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TOPIC: [SSRP SUGGESTION] Civil Protection Overhaul

[SSRP SUGGESTION] Civil Protection Overhaul 6 years 6 months ago #799761

Server Name:

Suggestion Title:
Civil Protection Overhaul

How would it benefit the server:
Improve the RP experience for all players. While there are a lot of suggestions, there are a lot of ideas to work with here, and of course not ALL of them need to be accepted, but I am giving you guys a lot of material so you have something to work with.

Potential Issues/Exploits:
May take some refining to do in terms of balancing for CP armor/health if it is too OP at first, changing around weapons could be annoying but its easy, and possibly editing map if everything in this suggestion were to be accepted could be time consuming. Overall its just that it might take some time to sit down and do the things suggested, but it would be well worth it.

Additional notes:
So it has come to my attention that as it is now CP are INCREDIBLY underpowered and personally I feel it really kills the experience of playing CP in the server. It makes no sense to me that you need 15 CP to raid a nuke thats being defended by maybe 5 people. The following things are what I suggest in order to make the experience of playing CP a little more meaningful and enjoyable.

1. Improve PD.
So I’ve noticed that maybe every 5 minutes or so the PD is stormed by maybe one or two gangsters that completely curb stomp the entirety of the PD within seconds regardless of if there is like six CP inside. I feel this kills the experience, the PD is too easy to raid. All it takes is one EMP grenade and majority of the doors open instantly letting people run inside and have their way with the people within. The PD is incredibly hard to defend and honestly makes being CP not nearly as fun as it could be.To deal with this the following things I think would be beneficial.

The first is making it so that EMP grenades have no effect on the doors in the PD. The PD is such a small area so an EMP grenade opens 90% of the doors. I think it would be more fun if raiders had to use door charges or lock pick the doors as it would take more time and would give the CP inside at least a small chance to be get ready for the people coming in, instead of being randomly curb stomped by people who come in with an EMP grenade.

The second is make PD larger, while the current PD is nice and all, the garage in my opinion is unnecessary as no one actually puts cars in there and there are no cars that spawn there. If we were to eliminate this, as long as the big “prison yard” type thing I think that would leave a vast amount of space to put extra rooms, jail cells, a mayors office, and a vault(will explain this later)

Third, I feel the PD Lockdown system needs to be improved. As it is it only blocks the main entrances, but I feel it would be nice if there were different button to lock down different parts to the PD. For example if we were to add a mayors office the lockdown buttons should be inside there, there should be a button to lockdown the door to his office, a lock down button for the jail cell doors as well the doors that lead into the room where the jail cells are, and a button to lock down the main entrances to PD.

These improvements may require some work, but honestly I think they would be worth it.

2. Improve Mayor
As it stands the Mayor job is useless once again due to it being implemented once again that the Mayor is automatically demoted once they die. To me this poses a problem because the PD is so easy to raid so as quick as someone becomes Mayor, they'll probably be dead in the next 60 seconds. To try and combat this I think the Mayor should spawn with extra health, extra armor, and a pistol. Also I think the mayor should keep his job on death because honestly you die to easy in this server, with the various suits, gluon, mini-guns, and other explosive weaponry. I feel it is hard to RP with people constantly raiding the PD and doing other crazy staff. They literally wipe the floor with everyone in PD, so I don't see the point of even having the job if it isn't actually usable. I understand the idea behind what you guys are trying to implement, but on a server like this where weapons are easy to come by it just doesn't make any sense. Morgan said that one of the reasons you guys changed it was to prevent people from abusing the lockdown command, which in my opinion is kind of dumb because with the amount of staff online, if someone abuses said command it can easily be dealt with.

3. Improve Police, Prison Guard, SAS, SWAT, SWAT Sniper, SWAT Leader.
In my opinion its hard for people to play SWAT without having to shell out their own money to buy good weapons, suits, etc. It’s hard for casual players who don't have millions of dollars to drop on some serious weaponry to be able to compete with gangsters. So here are some pretty minor improvements I think the CP should gets.

Side note: All CP’s should use the same exact pistol because it is a uniform organization.

Police : Improve health and armor by 25 points(Total 125/75), currently the prison guard spawns with more armor than this job which makes little sense because Police are out in the field doing things and not sitting in the prison. Also they should spawn with an M92 Berretta instead of SIG. Spawn with MP5SD, MP5, or UMP.

Prison Guard : Improve health by 25 and decrease armor by 25(125/50), an armor decrease makes more sense as they are not in as much danger as the Police job(putting constant PD raids aside, I mean this in the context of RP), Spawn with M92 Berretta instead of Deagle.

SAS : Improve health and armor by 25 points(125/125). Spawn with M92 Berretta instead of HK USP. Spawn with STEYR AUG instead of MP5. A better gun would be more suited for this job because SAS are considered to be elite and giving them an under powered MP5 that is pretty terrible makes no sense to me. Also spawn with P90.

