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What's expected of you As a staff member, you're expected to be an enthusiastic, helpful, interactive and friendly character here at ZARP. As well as keeping the server clean from rulebreakers, you're also here to keep the environment friendly and enjoyable for the players - this can mean always helping (including fellow staff members), not ignoring people, being respectful, but also being chilled out and keeping control of situations. Being stern to an extent is okay, but being too serious is not, try and be mature and chilled out at the same time. Never let situations get out of hand, you are allowed to let people have fun as long as no one is being harmed and everyone's experience is good, but when people are no longer enjoying their experience and rules are being more frequently broken, it's time to intervene. You should also keep calm and collected at all times, do your best to not get angry, and deal with situations maturely. If a rulebreaker is disrespecting you, do not disrespect back, try to calm them down and if they continue then you can take further action. Never let your anger towards a rule breaker make your judgement on what punishment to give out, if you feel angered then relax and do your best to calm yourself down and someone else will help you. Within certain situations, different punishments are given out depending on the severity of the player's action, always communicate with the staff team if you're unsure on a given punishment. Disrespect should never be tolerated in public chat, even as a joke, so make sure you never allow that to happen, as it could leave the wrong impression on some users that it is tolerated. Make sure that you understand when a disrespectful player is being disrespectful from anger/emotion compared to trolling/bad attitude, as the latter should receive much harsher and swifter punishment. However, you must remember to follow the Staff Ethos while issuing punishments, giving everyone a fair and equal chance. Staff members by no means are expected to act superior to others, while you have more power in the server, you should not be immature about it and use powers to represent your superiority. We're all players at the end of the day, so do not boss players around just because you can, meaning that you should only use authority when players are breaking the rules or disregarding your warnings to stop arguing about a subject. This means that you should treat all players respectfully, for example, do not tell a player to "Shut up". Instead, say something along the lines of "It's time to calm down now" or something of more of a neutral nature, because respecting a player is the only way they're really going to listen to you; even if they stop that one time just because you used force. On the other hand, if you respect them in the way you deal with situations, they may well change their attitude because they treat you as a person who is trying to keep everyone happy instead of an automated machine purposed to stop rulebreakers by any means. You should be confident and well prepared all the time, so if you have a question about something then you need to ask a Lead Team member to ensure you don't make a mistake. You're also expected to have a good idea on how to handle situations correctly, so if you come across a situation that you're unsure how to handle, get feedback from other staff members on how to handle it correctly next time if you have to handle the situation quickly. If you find yourself in a situation where you don't know how to approach it in the correct manner, then message someone within the staff team as they will always be there to help you. Working together with fellow staff members is the most effective way of handling encounters on the server, as well as keeping a positive and enjoyable vibe on the server. You should be offering help to staff members if they seem like they have too much on their hands, as well as offering advice to them on certain situations that could prove difficult. As for keeping the server happy, you could always interact with the players and create mini events to enjoy. In any situation, if you have any issue at all and feel that you need help in regards to how you should be carrying out your duties or you have an issue with another staff member, remember that the Lead Team are there to help you. Should there be any issue, a Lead Team member will always listen to you and try to help out as best they can, and you should always try to get in touch with one of them if you have an issue with a fellow staff member rather than starting an argument within the staff team. Remember, as staff you are a team, not a bunch of rivals. Even when on other ZARP servers that you're not staff on, such as Teamspeak or the forums, you need to maintain a positive attitude to the same standard you'd be held to as staff on the server. We understand that you might want to mess around a little bit every now and then, but be aware that you can still be held to your behaviour on other servers and punished on your server for it if it is seen to be poor enough. We'd like to maintain a good reputation for our servers and the staff on them, so we'd kindly like to ask you to not intentionally rulebreak on other ZARP servers. The Staff Ethos should always be followed while issuing punishments, meaning that all players should be given a fair chance. A link to the staff ethos can be found here. I hope this clears up some issues and questions that you may have, and I hope to see all staff members acting this way, if you have any questions about anything on here, add a member of the lead team on Steam. Credits: Stratiic for original guide Sorle for edits Dezmond/Polsee for approval |
ex-dog LT member on many servers
Last Edit: 5 years 10 months ago by SorIe.
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