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TOPIC: [Deathrun] Re-Add Leaderboards to the opening menu

[Deathrun] Re-Add Leaderboards to the opening menu 6 years 5 months ago #826041

Server Name:

Suggestion Title:
Add Leader boards back to the opening menu

How would it benefit the server:
People have worked hard and played a lot on the server to get onto the leaderboard and they deserve to have something to show that they earned something rather than playing for nothing.
A Good Pianist wrote:
it will allow for players to check where they are within the ranking of top 20 how close they are to getting on there and it will show new players and give them something to aspire to be on them if they keep palying

Potential Issues/Exploits:
Additional notes:
I personally know that this isn't a hard add back as it is in the other code and will most likely take 15 minutes max to actually do so if u can please do it
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[Deathrun] Re-Add Leaderboards to the opening menu 6 years 5 months ago #826042

moved to correct section
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[Deathrun] Re-Add Leaderboards to the opening menu 6 years 5 months ago #826046

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[Deathrun] Re-Add Leaderboards to the opening menu 6 years 5 months ago #826049

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[Deathrun] Re-Add Leaderboards to the opening menu 6 years 5 months ago #826092

The only code I removed was the code to add the stats to the old menu. I just need to reincorporate it into the new menu, which wouldn’t take long, so if you want it, then sure this can be done easily.
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[Deathrun] Re-Add Leaderboards to the opening menu 6 years 5 months ago #826093

TheXnator wrote:
The only code I removed was the code to add the stats to the old menu. I just need to reincorporate it into the new menu, which wouldn’t take long, so if you want it, then sure this can be done easily.

Thanks maannnnnnnn
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[Deathrun] Re-Add Leaderboards to the opening menu 6 years 5 months ago #826097

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[Deathrun] Re-Add Leaderboards to the opening menu 6 years 5 months ago #826725

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[Deathrun] Re-Add Leaderboards to the opening menu 6 years 5 months ago #826728

I was one place off the time leaderboards!!!
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[Deathrun] Re-Add Leaderboards to the opening menu 6 years 5 months ago #827218

I remember a time when the server was good and fun and I wanted to be on those leaderboards in the places I am currently ranked but now I can barely play cus it's gotten bad
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Last Edit: 6 years 5 months ago by A Good Pianist. Reason: Spelling
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[Deathrun] Re-Add Leaderboards to the opening menu 6 years 5 months ago #827411

Bump this needs doing
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[Deathrun] Re-Add Leaderboards to the opening menu 6 years 5 months ago #827544

A Good Pianist wrote:
Bump this needs doing
Already did it!
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Last Edit: 6 years 5 months ago by EMP.
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[Deathrun] Re-Add Leaderboards to the opening menu 6 years 5 months ago #827573

EMP wrote:
A Good Pianist wrote:
Bump this needs doing
Already did it!
My man
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[Deathrun] Re-Add Leaderboards to the opening menu 6 years 5 months ago #827617

Micky wrote:
EMP wrote:
A Good Pianist wrote:
Bump this needs doing
Already did it!
My man

Atleast emp still adds things which people want better then everyone else that can

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[Deathrun] Re-Add Leaderboards to the opening menu 6 years 5 months ago #827624

TheXnator wrote:
The only code I removed was the code to add the stats to the old menu. I just need to reincorporate it into the new menu, which wouldn’t take long, so if you want it, then sure this can be done easily.

why would you add a thing that isn't done yet wtf
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[Deathrun] Re-Add Leaderboards to the opening menu 6 years 5 months ago #827751

EMP wrote:
A Good Pianist wrote:
Bump this needs doing
Already did it!

You put the button in the wrong place REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks babes makes my life slightly easier

Anyways, since this is done, I guess it can be locked :P
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Last Edit: 6 years 5 months ago by TheXnator.
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