That's right, ZARPers, it's that time of the year when Watson gets his groove back and starts being friendly and nice and all that shit... (isecretlyh8uall)
This time around I have a bounty of prizes fit for a king... or y'know, someone with a reasonable budget.
I'll be giving away five games including:
Rocket League!
Dead by Daylight!
Zombie Army Trilogy!
And Superhot!
(One game per winner.)
Not to mention I'll be giving away a booster to three lucky people, AND you guys will get the chance to get some fabulous in-game items like BP/Weapon Cases, M202s, Milkors, 1 million gems, and a bunch of other cool stuff!
This one will be lasting until Friday the 30th, and will end before the Summer Prize Draw does at 7PM.
To enter this giveaway, please just thank you this post, and choose a card from the Major Arcana in Tarot. It can be one that's already been chosen in the thread!
Good luck!
Hey, guys. So first off, I'll be doing the Boosters, which I think everyone is most looking forward to!
I used Google RNG, using a number between 0 (The Fool) and 21 (ZA WARUDO)
Which means Ezehzz, Anna and Ace win the boosters. (Inb4 rigged)
Next up, the five games:
(Kalll and Chummy)
(Jenga and Zeny)
(Vego, Banana, Nerco and King - this one - as it's the last, needs to be broken down. So I'll do another RNG between 1 and 4 in the order I've got them listed above.)
How the above works is I'll be on the server in ZARP SSRP 1 and on Steam. You can feel free to message me on there and pick your game - I will not designate games to specific people. (If Vego, Nerco and King feel slighted by Banana getting the prize over them - I'll be giving them 5 mil each which will hopefully quell the issue some.)
Everyone else gets free in-game items, so feel free to contact me on Steam or in game. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE. These are the items you can get:
One Million Gems.
Rocket Launcher
Gamma Rifle
3 Weapon Cases
3 Blueprint Cases
Thermal Detonator
GenCorp Orange Core Grenade
Iridium Pick
Prox Mine
Nuke Launch BP
Tactical Insertion Point
Remember; it's one item per player, and only players that haven't received a prize already will get one. Thanks for playing!