Forcefield prize
[FIX] Icicles staying forever sometimes from Ice King
[FIX] Door charges working on un-openable doors
[FIX] Rare error in Suits code
[FIX] K398 rounds exploding forever on Forcefields
[FIX] Getting killed by your own tripmines in some cases
[FIX] Not being able to open Anti-cheat links
[FIX] Air Drop notification getting stuck at 00:00
[FIX] Camera Bug: You can't see your own playerinfo box when you are using a camera
[FIX] Floor is Lava: Sometimes, while exiting the event, you will respawn inside the event arena.
[FIX] Floor is Lava: Props may spawn inside players, meaning they'll be stuck and can't get out
[FIX] Sometimes the scan jammer will not go away after a player that had placed it down disconnected.
[FIX] You are able to "steal" the staff from the ice king, if you weapon check it
[FIX] Zone Captures: If you start a PSG-1 only zone capture, and join a "one in the chamber event" you won't have any weapons upon joining the event

[CHANGE] You can now use multiple binds at once again
[CHANGE] Forcefields can now be opened by EMP Grenades, Nano Suit & Combat Drone
[CHANGE] Forcefields now stay open for a bit longer
[CHANGE] Forcefields cannot be manually re-enabled whilst hacked
  • Chuteuk
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[SSRP] Changelog 3 years 11 months ago #1327204

Weapon Balancing Changes

These changes have been made with detailed input from the SSRP Council giving each weapon a unique rating based on how different users rated each weapons ability and the weapons overall stats such as damage, ammo, reload times and equip sounds. We hope you will find these balances fair and fun!

Changelog 03/04/2021:

[CHANGE] Golden gluon gun - Added equip sound
[CHANGE] Gluon gun - Added equip sound
[CHANGE] K398 Predator - Electric Round - Now disables forcefields for 20 seconds
[CHANGE] Valkyrie rockets - 50% higher damage when boosting for 2 seconds
[CHANGE] Inferno - Charge up time reduced to 0.5
[CHANGE] Lightning gun - 25% Damage Buff
[CHANGE] Dynamite launcher - Radius reduced by 40% - Damage increased by 40%
[CHANGE] M303 - Slower rocket speed
[CHANGE] Orbital Strike - Radius reduced by approx 100% - Sound nerfed
[CHANGE] Railgun - Reduced sound. Added splash damage. Removed prop damage. Fire rate to 1.2. Mag size to 5, total to 10. Increase 550 damage when player hit
[CHANGE] Electro cannon - Now shows ammo. Increase damage by 40% Primary ammo 12. Alt ammo 4
[CHANGE] Spartan laser - Zoom scaling fixed. Fire speed/cooldown reduced 50%
[CHANGE] Napalm launcher - Increased ammo to 10. Clip size to 5
[CHANGE] Orb launcher - Reduced crafting prices by 500%
[CHANGE] Ion cannon - Increased alt fire ammo to 50
[CHANGE] Milkor MGL - 50% Ammo increase 6 and 12
[CHANGE] Deanimator - Reduce charge time by 50%
[CHANGE] Flamethrower - Damage increased by 50%
[CHANGE] Nail gun - Increase bullet speed by 50% Damage increase by 25%
[CHANGE] RPG - Increase ammo by 50%. Blows up doors
[CHANGE] Matador - Increase ammo by 50%. Blows up doors
[CHANGE] Gauss rifle - Removed holster timer
[CHANGE] Jetgun - Main prop damage increase by 100%
[CHANGE] Summoner - Removed holster timer
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[SSRP] Changelog 3 years 9 months ago #1343890

Changelog 13/06/2021:

[ADD] Added missing suits to leaderboards
[ADD] Equip sound to Gluon Gun
[ADD] Mix3rz as Map Developer
[ADD] Added global completion chat message for zone captures
[ADD] Added time remaining for zone captures to HUD for other gangs
[ADD] Network currently active zone captures to clients on connection

[FIX] Banned players performing some actions
[FIX] Transfering gang button not working
[FIX] World model dropping master sword/flaming master sword
[FIX] Bartender drinks with Pineapple not working
[FIX] Bartender hiding players hiding ice etc
[FIX] Lua error when being sick
[FIX] Lua errors from rad shields and other placable items
[FIX] Hits being stuck above head
[FIX] Exploits with the Grim Reaper suit
[FIX] Auction House display not working after a bid sometimes
[FIX] Exploits related to Hoverboards
[FIX] /buyarmor exploit with banned players
[FIX] Rare error with propeller trap
[FIX] Location not showing in server browser
[FIX] De-activating nukes whilst dead
[FIX] Crafting not checking weight correctly
[FIX] Hoverbike exploit
[FIX] Not being able to unragdoll players in some cases
[FIX] Golden Carrots resetting suit health to 150HP
[FIX] ACS Bubble effects being the wrong color
[FIX] Plants sometimes show they are finished before they are
[FIX] Rare errors in the Bartender system
[FIX] Owner avatars cut off in the gang leaderboards
[FIX] Turrets not being removed on player disconnect
[FIX] Lua error from printer shelf when printers are destroyed
[FIX] Rare Lua error in Events when a hologram is nearby
[FIX] Summoner exploit when reloading
[FIX] Dynamite being grav-gunnable
[FIX] Error when pressing gmod buttons
[FIX] While jailed, if you climb into a chair, you are able to become invisible, and in some weird occasions, can't die, only if you remain on the chair.
[FIX] Undercover issues
[FIX] If you spectate a Player while in the helicopter and another player ice kings the player you are spectating, then you will be teleported to that persons location
[FIX] When spectating a user in the police helicopter, both parties can see chat messages sent by the other user as if the spectator were next to the spectated player
[FIX] When a player is spectating someone on the police helicopter, the player can use a camera to see the overhead HUD of the spectating player overlayed on their ow
[FIX] When bartending, if you are hit twice with the battle axe you will be teleported over to the bartender NPC not being able to move
[FIX] After certain arena events, (maze remix) I believe, the weapons aren't removing and you are left with the event weapons in the arena
[FIX] When you arrest a grim reaper in hover mode, it tps the player outside of the jails/map
[FIX] Some weapons not refunding correctly after restarts
[FIX] Deathroll animation will use the correct upper limit instead of the initial limit
[FIX] Coinflip chat correctly resets on creation of a new Coinflip
[FIX] Items which the user does not have will no longer sometimes appear in the Coinflip menu
[FIX] Roll value constraints applied properly clientside to prevent a visual glitch for initiator when entering negative roll values
[FIX] Fixed: [ERROR] gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/zarpcoinflip/cl_zarpcoinflip.lua:474: malformed pattern (ends with '%')
[FIX] Fixed: [ERROR] gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/zarpcoinflip/cl_zarpcoinflip.lua:484: attempt to call field 'Populate' (a nil value)
[FIX] Error with AdvDupe2
[FIX] Error with C4
[FIX] Issue with nerve gas
[FIX] Issue with rapsheet ban reasons not being saved sometimes
[FIX] Rare Lua errors in FAdmin
[FIX] Player bones getting fucked by the Hoverbike sometimes
[FIX] Errors related to the Medi Shield
[FIX] Battering Ram not working on some chairs/vehicles
[FIX] Error with the Ice King
[FIX] Rare error with the Laser pistol
[FIX] Errors when entering or leaving the Nightclub sometimes
[FIX] Daily objective for successful bank raids completing sometimes in error

