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Poll: Golden Gun Rules suggestions

Exclude Golden gun from the RDM rule 23 43.4%
Keep the RDM rules the same for the Golden Gun 12 22.6%
Somewhere in between option 1 and 2 3 5.7%
Dont add the Golden gun 14 26.4%
Other (Leave suggestions below) 1 1.9%
Total number of voters: 53 ( Rittsu, CCemox, Clarky, Turtlx__, Reversed ) See more
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TOPIC: [TTT Golden Gun] User Feedback Wanted

[TTT Golden Gun] User Feedback Wanted 4 years 6 months ago #1256121

[TTT Golden Gun ] User Input/Opinions
(Read before you vote)

The lead team are currently discussing adding the Golden Gun to TTT server 1. The Golden gun is a very unique weapon and we may have to introduce some changes to the rules in order to accommodate the weapon. I would like to know what the TTT playerbase and the Zarp community as a whole thinks about this weapon and its potential changes to the gameplay.

What is the Golden Gun?
The Golden gun is a detective only weapon which is available through the detective shop. When you shoot a person with the golden gun two things can happen:

If the Detective shoots a Traitor it will instantly kill them

If the Detective shoots an Innocent then it will instantly kill the Detective

Hence why this weapon is a high risk, high reward weapon.

As this weapon is such a high risk to use it is intended to be exempt from the RDM rules but this could create a few issues which is why i wanted to know what the whole community thought about this weapon.

Poll options explained (The poll is not a case of whichever gets the most votes will be added but it will taken into account when the lead team discuss it)

Option 1: This option adds the Golden Gun as it is intended. So a detective can shoot any player with the Golden Gun without a valid KOS reason and it doesn't count as rule break.

Option 2: This option adds the Golden Gun but it has to abide by the same RDM rules as every other weapon. So a detective would need a valid KOS reason to shoot a player with the Golden Gun

Option 3: A middle ground between option 1 and 2. Leave your suggestions for this below. It could be that a detective needs to have reasonable suspicion to shoot a player with the gun. However this would be very hard for the staff team to enforce as people call someone suspicious for just looking at them or standing still. But if you can think of a more effective "middle ground" then leave a suggestion below.

Option 4: Dont add the gun. If you think that the gun will offer no benefit to the server at all and you dont want it in the game at all then select this option.

Option 5: Other. If you think that the weapon itself should be changed and want to make a suggestion then select this option but do leave your suggestion below. This could be something like instead of making the weapon instantly kill someone make it cause 90 dmg instead for example.

Highlighted suggestions: (Ill use this space to put any really good suggestions in the spotlight and credit the user who suggested it.)

Cant shoot the weapon for the first 30 seconds / until the lifecheck shows to avoid people getting randomly shot at the start. - Hiro / Other staff
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[TTT Golden Gun] User Feedback Wanted 4 years 6 months ago #1256122

I feel like we should deffiently add it with option 2, but too many people would just see it as option 1 and hence RDM. Atleast thats how it happened on every other server. So I'm against adding it
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[TTT Golden Gun] User Feedback Wanted 4 years 6 months ago #1256123

I think option 3 would be the best but also the hardest to imploment as more rules would have to be edited or added
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[TTT Golden Gun] User Feedback Wanted 4 years 6 months ago #1256129

Oh and option 1 would just cause either each detective dying instantly or a T dying instantly. Would just ruin the fun. So let's not add it that way
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[TTT Golden Gun] User Feedback Wanted 4 years 6 months ago #1256132

maybe shooting someone with the golden gun when you have DNA from an IDed body would be okay in my opinion. In a nutshell, you have DNA from an IDed body so you are able to shoot the guy with the golden gun.
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[TTT Golden Gun] User Feedback Wanted 4 years 6 months ago #1256136

Insanity wrote:
maybe shooting someone with the golden gun when you have DNA from an IDed body would be okay in my opinion. In a nutshell, you have DNA from an IDed body so you are able to shoot the guy with the golden gun.
How would this not just be rdm? Assuming a T had a reason to shoot the guy (maybe he attempted rdm) and then he just dies for doing nothing
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[TTT Golden Gun] User Feedback Wanted 4 years 6 months ago #1256139

Even if you say you need to have a valid reason to shoot someone with it im pretty sure theres still gonna be a lot of people just randomly shooting people with it anyway. A large part of the reason why the golden gun is liked by a lot of people isnt because its seen as a really good gun for killing traitors, its because a lot of people see it as a legal way to kill someone without reason.

