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TOPIC: Remove the x3 printer boosters from drug runs

Remove the x3 printer boosters from drug runs 1 year 3 months ago #1405838


Server Name: SSRP

Suggestion Title: Allow a reroll option or change the runs to only allow 1 listing of any item at once.

How would it benefit the server: Prevent farmers from leaving 3 lots of items such as the x3 boosters and allow a variety of choice in the rewards.

Potential Issues/Exploits: I can't think of any.

Additional notes: I love the new drug run idea however it's quickly become annoying with the amount of x3 boosters that just get left. Every time that I want to check out the drug runs it's just 3 lots of x3 boosters. People literally wait for someone to do one of them to reroll one of the options but if you do a x3 run, you must wait an hour before you can run again by that time it's usually x3 boosters again. Players have asked me to run drug runs for them so I can reroll the reward of one for them to run.
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Last Edit: 1 year 3 months ago by Elemental.
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Remove the x3 printer boosters from drug runs 1 year 3 months ago #1405839

Def in the top 10 worst takes of all time
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Remove the x3 printer boosters from drug runs 1 year 3 months ago #1405840

Smol wrote:
Def in the top 10 worst takes of all time

I would have to agree.
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Remove the x3 printer boosters from drug runs 1 year 3 months ago #1405842

I literally had sinz asking me to do a drug run to reroll for him to do a drug run cus it was 3x boosters across the board. At least allow it to only have a max of one x3 booster listed.
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Remove the x3 printer boosters from drug runs 1 year 3 months ago #1405843

uhm, people do x3 runs
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Remove the x3 printer boosters from drug runs 1 year 3 months ago #1405844

Elemental wrote:
I literally had sinz asking me to do a drug run to reroll for him to do a drug run cus it was 3x boosters across the board. At least allow it to only have a max of one x3 booster listed.

:plussp: Used me as an example because I am a farmer!
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Remove the x3 printer boosters from drug runs 1 year 3 months ago #1405848

x3 is literally a good reward though…?
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Remove the x3 printer boosters from drug runs 1 year 3 months ago #1405850

if you don't like it don't use it //closed
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Remove the x3 printer boosters from drug runs 1 year 3 months ago #1405851

I’m not saying it’s a bad reward, what I’m suggesting is that allow only 1 to be present at any time as the choice of 3 x3 boosters is just pathetic to someone that doesn’t print. The idea of there being a choice is good and all but when farmers run them to only go after specific loot just takes that option of choice away from other players.
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Remove the x3 printer boosters from drug runs 1 year 3 months ago #1405852

Elemental wrote:
I’m not saying it’s a bad reward, what I’m suggesting is that allow only 1 to be present at any time as the choice of 3 x3 boosters is just pathetic to someone that doesn’t print. The idea of there being a choice is good and all but when farmers run them to only go after specific loot just takes that option of choice away from other players.

The point is to get people stuff to get started, not to rely on it as a main source of income
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Remove the x3 printer boosters from drug runs 1 year 3 months ago #1405859

Not going to sugar coat this chief, this is a fucking awful suggestion
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Remove the x3 printer boosters from drug runs 1 year 3 months ago #1405860

Literally use them to print(printing makes you money :woohoo: :woohoo:
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Remove the x3 printer boosters from drug runs 1 year 3 months ago #1405864

so your suggestion is removing the ability to have 2 or 3 of the same item in the drug run at once

if that's the case sure, people want variety instead of being forced an x3

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Remove the x3 printer boosters from drug runs 1 year 3 months ago #1405870

CEO of Business wrote:
x3 is literally a good reward though…?
don’t be ridiculous, we would rather have gitems instead man :woohoo:
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Remove the x3 printer boosters from drug runs 1 year 3 months ago #1405871

JMTyeet wrote:
so your suggestion is removing the ability to have 2 or 3 of the same item in the drug run at once

if that's the case sure, people want variety instead of being forced an x3

No ones forced to take a 3x, if you don't want to do it then you don't have to. Some people are just crying over free stuff tho :zarp:
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Remove the x3 printer boosters from drug runs 1 year 3 months ago #1405873

Yeah people are clearly missing the point. I just want variety in the drug runs. People commenting opposing arguments aren't either playing the server or do not run the drug runs :clap: If it doesn't effect them then what's the point apparently :?
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Remove the x3 printer boosters from drug runs 1 year 3 months ago #1405874

Elemental wrote:
Yeah people are clearly missing the point. I just want variety in the drug runs. People commenting opposing arguments aren't either playing the server or do not run the drug runs :clap: If it doesn't affect them then what's the point apparently :?

No you just want a really easy thing to be overly rewarding, try actually putting the work in for items.
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Remove the x3 printer boosters from drug runs 1 year 3 months ago #1405875

Missed the point. I'm not asking for different rewards than what's already being offered. I'm asking for VARIETY in what they already offer so that players can have a choice the way it's designed. At the time being, farmers are taking advantage of the best rewards just leaving x3 boosters. They are futile to me and various other players, hence why they're being left, I would rather spend more money trying to get the x4 printer boosters if anything and for those you have a higher risk/reward by the drug run costing more. Thus, "putting the work in for the items"
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Remove the x3 printer boosters from drug runs 1 year 3 months ago #1405876

Elemental wrote:
Missed the point. I'm not asking for different rewards than what's already being offered. I'm asking for VARIETY in what they already offer so that players can have a choice the way it's designed. At the time being, farmers are taking advantage of the best rewards just leaving x3 boosters. They are futile to me and various other players, hence why they're being left, I would rather spend more money trying to get the x4 printer boosters if anything and for those you have a higher risk/reward by the drug run costing more. Thus, "putting the work in for the items"

Every reward source has a risk/difficulty factor associated with it. If the risk/difficulty is low, the reward should be low as well. Reappearing rewards are a good way to deal with this because someone needs to be forced to accept the undesirable reward otherwise it would be excessively rewarding in comparison to other sources. I'd also just like to note that the X3 printer booster is still a really good reward and even if you dont print yourself you can still sell these in your shop.
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Remove the x3 printer boosters from drug runs 1 year 3 months ago #1405877

Elemental wrote:
Missed the point. I'm not asking for different rewards than what's already being offered. I'm asking for VARIETY in what they already offer so that players can have a choice the way it's designed. At the time being, farmers are taking advantage of the best rewards just leaving x3 boosters. They are futile to me and various other players, hence why they're being left, I would rather spend more money trying to get the x4 printer boosters if anything and for those you have a higher risk/reward by the drug run costing more. Thus, "putting the work in for the items"
But from what I've seen the 3x boosters are one of the best items in there, I will continue to claim an item that can and will make me billions more for only 10mil per :pray:
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