[CHANGE] Can now drop master sword
[CHANGE] Hoverbike/Hoverboards will now stay for longer after you get off of them
[CHANGE] You can now equip weapons in PD Raids for the first 2 minutes
[CHANGE] When a custom event is scheduled the previous event will restore afterwards
[CHANGE] Timer no longer resets when you die on the Maze Remix event
[CHANGE] Slight delay on receiving rewards from coinflips to prevent the result being known before the animation ends
[CHANGE] Initiator will be notified when the coinflip request times out (after 45 seconds)
[CHANGE] Indicator in the menu for which side correlates to each player (Coinflips)
[CHANGE] Reduced roll animation length to 4 seconds (from 6) (Coinflips)
[CHANGE] Coinflip menu can be closed during the flip and reopened with !coinflip (or through the F4 menu)
[CHANGE] Added header display with coinflip type, value and opponent
[CHANGE] Added a button in the tab menu to send a player a coinflip request which will automatically select the player in the dropdown
[CHANGE] Coinflip rolls will display in chat for nearby players to allow 'spectating'
  • Chuteuk
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Last Edit: 3 years 9 months ago by Chuteuk.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Mix3rz, xDutchCat, Killa Kappa, Mr. Richard, Skippergroe

[SSRP] Changelog 3 years 5 months ago #1366457

Changelog 13/10/2021:

[ADD] Improved coinflip system
[ADD] Added new weapons to PD Auctions
[FIX] Fixed issues with wrong player hands showing sometimes in viewmodel
[CHANGE] You can now equip weapons/suits during a PD Raid
[CHANGE] Improved PD Raid rewards
[FIX] Bug with flamethrower kill logs
[FIX] Club queue likes showing zero in one part of the menu
[FIX] Ice King ability on tasered players causing issues
[FIX] Hoverboard still showing weapon models sometimes
[FIX] Becoming wanted for killing banned players
[FIX] Ice King issue reported by Mungers
[FIX] Nano above head hud hidden even when not cloaked sometimes
[FIX] Drink given by bartenders showing all items within it
[FIX] Golden Suits showing normal skin when dying sometimes
[FIX] Lottery being won by disconnected players who had entered it
[FIX] Special printer limits not working sometimes

[CHANGE] CDM is now enabled on Riverden
[FIX] Issue with upgrading grass press
[FIX] Lawmowing trailer attaching to multiple trailers
[FIX] Lawnmowing errors
[CHANGE] Increased money gained from lawnmowing
[FIX] Issues with Floor is Lava
[FIX] Chairs not being invisible in chairs of death
[FIX] Hoverbike MK2 upgrade requiring the wrong item
[FIX] Some suit effects being broken
[CHANGE] Other menus close automatically when starting trades/coinflips
[FIX] Not being able to pick up PD gas cans sometimes during a raid

[CHANGE] Equipped cosmetics will now save across restarts, map changes and when rejoining the server
[CHANGE] Cosmetics can now be equipped with most special suits
[ADD] Added craftable printer case
[ADD] Added printer limit character upgrade
[ADD] Added timed character upgrades - activate certain character upgrades for them to last a given amount of time
[CHANGE] Owned character upgrades highlighted green in menu, unowned highlighted in red
[ADD] Added "/holster silent" chat command to holster a weapon without a notification
[CHANGE] Prevent cops from using illegal drugs
[ADD] Added Hyper Suit Blueprint
[CHANGE] Increase cooldown on placing a hoverbike to 15 seconds
[ADD] Added Easter Case, Summer Box, Hell Case, GenCorp Case and Flower Box to Airdrop "Star" items
[ADD] Added Lawnmower job with levelling progression and unlocks
[ADD] Added Grass Hat exclusive cosmetic
[ADD] Added Grass Box
[ADD] Added Green Flaming Jet Suit
[ADD] Added Grassy Aperture Science Hoverboard
[ADD] Green Flaming Minigun 2.0
[ADD] Green Flaming Portable EMP
[CHANGE] Removed perma textscreens
[CHANGE] Changed cosmetics menu to sort in order of price (ascending)
[ADD] Hats case with new cosmetics: black cap, flat cap, horse mask, alienware mask, vaultboy mask, toeto hat, headphones, top hat
[ADD] Add Hyper Suit Blueprint to No Suits zone capture

Suit balancing changes decided on by the lead team:

Knight Demon:
Gluon resistance reduced to 15%

Visor Suit:
Jump power reduced to 400

Holo Pilot Suit:
Damage resistance increased to 10%
Jump power increased to 350

Jet Suit:
Health increased to 750
Armor increased to 1000
Damage resistance increased to 5%

Warp Suit:
Armor increased to 1000
Gluon resistance increased to 10%
Damage resistance increased to 5%
  • Chuteuk
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Last Edit: 3 years 5 months ago by Chuteuk.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: OnionRings, Mix3rz, Killa Kappa, alit, Mr. Richard and 2 more...

