4½ years ago...
That was the first time, I joined Zarp. I've been with zarp for years on end, with a little break in the meantime but mainly always there. Zarp was fun, at least it has been for a long time. I never stirred up trouble, instead, I fought trouble by being a staff member for the longest time.
All n' all I've been here for the good 4½ years, and honestly, it's time is up.
In 4 and a half years you see stuff. Whether that stuff is for the good or the bad, well... uh ah, nevermind, trying to go all philosophical strong point.
Now the relevant stuff
I've been giving resigning a long thought, and have honestly been for ages. I never saw a complete reason to leave, sure some things weren't as they're supposed to be in a community environment such as some racist people or some people abusing their powers, but this is all part of the course.
These things although not core-ally part of zarp and being heavily fought still kinda is the part of it, there'll always be someone who abuses, no-one is a true angel.
I was once a super proud member of the community but slowly I've been drifting away, but the thing that's mostly kept me here is the people, as well as my achievements. I've had tons of fun really, nothing much more to be said about that. Achieving Global Moderator, SSRP Head Admin, Prophunt Super Admin. As well as Surf Moderator & Murder Admin, these ranks may not have been lead team or specially selected but honestly, it's still an achievement.
I've served as an SSRP Head & Super admin for the combined total of almost a year, been a global mod for who knows how long, and I've been a PH Super Admin for not too long. I've given much for the community and I've learned things here, I might leave this all behind me, but at least I've earned friends that will stay with me.
The sad truth is that I will leave all my past here, and the servers behind me. The community has some things I believe it can improve on but no-one would listen and even if they'd care they wouldn't be able to do shit about it.
Real life has gotten in my way, I have studies to follow, people to take care of, someone to love. Just a lot of things and I cannot keep up, things that are stress inducing like frequent tests during a determination phase I am going through among other things, I see playing a game to relieve me of that stress and to seek contact with others to at least semi socialize in a grey world.
After giving it heavy thought, both me and Akemi decided we'd best leave the community. We have nothing more to search for on the servers, no set goals to go for, And we'd at least leave on semi-good terms, so that one day if we do want to make a return we'd maybe be able to pick up with a freshened start, and not where we'd just be judged for our past actions., this decision was a hard choice, having spent so much time, I would just have issues letting it go.
I will fully admit, I have lost my SSRP Head Admin rank, and my forum global moderator for a reason, but they're not the reason why I am writing this post now.
SSRP Head Admin
This is a rank (even though I still don't agree with it) have lost through family issues, my own inactivity + then family issues has driven people to the lengths to demote me, this was completely my fault and even though I said I didn't agree, I do get where people come from, not agreeing simply is my stubbornness about something that I can't help.
Global Moderator
Again, inactivity, this time for another reason. I was busy with school, actually had a social life to take care of, and now I have more things to worry about than ever before. I've got a tough period ahead and in front of me and my life has changed a lot since a few months back. I simply couldn't manage to keep posting and yeah, that's a completely valid reason to demote me so I'm not even mad, but please do realise that this resignation has taken a lot of thought even in the past, and isn't because I'm mad about losing this, no instead the loss of this rank HAS caused me to resign, but because it was one of the last achievements I'm not confident enough about to get back, even with dedication and time.
As seen in the picture below me I didn't even have the time to play games, even accounting for the weekends.
The reason why we're leaving with this post, is because after 4½ years, I think the community deserves at least a proper goodbye, after all, I've given it and all asked from it.
Also, I am deciding to resign to leave at, atleast semi-good terms, not on just the bad ones.
In the community, I've achieved many things for my feeling, the proudest of which is SSRP Head Admin, PH Super Admin, and Forum Global moderator
Why am I proud of those? Because I've shown that despite not using a mic, I managed to get onto the lead team, and I've kept my ranks until I either was forced to go inactive due to family issues or because I simply need to focus IRL.
Leaving notice
It's about time that I start shutting off this post, it's been way too long, we'd love to say as a start, that we'd keep anyone that's on my friendslist, if you wanna remove me because I left the community that'd be your choice, but just because I've decided to take my own path doesn't mean we don't wanna speak to any of you ever again, to anyone who doesn't have me on steam but would like to add either of us...
Ayana Chan & Akemi Chan
You can do so at the links above.
A thank you to the community.
Having spent so much time I couldn't leave without giving the community a thank you, without all of you I'd never have stood my ground for 4½ years and might never have found the friends I have today, sure they're over the internet but I don't care about that. They're friends non the less, this is a thank you to everyone, but I have some special mentions non the less
The silver group.
You've always been a lad, you're also the person who made me realise I was demoted from GM, giving me the strength to finally make this post and let go.
You've been... nothing but a huge friend. You've been helpful and I loved being a community member alongside you, it's sad to see you've left as well but I am glad to see that we're still friends outside of the community, I just pray it stays that way.
