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TOPIC: [Server Suggestion] Semi-Vanilla SSRP

[Server Suggestion] Semi-Vanilla SSRP 6 years 11 months ago #632862

This is merely a rough idea post, of course things throughout the post are subject to change if it gets enough support and ideas, if you are about to make a critical reply please make sure you read the entire post, thanks in advance.

I've had this idea ever since I started playing SSRP a week ago, which is in all honesty, a pure mess, roleplay shouldn't even be in the title, it's pretty much a run and gun simulator, run around, shoot a few people, maybe shout down your mic a few times, other than that, the server has no substance in terms of proper gameplay or how it's meant to be, no one even bases anymore, and for good reasons, you can pretty much craft a remover tool, plus everyone is already too rich to base anymore, there is no middle ground in terms of economy, you're either filthy rich and you don't base anymore, or you are quite new and you get destroyed by people who have a scope boost and fuck knows what else, which means you instantly leave the server, I'm simply making this post in hopes of bringing back a server I used to love and enjoy, a server I could see myself spending 12 hours a day on without any issues of me being bored.

Server Name:

It's a suggestion for a new server, the name can be decided later on.

Suggestion Title:
Changing one of the three SSRP servers to a semi-vanilla server, what I mean by semi-vanilla is as follows, keep in mind it is subject to change based on the replies and feedback.

• Everyone starts fresh for starters, no matter the amount of money you had on the other servers, you'll start with 5,000-25,000 on this one, no exceptions, no items, no nothing.
• Gangs and their upgrades stay, maybe making them harder to achieve, but all in all this keeps competitiveness between gangs alive and is a good feature
• Map should be decided by the community in my opinion, possibly Evilmelon, Evocity, Townsend, no Rockford as it is too big of a map and basically kills the purpose of making this server in the first place.
• No blueprints, No gencorp, no suits that teleport, no printers that give you 1 mil every 5 minutes, nothing that breaks the economy in a matter of hours.
• Bank Robberies stay as they are, however since Blueprint cases are not a thing, a Bank Robbery should only give money, and the amount of money should be based on how the economy will be set up
• Cars stay as they are, except for the ones you get through a blueprint/gencorp addon.
• Just to expand a bit on the printer subject, the VIP printers should be the best printers, which gives people incentive to buy VIP, rest get Topaz and other stuff.
• A Booster Pack stays as it is, no blueprint case of course, but everything stays the same, maybe lower the cash reward to 500k to ensure that the economy doesn't get too inflated by those who buy too many.
• The M9K pack stays as it is, same with the crafting and mining system, which should render the Oribtal Strike the most powerful craftable on the server

TL;DR: Late 2014 SSRP, where M9K was the new hot shit and orbital strikes were 50mil a piece, while still keeping some features from the newer updates to ensure the gameplay doesn't get stale real fast.

How would it benefit the community:

Bringing Back Proper Roleplay
In other terms, giving every job a purpose in the server, which means people can be Gun Dealers, Hotel Owners, etc, and not worry about whether or not they serve a proper purpose on the server, through balancing job income a bit, which can be done by removing the extremely overpowered printers and other shenanigans.

Be Gone, Stale Gameplay
The gameplay is quite stale as of right now, there's no denying, it's basically a glorified Cops vs. Gangsters TDM, pretty much nothing to do on the server because of how most dedicated players have already reached god knows what amount of money, and new players have no place in the server because of how hard it is to set up a base and actually make money, they can go Cop or something to try make some money, but chances are because of how everything is set up they'll get bored quite quickly and leave.

Justify Purchasing VIP
Do me a favor and go check out the VIP tab, take a look at the benefits and try and convince me or anyone else that the so called "benefits" cannot be easily surpassed with the craftable stuff right now that you can get cheaply, whether it's Master Thief's Pro Lockpick being surpassed by a Diamond Lockpick which costs 750k total, or the VIP printers surpassed by the god knows what other printers there is, VIP is basically useless SSRP wise, except for getting a job slot and possibly the inventory weight, which honestly isn't that big of a deal seeing how RP is on the server.

Less Taxing Performance Wise
Not everyone has the money to buy an extremely powerful gaming PC, including myself, mine is honestly mediocre, but others may struggle trying to play SSRP based on the state of the server right now, everybody knows that if you're getting less than 60FPS and trying to play properly, you won't have fun, a server with less addons will give players with low tier PC's a better experience.

Give Old Players a Reason to Play
Most old and dedicated players including myself have reached end game meaning they have a load of money and can buy anything they want which isn't as great as many expect, they either become a staff member or just stick around with no purpose on the server, I've heard many of the old players wanting an economy reset, or a general reset for all players so they can start from zero and have fun once more, and adding a fresh Semi-Vanilla server should help achieve that.

Potential Issues/Exploits:

Difficult to Implement
Seeing as I have never seen the way the server itself is coded or how the addons are implemented, it may be tough to single out some of the features in the last few updates and implement them in a much older update, I honestly have very basic knowledge of how this works, therefore I won't assume how easy or hard it should be to implement the features I have aforementioned.

Database Complications
With what I am suggestion right now, there might be database complications seeing as how there would be 2 normal servers and 1 semi-vanilla server, with each server having its own database, this might cause problems for the lead team in terms of how things are stored, as of right now, all your items are linked on all three servers, however if it was 2 similar servers and 1 different server, it may be harder to link stuff or in other words, give each server its own database without causing problems.

Difficult to Maintain
With the way the servers are right now, all 3 are on the same page in terms of rules, database, staff members, and whatnot, if there a server on a different page, it may be much more difficult to maintain it, seeing as it may not be a derivative of the other servers in terms of rules and staff members.

EMP instantly locking this thread and telling me to make the server on my own
Which is basically a huge fuck you to me and the amount of effort I've placed in this thread, EMP, pls no.

Additional notes:
I've looked over the gametrackers on all three servers and it seems like Server 2 is the least popular server, barely breaking the 30 player mark throughout the past month, if the lead team were to agree to this idea and go through with it, or should they be conflicted as to which server they should choose, it should honestly be the Rockford server, seeing as it already the least popular one.
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ex-dog LT member on many servers

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[Server Suggestion] Semi-Vanilla SSRP 6 years 11 months ago #632864

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[Server Suggestion] Semi-Vanilla SSRP 6 years 11 months ago #632865

Can you guys please work together on the same suggestion?

Thank you
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