[SSRP] Changelog 3 years 2 months ago #1373237

Changelog 19/12/2021:

[ADD] Missions System
[ADD] Melee damage boost upgrade
[ADD] Gang Store
[ADD] Printer Limit Gang Buff
[ADD] Entity Manufacturing Gang Buff
[ADD] Utility Printer Gang Buff
[ADD] Police Hacking Gang Buff
[ADD] Prison Bribery Gang Buff
[ADD] Advanced Hit Protection Gang Buff
[ADD] 10-member limit for gangs
[ADD] Santa Job
[ADD] Gift Box
[ADD] Optimum Case
[ADD] Chat notification when lawnmower is full
[ADD] "Craft Max" option in crafting menu
[ADD] Missing materials highlighted red in crafting menu
[ADD] Christmas Craftables
[ADD] Christmas seasonal themeing
[ADD] Christmas gift boxes and gift trade up

[CHANGE] Updated Casino chips exchange with new items and prices
[CHANGE] Grass Press now puts grass bales directly to your inventory to be sold to the NPC
[CHANGE] Gang max allies changed to 4 (previously 2)
[CHANGE] Printer disconnect timer changed to 10 minutes (previously 5 minutes)
[CHANGE] Printer Limit Upgrade length changed to 10 days (previously 7 days)
[CHANGE] Printer Limit Upgrade price changed to $75,000,000 (previously $100,000,000)

[FIX] An assortment of bug fixes
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Discord: thexnator

Former Community Owner: 2020-2022
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Mr. Richard, Faithful

[SSRP] Changelog 3 years 3 weeks ago #1377229

Changelog 17/02/2022 - Valentines Update:

[ADD] New F4 menu
[ADD] Category-based sorting for inventory and bank
[ADD] Ability to remove multiple of the same item in one go
[ADD] F4 menu theme selection
[ADD] Buying sections in shops (thanks to Jawson for the suggestion)
[ADD] 30 second maximum length for helicopter use
[ADD] Average prices in player shop checkouts
[ADD] Card Trade Up - convert free card packs to premium card packs to gift boxes
[ADD] Seasonal missions: I Love You, Spin the Wheel and Trade 2 Gift Boxes
[ADD] New Plant Shelf
[ADD] Printer Shelf Limit Upgrade
[ADD] New drug crafting system - purchase ingredients from the drug dealer or pharmacist to make drugs directly
[ADD] Readded drug lab coolers (standard, aqua and (VIP only) helium)
[ADD] Readded Shitty Alcohol and Vodka
[ADD] More detailed printer collection logs for CM+

[CHANGE] Increased base lottery limit to $100,000,000
[CHANGE] Reduced Nuclear Launch minimum players to 12
[CHANGE] Reduced Bank Vault Raid minimum players to 8 and minimum cops to 3
[CHANGE] Reduced Zone Capture minimum players to 10, minimum cops to 3 and minimum other gang members to 3
[CHANGE] Increased Police Helicopter use price to $1,000,000 (from $500,000)
[CHANGE] Reduced rainbow border loot cost to 1,000,000
[CHANGE] Reduced rainbow background loot cost to 1,500,000
[CHANGE] Reduced red & green background loot cost to 500,000
[CHANGE] Reduced red & green border loot cost to 800,000

[REMOVE] Santa Job
[REMOVE] Christmas seasonal content

[FIX] Fixed a bug with Mission allocation causing there to not always be 5 of each type
[FIX] Fixed a bug causing winning in the Casino Daily Objective to not work correctly
[FIX] Fixed a bug causing printers to not always be removed correctly if the server was empty
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Discord: thexnator

Former Community Owner: 2020-2022
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The following user(s) said Thank You: steeve ho you fat, Mr. Richard

[SSRP] Changelog 2 years 11 months ago #1380996

Changelog 26/03/2022 - March Update:

TheXnator's Changes:

- Added gang levelling system
- Added gang inventory system
- Added Inventory gang unlock
- Added Inventory Weight Limit gang unlock
- Added Golden EVO Suit
- Added Golden Wheel
- Added teleporters (Spawn, Casino, Lake, Quarry)
- Added case odds to Cases tab in the F4 menu
- Added 3 second cooldown after teleporting to Knight Demon
- Increased damage from tripmines after teleporting for Knight Demon
- Added 5 second cooldown after equipping before Grim Reaper scythe can be used
- Added job limit bypass for new players (5 days)
- Added drug runners to criminal group chat
- Fixed lawnmower key presses feeling choppy
- Fixed Ice King exploit
- Fixed Visor Suit exploit
- Updated Drug LImit description
- Fixed Drug Limit 2 upgrade
- Fixes missing ingredient price for adderall

Martin's Changes:

- Added auto mining with optional auto gem conversion
- Special suits automatically get unequipped upon getting arrested
- Added new model for the pot shelf and increased slot count to 10
- Increased pot limit to 10 for players that have purchased VIP
- Added new vehicle damage system and a "Vehicle Armor" player upgrade
- Added new model for the PD van and severely increased it's health
- Added "Enable / Disable Gang Weapons" button back to the gang tab
- Re-worked the blueprints tab and added ability to craft up to 10 blueprints of one kind at once
- Added "h_makedrug" console command which spawns an entity version of any drug (HA+)
- Added "Diamond Carrot" which can be crafted from 200 golden carrots (Good Luck!)
- Added new FAdmin buttons for changing a player's name and title (SA+)
- Added new FAdmin buttons for running an announcement (SA+) and scheduling a server restart (HA+)
- Added new info label to the server settings page on the scoreboard that shows the server uptime
- Added pots and pot shelves to the Head Admin ESP (Get ready for abuse!)
- Fixed FAdmin states not being transfered to new clients properly (ie. nametags above cloaked admins)
- Fixed "/giveammo" command not giving you an error message when entering an invalid ammo type
- Fixed "Alcohol" and "Vodka" being considered "illegal drugs", even though they're meant to be legal
- The Knight Demon can no longer target godded admins and can no longer be used while frozen
- Fixed item search in trade, coinflip and shop menu not taking display names of weapons into account
- Fixed shop weight not being calculated properly on the server when you have buy requests in your shop
- Fixed dumpster diving being limited to police jobs instead of hobo and mutant
- Fixed gang border / background / title effects not re-equipping properly when re-joining the server
- Fixed police jobs being able to start a nuclear launch even though it's illegal
- Fixed drugs being taken out of your inventory uppon attempting to use them as a cop
- Fixed "Win x Casino Chips" daily objective not working properly
- Fixed occasional lua error when opening the gang tab for the first time
- Fixed lua error when trying to use the "/setaccess" command on a Community Owner (don't even try!)
- Fixed lua error when attempting to use the crafting table
- Cooldown message when respawning cars now shows seconds left when there is less than a minute left
- Fixed printer shelf interaction cooldown message always showing you a "10 second" cooldown
- Fixed some grammar and spelling oversights in various messages
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Chuteuk, Mr. Richard, Faithful