If you allow people to just randomly shoot people with it and make it not RDM you are going to have issues as well. Some people will just go after the same person everytime they are detective and shoot them with it, and you are going to have a lot of people get pissed when after a long time without a t round they finally get t then instantly be killed by a random golden deagle.

Overall i really dont think this should be added
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[TTT Golden Gun] User Feedback Wanted 4 years 6 months ago #1256140

We have a lot of rules that deter players from getting lucky traitor kills (killing on sus being prime example). Adding a gun and having it exempt from RDM rule seems a bit counterintuitive. Literal RNG doesn't really fit the gamemode.

Bringing it with the rule will definitely cause more punishments, but with staff team communicating that rule well enough to the playerbase that won't be as big issue. I am just not sure if the gun will be used, since main appeal for the people asking for it seems to be "get lucky so I don't have to actually play detective role" rather than just a strong option to defend yourself against traitors (which is already filled in by the UMP prototype, sort of). I could be wrong, but I think how its gonna go in practice, its people will use it as the first option, get warned not to do it, and then just stop using it.
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[TTT Golden Gun] User Feedback Wanted 4 years 6 months ago #1256141

this just screams confusing to new players
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[TTT Golden Gun] User Feedback Wanted 4 years 6 months ago #1256145

I'd prefer option 2 to make sure the rules stay the same and there are no "loopholes" in anything.
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[TTT Golden Gun] User Feedback Wanted 4 years 6 months ago #1256148

Miia wrote:
If you allow people to just randomly shoot people with it and make it not RDM you are going to have issues as well. Some people will just go after the same person everytime they are detective and shoot them with it, and you are going to have a lot of people get pissed when after a long time without a t round they finally get t then instantly be killed by a random golden deagle.

I agree; it's going to be an inconvenience not only for traitors that get instantly domed for no reason, but also for innocents whose detectives die at the start of the round after taking an easily avoidable gamble. I also see people being targeted by detectives who just buy it every round.

Also, the incentive to randomly shoot with it is far too strong no matter how clear the rules are made, and this is because it's the entire point of the weapon. While fun for detectives, it can be downright infuriating for traitors, particularly those who haven't had a T round in a long time.

Adding it with optimized rules renders it completely pointless because people enjoy using it for the sake of getting a lucky kill. Removing the ability to kill without proper reason deletes its novelty in its entirety.

If we're not happy with people being randomly shot, it's better just not added at all.

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[TTT Golden Gun] User Feedback Wanted 4 years 6 months ago #1256151

Not a good idea.

By allowing it to bypass the RDM rule you can guarantee that people will use this to randomly shoot people and either a detective or traitor will die for no reason valid for the game. Either it will just be purely cancer for whoever gets traitor or just screw the innocents over by killing a traitor. By making this not exempt from the rule, it literally gives the traitor no chance in defending and completely ruins their chances. I don’t see any positives for this tbh, it is just not a good idea and I have no idea how none of the lead team could’ve seen this when reviewing it
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[TTT Golden Gun] User Feedback Wanted 4 years 6 months ago #1256165

Kyber wrote:
Not a good idea.

By allowing it to bypass the RDM rule you can guarantee that people will use this to randomly shoot people and either a detective or traitor will die for no reason valid for the game. Either it will just be purely cancer for whoever gets traitor or just screw the innocents over by killing a traitor. By making this not exempt from the rule, it literally gives the traitor no chance in defending and completely ruins their chances. I don’t see any positives for this tbh, it is just not a good idea and I have no idea how none of the lead team could’ve seen this when reviewing it
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[TTT Golden Gun] User Feedback Wanted 4 years 6 months ago #1256171

would be kinda annoying if someone was rdming and you shoot them with it and insta die
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[TTT Golden Gun] User Feedback Wanted 4 years 6 months ago #1256176

Option two will be the best, in my opinion.

