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Why do we still not have death scenes
Do I need to abuse the damage logs before we get some death scenes or what, that fixed the bow out of existence at least Since if I do this [headshot my t buddy with a noscope since he's behind a target] I [can] get slain since these logs dont have the fucking death scenes and cant see what fucking stars aligned to make me rdm my T buddy. (luckily _Stan didn't mind) I can rdm someone in the nether and claim in the report that he threw a diamond without any repercussions on my behalf due to the fact that the staff cannot see if that dude threw a diamond or if I'm full of shite. If you see [00:06] Alex The Dragon [innocent] threw weapon_zm_molotov staff cannot reasonably decide if the molotov was in the T room, water, tester, nether, tower, T cave, tower cave, Tester cave, bottom tester, in front of tester, under bridge, at bridge or at someone's face, and even if you see that someone gets damaged by it, you cannot reasonably deduce if it was in the open or at the T room door (since people like running towards the T room door if there's a fucking fire there better call the fucking firefighters or just like run through and hope the blood will put it out without my wound getting cauterizated) AND THIS: IN WHAT UNIVERSE CAN I EXPLAIN THIS SITUATION WITHOUT THE USE OF DEATH SCENES [or video proof] (the dude didn't report me since he was afk) People cannot get slain for propkilling if staff did not see it, but that would be fucking resolved if we just had some dumb ass death scenes (SINCE PROPS HELD BY A MAGNETO STICK LIGHT UP YELLOW IN DEATH SCENES) T baiting would also be way easier to identify since death scenes show where the fucking bullets end up, which means if I'm shooting into a fuckin wall people can't claim that I shot the fucking president and get away with it |
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I highly agree with this, it will solve all confusion to do with crossfire, accidental gomba stomps etc, and will also make our jobs as staff more easier.
Good post |
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Which one of these posts that you've made in the 10 months (if not more) you've been playing on server are suggestions about adding death scenes? Take a wild guess. None. If you're gonna complain about the server without making a suggestion, which you're more than capable and well within your right to do, then take your whining somewhere else, because there's nothing more infuriating then people complaining about shit that they make no effort to change. It's not that I'm harshly against death scenes, it's that you've been playing for so long and so much - this much to be exact: and you're quite frankly one of the best and most knowledgable players I've seen, and you've not once in that time thought "Hey, this could be a great, useful addition, how about I bring up a suggestion to see what other people think?". What do you expect to happen when you're suffering in silence, we can't read minds, and nor can the Community Team. I can't speak for the people who pour hours into developing the game and coding it, nor is this critisising them. but they're not going to see every single issue or loophole that you can find in the rules unless you fucking tell them. Rant over, long story short, make a suggestion instead of complaining |
Ex-TTT Super Administrator
Ex-Prop Hunt Super Administrator x2 Ex-Team Fortress 2 Super Administrator Ex-TTT Administrator x3 Ex-Community Council Member Ex-Server Applications Forum Mod
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Game stability Issues
Last Edit: 4 years 11 months ago by Darling.
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As has been said many, many times before, addons like death scenes / spectator deathmatch have a good habit of crashing games, which we'd rather stay away from
If you have issues with something, I'd recommend making a suggestion. |
Discord: thexnator
Former Community Owner: 2020-2022
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