All the games have been handed out! Sorry to everyone that didn't have time to join!
Hi, Raeker here. I have a couple of extra games from Humble that I'm doing nothing with and want to give them away! However, I hate giving games away for free because where is the fun in that? So I made this into a competition. These are the rules:
There are four games that I will give away
The games are each connected to a number between one and thirty
You cannot choose your own game when you have guessed the correct number. You get the game that I personally connected to that number
You can only reply with one number
If you were the first to guess one of the correct numbers I'll contact you via Steam or Teamspeak. This is my Steam profile (add me!)
The four games are:
Project Highrise won by Slifer The Sky Dragon
Swords&Soldiers + Sausage Fest DLC won by AceIndidious
Gunpoint won by Klaprefot
Ryse: Son of Rome won by Bannana Boy
The real gem out of all these games is Gunpoint, an absolutely amazing game. Project Highrise is pretty good too, Swords&Soldiers is good fun but not great and Ryse: Son of Rome is kind of shit.
Good luck!
EDIT: Numbers that have already been chosen:
27, 14,
393, 8, 21, 13, 7, 2, 29, 12, 3, 1, 28, 15,
98, 18,
31, 5, 23