[SSRP] Changelog 2 years 9 months ago #1384551

Changelog 04/06/2022 - June Update:

- Added vehicle upgrades: Engine, Acceleration, Brakes, Fuel Tank, Armor
- Added Mechanic job to repair vehicles and earn money
- Added emergency vehicles for CP jobs
- Added Holden HSV W427 Police (emergency vehicle)
- Added Mitsubishi Evo X Police (emergency vehicle)
- Added Charger SRT8 Police (emergency vehicle)
- Added 2012 Charger SRT8 Police (emergency vehicle)
- Added Slamvan car
- Added Blade car
- Added BMW M5 E60 car
- Added trashman job
- Added Trash Box
- Added Vortex Minigun 2.0
- Added Vortex Gluon Gun
- Added Vortex ACS
- Added Bus Driver job
- Added Social Rewards
- Added Discord join rewards
- Added Discord Nitro boost rewards ingame
- Added steam group rewards
- Added [ZARP] name tag rewards
- Added forum account link rewards
- Custom events will now be announced on Discord when scheduled
- "Delete Loadout" button in inventory

- Changed HUD to scale correctly on different resolutions
- Changed some elements of the vehicle HUDs to be clearer
- Changed crafting HUD to scale properly
- Changed "New Items" bar to be clickable
- Unavailable gang upgrades are greyed out
- Unavailable crafting items are greyed out
- Event system has been changed to use the new vehicle system
- Printer shelf USE distance has been reduced
- Selling drugs now gives gang EXP for every 30 sold
- Drugs weight increased to 1.5 (from 0.5)
- Head Admin ESP no longer saves across relogs and restarts
- Head Admin ESP now logs properly when enabled or disabled

- Pharmacy EXP for making drugs
- Drug runs displaying as if another could be done
- Performance issues

- Easter seasonal content
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Discord: thexnator

Former Community Owner: 2020-2022
Last Edit: 2 years 9 months ago by TheXnator.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Faithful

[SSRP] Changelog 2 years 9 months ago #1384691

Changelog 06/06/2022 - June Update Patch:

- Added mechanic npc to repair your vehicle even when there are no players with the mechanic job
- Added 5 new trashman levels for those who already grinded to level 10 (Good luck!)

- Bus driver shift now ends when you walk away from you bus, instead of 30 seconds after leaving your bus
- Mechanics can now open the mechanic call menu by pressing F7, instead of right-clicking with their repair tool
- Changed some cooldown messages to include the actual number of minutes you have to wait
- Added help messages for mechanics when trying to repair a non-call vehicle and trying to handle your own call

- Mechanic calls didn't get removed properly when the caller left the server
- Vehicles that were entirely destroyed respawned at full health - they now respawn at 50% of their maximum health
- Equipping a starter gluon gun didn't work properly
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The following user(s) said Thank You: TheXnator, Faithful

[SSRP] Changelog 2 years 8 months ago #1386762

Changelog 01/07/2022:

- Added new admin center
- Added new /report command and F1 menu
- Added new activity tracking and report count tracking system
- Added City Events for case prizes (which will happen automatically every 30-60mins)
- Added new weekly leaderboards system (with golden giveaways for 3 weeks)
- Added Invincible Props event day (props cannot take damage)

- Changed admin center menu size
- Updated uranium processor rewards
- Reduced grass press processing speed

- Fixed admin center not showing activity correctly
- Fixed F4 menu dropdown colours
- Fixed bug allowing some weapons to damage props on invincible props day
  • TheXnator
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Discord: thexnator

Former Community Owner: 2020-2022
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Nafe, Faithful

[SSRP] Changelog 2 years 7 months ago #1390402

(SUMMER UPDATE 2022) Changelog 09/08/2022:

- Added Deep Sea Mining job
- Added Iron, Bronze, Sapphire, Titanium, Emerald, Platinum, Diamond and Tiberium ores
- Added Deep Sea Crates
  • Can find ore of current tier, blueprint cases, weapons cases, tactical insertion points, uranium, iridium pickaxes, supercharged uranium, power crystals and case relics - rewards found are based on total tier of your suit, bag and drill, some rewards are only available at or above certain tiers

- Added crafting for Evil Box, Snow Case, GenCorp Case and Haunted Case
- Added support for all-time/non-prize based leaderboard
- Added total money leaderboard
- Added total time played leaderboard
- Added weekly special leaderboards
  • One leaderboard per week chosen with a special suit as 1st place and the respective cases for 2nd and 3rd - announced in the Discord every Friday on reset

- Added Heated Wheel (Premium Card Pack, Summer Box, Blueprint Case, Weapons Case, Rares Case, Heated Case, Free Card Pack)
  • Premium Card Pack, Summer Box, Blueprint Case, Weapons Case, Rares Case, Heated Case, Free Card Pack

- Added Heated Case
  • Printer Suit, Hacker Grenade, Heated Printer, Shrink Ray, Bat, Squirty Water Gun

- Added Printer Suit
  • x7 all printers placed after equipping suit - printers blow up on death or unequip, cannot be taken off for 5mins after taking damage from another player

- Added Hacker Grenade
  • Disables suit abilities, removes suit armour and disrupts visuals for suits in explosion radius

