I am not interested in SSRP anymore, So i am going to do a bulk giveaway. Type anything you want. I will be using random.org.
Only one entry per player. Giveaway ends at: 28/11/2015 10:00 PM GMT.
I will be giving away:
6 Small Loans Of A Million Dollars
13 Steel
Lambo BP
2 Molly BPs
4 Diamond Pickaxe BPs
A Diamond Pickaxe
A Diamond Lockpick
Printer Booster (And BP)
1 Prox. Mine
1 Ares
3 Miniguns
1 Matador
1 Striker
5k Gems
Aprox. Items
Thanks to:
Charlie: Awesome guy i based with
He-Man: Helped me get in to a gang and awesome guy
Morgan: Good Bhopper
Every single staff member: Helps me with F1s
StookiTV: Got me into ZARP in the first place. Always Lowballed me.
Every Kind Person: Thanks for not being Toxic
Daditooo: I love you dad.
I've had fun on SSRP. Bye.