I resigned yesterday after being given a sanction, as did the entire SSRP lead team. I don't want the reason for my resignation to be "because I did not agree with the sanction given", so I figured I would make a thread to hopefully sort any confusion out...
I would say it definitely played a part in it. The sanction was put in place I imagine, because the community team is not happy with the state of the server,
understandably. The reason I disagreed with the sanction was because of the message it sent toward myself and other lead team members. I definitely can't and shouldn't speak for other people, but the way the sanction came off was as if the lack of players was somehow the fault of the lead team. Of course the satisfaction of the player base outside of dealing with reports, appeals and managing the staff is completely out of our control, this is something that is left down to the community team.
I was definitely considering resigning a week or so before the announcement of the gang limit being changed, this reason I mention this is because it was quite a prominent change and had directly affected one of my personal plans. This particular plan was to use my fully upgraded gang to invite new players in, give them money and free protection to get them into the server. I even personally went to Xnator and told him the idea in detail, to which he seemed to agree with and definitely liked the idea of. Shortly after the announcement was made which completely crippled my idea.
In general it seems that more so than recently, the decisions being made for the server are the opposite of what people are clearly asking for on an almost daily basis. I am not talking about silly suggestions like an eco reset, but there are definitely completely valid criticisms and suggestions being made, which seem to be getting outright ignored or just put to the very bottom of a priority list.
I also completely understand that, as is everyone else, I am required to get a particular amount of activity on the server every week. However, it is very difficult to get the motivation to join a server that is already struggling to see more than 4 people. Especially so when those people are normally the same people everyday, and are mostly comprising of AFK players / staff.
For those interested here is my response to the sanction and all the rest of it. I appreciate that Chute is not around at the moment for personal reasons, there is nothing you can do about that I hope he sorts out whatever he has going on. Xnator and Martin appear to be working on the next update that is in line, and Richard has evidently been put in charge of the rest of it.
SO my response to that is, I was one of the very last active people on SSRP. Whilst I totally appreciate I have not been on the server recently, why would I? There is no motivation for me to continue doing so, and every decision being made currently seems to be the opposite of what the SSRP player base wants. Whilst I am pretty indifferent to the changes being made, I am certainly for having an active server again.
The choices being made to try and bring the server back seem to consistently be the wrong choices, and the only reason this is so obvious is because you are lucky enough to have a long time player base who care enough to voice their opinion. You simply are not going to bring people back to SSRP when they have made it clear the reasons they don't want to come back. Hosting events is absolutely not going to change anyone's mind, and forcing them to base for hours when they have nothing to show for it. Raiding sort of goes in hand with the last one, because all that encourages is the arguments and toxicity that I personally believe to be *one* of the causes to the servers demise, also nobody can raid without anybody basing in case that wasn't obvious.
I understand you mean well for the community and I really unsure what seems to be preventing you from actively acknowledging the feedback you are being given, obviously it's not within your interest to "kill the community", that literally makes no sense. But you need to understand that you are not going to get your players back, if you aren't trying to actively please them by simply just listening to them. New players are certainly not going to stick around when they already see the people on the server openly talk about the problems the server has.
No amount of threat of punishment / demotion is going to get me on the server, and I am really not sure what made you think that was a good idea because it's going to do the opposite of what you hoped. This is how I imagine users are feeling when they are persistently getting given the notion of being ignored and forgotten about. I was not going to resign over lack of players or poor decision making, because at the end of the day I really fucking enjoy being a head admin and just generally being on zarp -- it does however, start to become unenjoyable when I am being made to feel like the work I have put in suddenly is of no value because I have lost interest through no fault of my own.
I don't want to be made to feel that the lack of player count is a fault of my own. Please actually consider that the state of the server is your responsibility. Our job is to ensure your staff team and players are under control, we cannot do this without players and your server cannot function without us. I completely appreciate that you are stuck in a rock and a hard place, the community is famously hard to please and it isn't hard to see that, but in this particular case you are *very* quickly running out of options.
If you want to encourage people to actually join and stay, do something that isn't forceful and instead alluring and worth spending the time to do.
Please do not try to take this as snarky or horrible, I have tried my absolute best to word this in the most inoffensive way possible because I mean well. It is just something I am very passionate about and have been for the almost 9 years since I joined the community.
Again, consider this a resignation from all of my roles.
To clarify, it is completely impossible for me to get people on when the reason they aren't coming on is because of the problems out of my control. Sure, I can help new people try to stick around, but I had already tried that and was greeted with the worst change for my situation.
Thanks for once again allowing me to be in the position of head administrator, and near enough having all the positions I had previously. I do find it very enjoyable, but I cannot find it enjoyable when they are far too many problems in my way. All I can really do is caution the community team on the effects their decisions are quite clearly having.
For those wondering "why didn't he just resign if he clearly wasn't interested any longer", the problem is that I was interested! ZARP has and always will be a very big part of who I am, given the amount of time I have dedicated to it and the friends I have made here. To see it slowly fading away is a very sad prospect to me...
I wanted to try and hang on for as long as possible, so that if by some sheer miracle people started to play again, I could hop on and help out as usual without them having to worry about the currently empty staff roster.
TL;DR -- If you cannot focus for more than 5 minutes to read the above, then clearly reading isn't your forte and maybe the next thread is more your speed.
A message to Chute:
Thank you for encouraging me to get back on the lead team and being a great friend, it was fun while it lasted and I really wish it could continue. I cannot bare to be spending more of my free time quite literally doing nothing but pray that the decisions made start becoming the correct ones. I really hope you figure out whatever it is you got going on outside of ZARP, you are a sound bloke and are one of the last people who I can imagine deserves any shit from people.
Thanks to everybody else who has made ZARP enjoyable for me. This community has for sure made a lasting impact on myself as a person and will definitely be one of those unforgettable memories, that'll live with me forever.