- Added Shrink Ray
  • Shrink targets to between 30 and 80% of their normal size and scale health accordingly

- Added Bat
  • Hits players far away

- Added Squirty Water Gun
  • Push people away and do rapid-fire damage with primary fire, AOE bubbles which ignore ACS shield with secondary fire

- Added Heated Printer
- Added Workers Day server event
  • x2 pay from certain "workers" category jobs

- Changed map to rp_downtown_tits_v2
  • All gamemode features ported over accordingly

- Added 5 more gang levels
- Added Inventory Limit 2 gang upgrade (level 7 needed)
- Added back Zone Management tab for CM+

- Buffed all non-special printers
- Starting cash increased to $1,000,000 (from $100,000)
- CDM disabled in Spawn and surrounding tunnels
- Rebalanced mission level EXP requirements and rewards
- Renamed Bus Driver to Taxi Driver and replaced Bus with Taxi
- Fixing faults in the Nuclear Power Plant now give EXP

- "Craft Max" option fixed
- Undercover staff can no longer handle F1s and don't get F1 popups
- Weekly report counts fixed
- Some mayor policy bugs fixed
- Fixed visual bug in "All Shops" tab when more than 3 player-owned shops are open
- Various bug fixes in Nuclear Power Plant
  • TheXnator
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Discord: thexnator

Former Community Owner: 2020-2022
Last Edit: 2 years 7 months ago by TheXnator.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: OnionRings, Markus, Faithful, CEO of Business

[SSRP] Changelog 2 years 4 months ago #1395629

(HALLOWEEN UPDATE 2022) Changelog 31/10/2022:

- (*) Halloween Map - A haunted version of the usual rp_downtown_tits_v2. Don't get lost in the backrooms!
- (*) Backrooms Challenge - A spooky challenge that can be completed multiple times for various rewards
- (*) Pumpkin Drop - A seasonal minigame that gives you various rewards in exchange for gems
- Pumpkin Case - A new case containing the following new items:
  • Hunter Suit - New suit with a powerful pouncing ability that lets you pin your enemies to the ground
  • Warp Trap - Sneaky remote-controllable trap that pulls in nearby players and kills them quickly
  • Poison Grenade - Grenade that unleashes an incurable disease upon nearby players
  • Shield Gun - Strong chargeable melee weapon with a temporary directional shield
  • Breaching Charge - Instantly destroys any prop for quick and easy raids
  • Pumpkin Printer - Seasonal printer with increased money printing rate
- Improved Map Tab - Overhauled map tab in the F4 menu with zooming, panning, markers and placeable waypoints
- Minimap HUD - Highly customizable minimap hud element that can be moved, resized, zoomed to your heart's content
- (*) Halloween Craftables - Temporary items that can be crafted using collectable pumpkins, brains and pieces of candy.
- (*) Zombie Spawning - Zombies will periodically spawn around the map and try to kill you
- (*) Halloween Cauldrons - All dumpsters on the map were replaced with halloween cauldrons

- (*) Changed hud and menu theme for halloween
- (*) Changed halloween music to more spooky tracks
- Re-enabled uranium processor after some more balancing
- Added various pd camera locations to make the feature usable again
- Added confirmation dialog when attempting to remove items from your inventory
- Added "NEW" tag for buttons introduced in updates on the dashboard
- In cooperation with the lead team, we've decided to re-balance some suits:
  • Grim Reaper:
    • Removed initial scythe swing cooldown
    • You now can't de-equip the suit for 3 seconds after hitting a player
    • Decreased scythe damage from 5,000 to 2,500
  • Knight Demon:
    • Players that are being grabbed can no longer use suit abilities (ie. ACS Bubble)
  • EVO Suit:
    • Increased speed multiplier from 1.4 to 1.5
    • Increased ESP range by 20%
  • Ice King:
    • Decreased armor from 950 to 750
  • Warp Suit:
    • Increased health from 650 to 750
    • Increased gluon resistance from 0 to 10%
  • Advanced Combat Suit:
    • Decreased health from 500 to 450
    • Increased gluon resistance from 10% to 15%
    • Decreased damage resistance from 15% to 10%
  • Hyper Suit:
    • Increased damage resistance from 0% to 20%
  • Visor Suit:
    • Ammo usage increased by 50%
  • Eternal Zombie:
    • Damage multiplier increments changed to "1x -> 1.5x -> 1.75x"
    • Infected players' movement speed reduced by 10%

- Fixed pd raid not ending properly when driving to the end zone
- Fixed lua error related to the baseball bat
- Fixed "Invalid URL" popup in "Buy Advertisement" menu soft locking your game forcing you to restart it
- "You've gathered X more ore because of an active policy!" no longer gets printed when getting 0 extra ore
- Fixed mayor and secret service incidents not working properly
- Fixed mayor getting NLR in spawn district upon death instead of the district they actually died in
- Banned players can no longer capture gang hideouts
- Banned players can no longer interact with casino tables and slot machines

Seasonal changes maked with (*) are only temporary will be reverted a few weeks after halloween
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[SSRP] Changelog 2 years 4 months ago #1395680

Changelog 03/11/2022 - Halloween Update Patch:

[CHANGE] Buffed Shield Gun
[CHANGE] Nerfed Warp Trap, now does similar damage to QED
[CHANGE] Nerfed Uranium Shotgun
[CHANGE] Reverted F1 Menu
[CHANGE] You can now only place 3 breaching chargers at a time
[CHANGE] Hunter Suit will no longer take fall damage

[FIX] Hunter Suit could target, godded/cloaked admins
[FIX] Hunter Suit could target players that have been tased
[FIX] Hunter Suit attacking another Hunter Suit would take away their Hunter ability
[FIX] Hunter Suit could be Knight Demoned during its attack
[FIX] Hunter Suit could be instantly killed by the Ice King ability
[FIX] Warp Trap could fall through the map if a player stood on it
[FIX] Zone Captures not working
[FIX] Magic wand causing lua errors and lag
[FIX] Cool stick causing lag
[FIX] Leaving the server while in a suit being attacked by the Hunter Suit would let you keep it
[FIX] Banking/Trading/Coin-flipping/Gifting a suit while being attacked by the Hunter Suit
[FIX] Slams will no longer give ammo to the breaching charges
[FIX] Breaching charges causing the server to crash
[FIX] Being able to use weapons while attacking a player in the Hunter Suit
[FIX] Hunter Suit not giving back players weapons
[FIX] Players Money not displaying correctly
[FIX] Issue with trash/manholes not being on the map
[FIX] If Hunter suit is taken off the music continues to play nonstop
[FIX] De-equipping the Hunter Suit will no longer break jumping
[FIX] Hunter Suit will no longer get stuck on a dead player
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Last Edit: 2 years 4 months ago by Chuteuk.
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[SSRP] Changelog 2 years 4 months ago #1396430

