5 Booster packs + Nano suit giveaway
2 years 6 months ago #1390426
well as you know i cameback for a week to see how zarp it is , it was fun
the mods and admins are another story though so i decided to quit again and for the final time (i hope)
i gaveaway some of my stuff already to some people
i have 5 booster packs left and a nano suit to giveaway in order to be in this giveaway just:
note : standshit members cant join this giveaway ! as they already have smol to give them infinity verbals and items that he duped !
5 Booster packs + Nano suit giveaway
2 years 6 months ago #1390440
When I was unbanned smol personally walked up to me and gave me 800b cash, 78 mummies, 36 eternal zombies, 62 portals, 12 of every gitem including suits and 6 crack and coolers, he told me that I had to keep it a secret because he didnt want anyone to know that he duped those items, I don't know how you cracked the code but damn...
5 Booster packs + Nano suit giveaway
2 years 6 months ago #1390454
Please do not slander members of our community, if you seriously felt Smol was duping then you should report it to the relevant people, this appears to be the first time you’ve even mentioned it which is curious. The same can be said for the staff, if you feel they aren’t performing to a standard you would expect, the report option is always there.