You've been a great Super Admin alongside me, we don't speak at all anymore, but honestly, it wouldn't have been the same without you.
You've been a great friend too, I hope you keep doing what you're great at and help make Zarp a more unique enviroment. Your a key to the community, and a friend to me. Thank you.
Father watson
You're a great friend, nothing else can be said about this little watsone
Sophia / DeathRazor
Still speaking every day till this day, you're one of the best (if not the best of my online friends). Stand strong girl.
Pupper / TheNeonRaider
Also one of my best online friends, be a good doggo will you?
This guy, right here. One sneaky ass cheeky bastard case, you've been a great friend to me for ages, giving me advice and helping me keep some of my secrets, you're one of the best although we don't talk as much anymore...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Although we didnt'get along very well within the community, I assume we're sorta friends out of it, you're a great guy, and I do look forward to talking more with you in the future.
Raeker, sometimes a little troublemaker, but this doesnt keep you from doing stuff, you do what you think is right and that's respectable, it really is. I consider you a great friend to me, and I hope that'll stay that way.
Community Owners.
ChuteUk... Your a troll, how else would I describe you, but for how much of a troll you can be you're a nice guy, you seem to give understanding to others and you do seem to care a lot, just try to turn down the notch on the troll switch, you're really pissing people off sometimes.
EMP, although we don't talk like at all. You are still someone I look up to, you've helped me start to get into learning LUA which I then proceeded to use to (attempt) to help Xnator with his servers, without that I wouldn't have found my love for developing, and even if I must leave now, I still want to put time aside to help develop Murder & PH wherever I am able to help.
The big man! DCX Although you don't know who I am (And you most likely won't even read this post), I'd say that without you and *Insertunmemorablename* hosted the community back then kept me reeled in, I've been happy to serve even when you were still the owner and I think that still deserves a mention of it's own.
Community Managers.
Tyler Durden
Tyler, you've believed in me for a long ass time, it's mainly thanks to your support as well as {{REDACTED}} That I managed to get into the SSRP lead team, and I thank you for giving me that chance, you've allowed me to proof my dedication and skills and have allowed me to help the SSRP server for almost a year in the LT. I will forever be grateful for this.
Max, you're getting a load of shit sometimes, but you've made it to community manager, and with good reason. You're dedicated have spent countless hours and have tried your best. You too have given me a chance in the SSPR lead team, and with that, I'd end the people who have given me that change because this list would become very repetitive because of it, either way, thank you. For all you've done for the community AND all, you have done to give me that chance.
{ { REDACTED } }
You know who you are, and what you've done.
Server Owners.
This list is short, nothing much is to be said, Xnator is a friend of mine who has given me the chance to staff the Prophunt and the Murder server, not caring about my inability to speak nor my lack of activity at times Xnator understands that when something is wrong you need to leave it at that at least for the time being, without Xnator I'd have left months ago, together with my SSRP HA rank, but Xnator is the reason I've been kept here.
I've spoken to him before about resigning he managed to convince me not to but now I see no reason not to keep myself here any longer, I'm sorry Xnator, I hate to leave both your servers behind, but I'll do anything to help with further developing and improving them even as a user, although this doesn't make me staff right away I feel that you deserved the respect from me to that extent, and if you allow me I'd love to help you forward in developing the server.
Stewie, System, Windows, Chummy X Ray, Sora
I have nothing specific to say about you lot, except that you've helped me in any way, brightening up my day or helping with personal stuff, or just been someone amazing to talk to, thank you, thank you all so much. I'd love to be able to talk to you all again someday in the future.
The last mention I'll give goes to someone who's put in the countless amounts of effort and dedication to the community, especially PH and murder, You've changed Nick, and for the better too. You managed to get SA on both servers and I'm sure you'll manage to go higher, you always tried so hard to get better at your job that you'd even try to train staff without being able to do so, now you are able to do so and I'm leaving my role so others can advance who do have the time to do so.
I trust you to be a successful super admin, this goes for Stewie too, make sure Xnator doesn't screw everything up and I want you to keep on moving forward, and if you ever have any more issues you'd like to discuss please just message me.
And the community itself again....
I may not have mentioned you above, but you may still have impacted me for good or for bad. Thank you regardless, I've changed when I joined, and now I'll leave more mature and insightful than ever before. Even if you didn't impact me in some way I'd still like to thank you for just being here on Zarp, even though I'm leaving it's still up to you lot to built the community's future, no one can build a community on their own.
We've said all there is... None of us have to say anything else.
We wish you all a happy Easter, That's soon... right? and the best in the future.
Yours sincerely
Ayana & Akemi F
PS: Don't forget to remove my Global Moderator you smarties <3
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