Changelog 10/11/2022:

[ADDED] Player's armor to the tab menu
[ADDED] Jail command to moderators
[ADDED] Moderators can use god mode when mod on duty

[CHANGE] Purple Faults no longer require caps locks
[CHANGE] Name colour on the Pumpkin Printer to make it more clear

[FIX] Hyper Suit Damage Resistance
[FIX] Error with grappling hook
[FIX] Ice king removing all armor
[FIX] A issue with the Hunter Suit ability
[FIX] Being able to bank suit while frozen by the Ice King
[FIX] Being able to use Police Helicopter/security cameras with Mouse1
[FIX] Family Sharing Check not working
[FIX] Zone capture box bugging out when doing emotes
[FIX] Issue with missing content pack
[FIX] A issue with Nitro Boosting
[FIX] Golden Hyper Suit added on forums
[FIX] Wrong number of warns being displayed when getting kicked for too many warnings
[FIX] Cosmetic items break baton colours
[FIX] Shield/Regen Suits do not regen Health/Armor for Allies.
[FIX] Issues with the coolstick
[FIX] Printer case collection timer no longer applies to the upgrade buttons
[FIX] Nuclear meltdowns improperly displaying when connecting while active
[FIX] F5 to cancel joining event (make sure to have f5 bound to - "f5" = "jpeg")
[FIX] FAdmin commands in the tab menu not working for mods/admins
[FIX] Hyper TP doesn't disappear from golden scanmaster after it expires
[FIX] A issue with the "Arrest a criminal" daily objective
[FIX] Viewmodel hands get broken after using the grappling hook
[FIX] "Bail is Closed" doesn't remove when there is no longer a mayor
[FIX] Players can control the backrooms NPC using the context menu
[FIX] Script Error with weapon_bat
[FIX] Hitting a shop/airdrop with grim reaper scythe gives you the de-equip timer
[FIX] Manage rank button on fadmin as superadmin
[FIX] Lockpicking doors not giving xp to skills
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Last Edit: 2 years 4 months ago by Faithful.
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[SSRP] Changelog 2 years 3 weeks ago #1401792

Changelog 14/02/2022 - Valentines Update 2023:

[ADDED] Hearts Box
[ADDED] Medic Suit - 800 Health | 1500 Armour | 10% Gluon Resistance | 5% Damage Resistance | 0.9 Speed | Jump Power 250
[ADDED] Taser Suit - 500 Health | 1000 Armour | 10% Gluon Resistance | 5% Damage Resistance | 0.8 Speed | Jump Power 250
[ADDED] Time Warp Grenade
[ADDED] Lovers Hoverboard
[ADDED] Flak Cannon
[ADDED] Hearts Printer
[ADDED] Lovers Match
[ADDED] Lovers Store
[ADDED] Hearts Leaderboard - Give your heart away to your loved one! Collect the most hearts to win a special prize!
[ADDED] No Fall Damage upgrade - 100mil, 1 SCU

[CHANGE] Cosmetics no longer show while spectating in first person
[CHANGE] Crafting character upgrades will now only take 30 seconds instead of 15 minutes

[FIXED] Godmode exploit with Ice King
[FIXED] Weapon checking the Grim Reaper's Scythe and returning it when the suit unequips
[FIXED] Trade timer being displayed incorrectly
[FIXED] Police Helicopter doesn't work since the map change
[FIXED] SCAN Master printers cant be seen: black diamond
[FIXED] Players with a full inventory cannot receive 0 weight such as gems/upgrades
[FIXED] The Back command locations need to be adjusted to the new map
[FIXED] "Taxi stops" City event needs to be changed to bus stops
[FIXED] In the "Damage Taken" city event you can spam the "R" attack on the mastersword and easily win the event
[FIXED] You can CF gems for the "Gems Gained City Event"
[FIXED] Spelling mistakes in F4 menu
[FIXED] Evil Box crafting icon is wrong
[FIXED] Issue with CDM logs
[FIXED] Issues with Repulsion Cannon
[FIXED] Gang Leaderboards member limit visual bug
[FIXED] Craftable Evil Box showing the wrong icon
[FIXED] Nuclear Scientist text in skills menu being outside the box
[FIXED] Weekly activity in "view all f1 counts"
[FIXED] Taxi/Bus checkpoint remaining displayed
[FIXED] Daily objective bug
[FIXED] "Free Card pack can be claimed in X" timer caps at 24 hours - there can be situations in which it should be over 24 hours
[FIXED] Purple faults still require caps lock
[FIXED] Car system bugs
[FIXED] Vault codes are invisible occasionally
[FIXED] The Skill menu shows you at one level higher than you actually are
[FIXED] The Hoverbike's ESP can see cloaked Nano suits
[FIXED] You can collect from a printer shelf / plant shelf while dead
[FIXED] Repulsion Cannon causing lua errors
[FIXED] The Entire Car System is just a script error mess
[FIXED] Issue with the leaderboard system
[FIXED] When you destroy a druglab with legal drugs it in it will make that person wanted
[FIXED] Script error upon joining the server
[FIXED] The bartender job is rotated 90° to the right when in the first position
[FIXED] Added new legal weapons to the block list when being weapon checked
[FIXED] Mechanic call HUD conflicts with Taxi job HUD
[FIXED] Getting Third place in city events says in the chat you received 10mil but you actually only get 5mil
[FIXED] The world model for the m202/gm202 are invisible
[FIXED] Right click with (g)inferno does weapon clicking sound when it has no uses