Even though the golden gun is famously own for option one, as in, a detective can randomly shoot another random player and hope they kill a T. But this will only cause more problems for everyone. As a new player to the server, you don't expect to get randomly gunned down by a detective and feel they can get away with RDM because they were not punished. As a new player, you expect to be welcomed and to enjoy the server you just joined, not get RDMed by random detectives with an excuse like "Golden Gun".
Option one will only cause more problems then we need.

Option two will be the best. This option will consist of the current rules we have now, this will be the best for staff and users. Once a detective has a golden gun, they can only kill someone for a valid reason. Just as the rules are now, the only difference is that if the detective shoots an innocent, they will die. Adding a new rule just for one detective change will be too complicated and complex, meaning we as staff, will have to inform users that there is now a change in the rules and if you don't get used to it now, you will be punished. Overall, this option will be the best because it is the same as the current rules.
Option two will be the best.

Option three is pretty much the same as option one. People will only use this as an excuse to RDM, and as you said, people just randomly but suspicion on people for absolutely no reason. People doing this will give the detective a reason to use their golden gun and randomly kill traitors.
Option three will again, only cause more problems.

Option four should not happen. Adding a new detective weapon will only benefit the server in every way.
Option four, no.

Option five is no. But adding other weapons is still a good idea.
Option five. Please suggest things.

I'm sure this whole thread will help the Lead Team come to a good decision, so thank you Nay for making it. :clap:
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[TTT Golden Gun] User Feedback Wanted 4 years 6 months ago #1256188

I wouldn't add this gun if it were up to me. Most people don't like playing detective and don't bother playing it right, so they will just buy it and shoot a random person and they will win either way- by not playing as detective or by killing a traitor.
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[TTT Golden Gun] User Feedback Wanted 4 years 6 months ago #1256198

Eddie. wrote:
Kyber wrote:
Not a good idea.

By allowing it to bypass the RDM rule you can guarantee that people will use this to randomly shoot people and either a detective or traitor will die for no reason valid for the game. Either it will just be purely cancer for whoever gets traitor or just screw the innocents over by killing a traitor. By making this not exempt from the rule, it literally gives the traitor no chance in defending and completely ruins their chances. I don’t see any positives for this tbh, it is just not a good idea and I have no idea how none of the lead team could’ve seen this when reviewing it
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[TTT Golden Gun] User Feedback Wanted 4 years 6 months ago #1256200

BossComic23 wrote:
Option four should not happen. Adding a new detective weapon will only benefit the server in every way.
Option four, no.
Did you read anyone’s replies? This is a terrible idea and just because it is a detective weapon doesn’t mean it’s not a completely terrible idea
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[TTT Golden Gun] User Feedback Wanted 4 years 6 months ago #1256201

Kyber wrote:
BossComic23 wrote:
Option four should not happen. Adding a new detective weapon will only benefit the server in every way.
Option four, no.
Did you read anyone’s replies? This is a terrible idea and just because it is a detective weapon doesn’t mean it’s not a completely terrible idea
Most of the replies are poor and only looking at the negatives, boss comics is the only decent review of this weapon, it's a great idea, just make rdm a rule with it like every other gun.

This gun can either be the detectives best weapon or worst depending on how skilled he is at uncovering who the traitors are, using the tools at his disposal, it's really not that bad an idea people are making out
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[TTT Golden Gun] User Feedback Wanted 4 years 6 months ago #1256202

Kyber wrote:
BossComic23 wrote:
Option four should not happen. Adding a new detective weapon will only benefit the server in every way.
Option four, no.
Did you read anyone’s replies? This is a terrible idea and just because it is a detective weapon doesn’t mean it’s not a completely terrible idea

Yes, I did read them. Adding the golden gun isn't a terrible idea. It is a one-shot weapon to the traitors (IF they hit their shot), adding any decent new traitor/detective weapon is always beneficial, depending on the weapon. It gives more things for users to use, as long as people stick to the rules with this golden gun, it is fine.
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