[REMOVED] ZARP Mission System
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[SSRP] Changelog 1 year 11 months ago #1405373

Changelog 31/03/2022 - March Update 2023:

[ADDED] Achievement System along with non-tradable Achievement Items
[ADDED] New Player Tag - Lasts 1 week, Prop HP Buff, Temporary Armor/HP Regen Upgrades, Temporary 2x Printer Boost, Bypass Job Limits
[ADDED] New Daily Objective System w/ 7 Days of Prizes
[ADDED] New SUPER VAULT DAY - Bank Vault has special cases inside (For Example: Fire Box, Easter Case, Jingle Box, etc.)
[ADDED] New Trashman Tiers - up to tier 15
[ADDED] Gencorp Recycling
[ADDED] New Drug Run System

[CHANGE] Bank Vault now has more cash in it
[CHANGE] Casino Vault - New Prizes
[CHANGE] Air Drop - New Prizes
[CHANGE] City Events has more cases
[CHANGE] ZARP Arena Events will now have cases as a prize
[CHANGE] ZARP Arena Events - New Prizes
[CHANGE] Trashman - New Prizes
[CHANGE] Lawnmowing - Faster Grass Spawns, More EXP Per Grass, More Money, and Less EXP Between Levels
[CHANGE] Club Studio DJ - New Prizes and Less EXP Between Levels
[CHANGE] Bartending - New Prizes and Less EXP Between Levels
[CHANGE] PD Career - New Prizes
[CHANGE] Gang Store Upgrades - All Changed to 24 Hour Duration

[REMOVED] Gang Member Limit
[REMOVED] Golden Vault Day
[REMOVED] Arena Event Day
[REMOVED] Heart Tickets Store, Hearts Leaderboards, and Lovers Match
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[SSRP] Changelog 1 year 10 months ago #1407700

Changelog 28/04/2023:

[ADDED] Added Golden Ultra Board
[ADDED] Added Golden Uber DJ
[ADDED] Added Golden Hover Bike (+ Upgrades)
[ADDED] "Rebel Medic" player models for the medic job

[CHANGE] "Off the Center" event now requires a minimum of 4 instead of 8 players
[CHANGE] Killing yourself more than three times in a row without killing / getting killed by another player now deducts score
[CHANGE] Players in events now automatically respawn once their respawn cooldown expires
[CHANGE] Drug Labs now only count as an "illegal entity" when they contain an illegal drug
[CHANGE] Hunter Suit now does 25 melee damage on every hit (excluding infections)
[CHANGE] Increased cooldown after creating an F1 to 5 seconds
[CHANGE] Admin tool now shows buttons connected to fading doors and vice versa

[FIXED] AVRiL and Alien Disintegrator can no longer be shot through walls
[FIXED] Zone Captures can no longer be started by players in a police job
[FIXED] Zone Capture suit restrictions now only apply to special suits and include the newer suits as well
[FIXED] Banned players no longer count towards eternal zombie damage multiplier and infections
[FIXED] Flaming Knight Demon is now internally considered a "Suit Variation"
[FIXED] Changes to bans are now properly applied if the banned player is on the server
[FIXED] Printers now get destroyed individually when their printer shelf gets destroyed
[FIXED] Description of "Bus Stops" city event no longer refers to Taxi Driver and taxi stops
[FIXED] EDF now respawns with 200 armor instead of 100
[FIXED] "BUs Tax" mayor policy is now named "Bus Tax"
[FIXED] Policy Cards in the government menu now have centered titles again
[FIXED] "Mayor Survival Time" leaderboard now updates properly when a mayor disconnects
[FIXED] Description of "Black Market Processing" is now spelled correctly
[FIXED] Icon of the Level 9 Club Studio unlock now shows the correct reward
[FIXED] Weapons with no deploy speed now get reset properly after being affected by a timewarp grenade
[FIXED] Removed gang limit in the allies list
[FIXED] Rifle Ammo can now be put into Ammo Shelves again
[FIXED] Fixed lua error related to holstering a repulsion cannon
[FIXED] Fixed lua error related to tac inserts owner tooltips
[FIXED] Fixed lua error when quickly switching between "prize" and "non-prize" leaderboards in the leaderboards tab

[REMOVED] Seasonal content related to the Easter Update
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Last Edit: 1 year 10 months ago by Martin.
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[SSRP] Changelog 1 year 10 months ago #1408345

Changelog 07/05/2023 - Balancing Update:

[ADDED] 5 more levels to the Pharmacy Skill
[ADDED] Shop Checkouts to every Job for VIP's

[FIXED] Forcefield Exploit
[FIXED] Avril going through walls
[FIXED] Alien going through walls
[FIXED] Poison Grenades going through walls

[CHANGE] Taser Suit: After you are done being tased, you are still tased for 1 second.
[CHANGE] Knight Demon Ability: Grab players using the same demon vision as before but this will grab them in place for up to 10 seconds. A skill check will appear after 3-5 seconds allowing them to escape the grab. Teammates can also damage them to free them from the grab. They cannot de-equip during the grab but can also not take any damage or have items RIP’d until they die.
800HP 1000Armor | Gluon Resistance = 5% | Damage Resistance = 15% | Jump Power = 500 | Speed = 0.9
[CHANGE] Forcefield - 2000 damage once it hits 0 damage it destroys it. You can heal the forcefield by interacting with it by holding E and increasing health over time. Baseshields can also increase/heal the forcefield slowly (2HP per second)
[CHANGE] Propeller Trap - 500 damage destroys it disables it, it can only be re-enabled 3 times. Cannot be replaced.
[CHANGE] Golden Mummy Suit: Damage Multiplier changed to 1.0-1.5-2.0-2.25-2.5 | Max lifesteal 750
[CHANGE] Jet Suit armor changed from 1000 to 1337
[CHANGE] Alien Disintegrator primary fire rate reduced by 50%
[CHANGE] Splash radius of the lightning gun reduced by 50%
[CHANGE] Splash damage of the lightning gun reduced by 25%
[CHANGE] Poison Nade Ammo reduced from 7 to 5
[CHANGE] Tac Syringe change: Left Click: Upon injection for 10 seconds have 50hp/s health regen to maxhp. Right Click: Asprin affect (even in a suit)
[CHANGE] Doubled the Shop Bank and Inventory Weight upgrades and halved the price
[CHANGE] Golden Uber DJ: change it to 100hp/100ap
[CHANGE] Increase all plant growing limits to 10
[CHANGE] Can own 2 plant shelfs

[REMOVED] Medic Suit: Remove the red overlay with the hemostat and quickclot buff
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[SSRP] Changelog 1 year 8 months ago #1411836

Changelog 01/07/2023:

[ADDED] The amount of x item you have will now show over the icon in your inventory (Toggleable in settings)
[ADDED] Added a button to your shop to delete it
[ADDED] You can now repurchase shops without needing to remove your old shop
[ADDED] Nuclear Faults weekly leaderboard
[ADDED] Added a "Square Minimap" option
[ADDED] Added GenCorp Recycling to the trash recycler
[ADDED] Players will now get dirty over time for trashman to collect

[REMOVED] Invincible Props Day

[CHANGE] Knight Demon hell grabs will end if the suit is deequipped
[CHANGE] The base inventory weight has been increased by 40
[CHANGE] Grim Reaper will no longer attack players standing behind the player
[CHANGE] Carrots/Melons will no longer count towards the "Drugs Produced" city event
[CHANGE] ZARP Socials will now use your discord account linked to your forum profile, and will now show rewards already claimed
[CHANGE] Health/Armor Chargers will now be destroyed by nukes
[CHANGE] Cooldown for failed drug runs has been reduced to 30 minutes. You must still wait 1 hour after successful runs
[CHANGE] Propeller trap will no longer damage players while its turned off
[CHANGE] If a player disconnects with a printer shelf containing another player's printers, those printers will be taken out of the shelf before it is removed
[CHANGE] Teleporters have been updated to use their display for selecting locations and will no longer open a menu
[CHANGE] Added chat messages for every reason you cannot use a teleporter such as having a hit, or being wanted
[CHANGE] Tornado's will no longer effect players in spawn
[CHANGE] Any cosmetics equipped before an event starts will be reequipped after the event finishes or you leave the event
[CHANGE] Any hits placed on someone will now stack with any active hits that are already on the player
[CHANGE] Bus Drivers will no longer get warning points for damaging their bus
[CHANGE] Massively reduced delay between mastersword jumps
[CHANGE] City Events will now require a minimum of 10 players
[CHANGE] Everyone can now see drug lab times regardless of drug lab owner
[CHANGE] The minimum amount for a hit has been increased from $2,500 to $250,000
[CHANGE] The minimum amount for a hit on a player with hit protection has been increased from $1,000,000 to $2,000,000
[CHANGE] The Hobo and Dumpster Diving dumpsters are now combined into one
[CHANGE] You can now freely move about when bartending
[CHANGE] When selecting something as a bartender, you no longer need to deselect other items, and you can now use both E and your mouse to select items
[CHANGE] XP given for nuclear scientist faults has been changed, you will now get 3-4 XP for red faults and valves, and 5+ XP for other faults
[CHANGE] Nuclear Scientist faults are now chance based, some harder faults will appear less often e.g. blue fault
[CHANGE] Nuclear Scientist tablet repair only occurs when more players are on
[CHANGE] Nuclear Scientist reactor temperature will slowly decrease when the reactor is off
[CHANGE] Drugrun npcs will no longer spawn on eachother

[FIXED] Fixed Icon for Mid/High Tier Case Daily Objective Rewards
[FIXED] Fixed missing odds for Cash Case in "View All Cases"
[FIXED] Fixed "Beloved Leader" achievement still counting time after Dying/Switching jobs as mayor
[FIXED] Fixed a lua error that sometimes appeared while using the Cyborg
[FIXED] Fixed a lua error when capturing a gang hideout
[FIXED] Fixed a lua error with Arena Events
[FIXED] Fixed a lua error with the Link Gun
[FIXED] Fixed model scale for Starter and Vortex Gluon Gun in inventory
[FIXED] Fixed descriptions for some minimap settings
[FIXED] Fixed Portable Tesla Coil damaging members of allied gangs
[FIXED] Fixed getting into a permanent death state when using a melon kick before being hell grabbed
[FIXED] Daily Objectives timer will no longer show the wrong time
[FIXED] Tornados, Earthquakes, Lightning Strikes and Meteor Showers will now be deequipped after they have been used
[FIXED] Exiting the Police Helicopter will no longer get you stuck in the roof
[FIXED] Bartender Fruit position has been fixed
[FIXED] Anybody who was in an arena event when a city event started will now be shown the city event after leaving the event
[FIXED] Fixed nuclear scientist showing faults that were already fixed
[FIXED] "Craft Max" on crafting should now work
[FIXED] Fixed many legal weapons being counted as illegal
[FIXED] Golden Suit models should now properly be set after getting Jet Gunned or Ice Kinged
[FIXED] Translocator shots will now be removed if you holster/drop your translocator
[FIXED] Coinflip system not calculating weight correctly when matching an offer
[FIXED] Coinflip menu somethings closing if you spam coinflips too fast
[FIXED] Advanced Tripmines on an angled surface will no longer have a massive hit area
[FIXED] Cosmetics will now be positioned correctly on the hyper suit
[FIXED] Searching the gang leaderboard should now show results correctly
[FIXED] Some particles effects such as Summoner & Minigun 2.0 will no longer show through walls
[FIXED] The Ion Beam has been fixed
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Last Edit: 1 year 8 months ago by CEO of Business.
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[SSRP] Changelog 1 year 8 months ago #1412006

Changelog 07/07/2023:

[ADDED] The PD raid helicopter has been added, allowing for a quicker and easier escape!
[ADDED] New Construction Zone Capture

[CHANGE] Cooldown for teleporters has been reduced from 60 seconds to 15 seconds

[FIXED] Fixed Dumpster Diving not giving items
[FIXED] Fixed an issue with billboards resulting in missing images and lowered fps
[FIXED] Fixed an issue where sometimes you could not change job after a PD raid
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Last Edit: 1 year 8 months ago by OnionRings.
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