SWAT : Improve health and armor by 50 points(150/150). Only reason I suggest a substantial increase in this jobs health and armor is because it is a VIP only job. Spawn M92 Barretta instead of HK USP. Spawn with an L85 instead of MP5. A better gun would suit this job better because SWAT are considered to be elite, and because it is a VIP job. Spawn with any pump shotgun.

SWAT Sniper: Improve health and armor by 50 points(150/150). Only reason I suggest a substantial increase in this jobs health and armor is because it is a VIP only job. Spawn M92 Barretta instead of HK USP. Spawn with either SVU, PSG, or HK SL8. While some may consider those snipers to be overpowered with scope boost, the fact that there can only be one SWAT Sniper makes up for that.

SWAT Leader: Improve health and armor by 50 points(150/150). Only reason I suggest a substantial increase in this jobs health and armor is because it is a VIP only job. Spawn M92 Barretta instead of HK USP. Spawn with Striker 12, while this shotgun may be very good, it is a VIP job and that there can only be one SWAT Leader makes up for that so it isn't like you have 10 people running around with a striker.

4. Move Bank Vault Into PD.
This isn't a suggestion I’m super hardcore about but I think it would be a good idea. 99% of the time the bank is undefended until it gets raided, so when people go to raid the bank they have plenty of time to set up tons of defenses before they begin the heist and come under fire from CP. I feel putting the vault in the PD eliminates the ease of setting yourself up for robbing the bank because in order to rob the vault you first need to get through the CP that are in the PD and with that they are already on alert because they came into the PD guns blazing headed for the bank vault so that would make robbing the vault a little more difficult.

5. Improve Taser / Arrest Baton
The current taser is bad, its hard to hit anyone with it. You could try to shoot at someone who's wanted with it, miss once, and but literally have enough time to pull out a PSG and headshot you before you can actually hit them most of the time. When it shoots the direction of it can often be pretty wonky and I’m sure there are better alternatives out there for a taser.

The current arrest baton is very hard to hit people with due to hit boxes for some reason. You can right next to someone and swing you arrest baton and somehow still not hit them. I’m not sure how this could be fixed, but I know in other servers this problem doesn't exist so I’m sure it is something you guys can work on.
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[SSRP SUGGESTION] Civil Protection Overhaul 6 years 6 months ago #799765

1. :neutralsp:
2. :plussp:
3. :plussp:
4. :minussp:
5. #Accepted
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[SSRP SUGGESTION] Civil Protection Overhaul 6 years 6 months ago #799768

So while reading this, I thought looking at the SWAT Sniper with a HK is op as the gun has 30 bullets. Other than that the rest is really good.

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[SSRP SUGGESTION] Civil Protection Overhaul 6 years 6 months ago #799969

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[SSRP SUGGESTION] Civil Protection Overhaul 6 years 6 months ago #799973

Some great ideas here and before someone calls us out again for never accepting suggestions (we can't accept them publicly due to the nature of updates) I'd be surprised if we didn't see some of these in a future update. In particular I like the idea of overhauling the PD in order to to make it easier to defend, and I believe there could also be a number of other changes to the PD which tie into some of your other ideas for balancing the Police jobs. What exactly do I mean by that? You will have to wait and see in the upcoming updates.
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[SSRP SUGGESTION] Civil Protection Overhaul 6 years 6 months ago #799981

I think the Mayor should be given a jugg suit to use in combat situations, maybe with decreased HP and Armor but if the mayor is caught using it to lets say raid, he will get punished.
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[SSRP SUGGESTION] Civil Protection Overhaul 6 years 6 months ago #800645

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[SSRP SUGGESTION] Civil Protection Overhaul 6 years 6 months ago #800647

thank getzco good suggestions #Accepted

but honestly these are good
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[SSRP SUGGESTION] Civil Protection Overhaul 6 years 6 months ago #800674

I think morgan had a similar idea a few months back, but Id definitely like to see this implemented.

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[SSRP SUGGESTION] Civil Protection Overhaul 6 years 6 months ago #800708

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Last Edit: 6 years 6 months ago by Tadgee.
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[SSRP SUGGESTION] Civil Protection Overhaul 6 years 6 months ago #802754

Chuteuk wrote:
Some great ideas here and before someone calls us out again for never accepting suggestions (we can't accept them publicly due to the nature of updates) I'd be surprised if we didn't see some of these in a future update. In particular I like the idea of overhauling the PD in order to to make it easier to defend, and I believe there could also be a number of other changes to the PD which tie into some of your other ideas for balancing the Police jobs. What exactly do I mean by that? You will have to wait and see in the upcoming updates.
I would never think of something like this I want to learn from you
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[SSRP SUGGESTION] Civil Protection Overhaul 6 years 6 months ago #802758

Nakker wrote:
I think the Mayor should be given a jugg suit to use in combat situations, maybe with decreased HP and Armor but if the mayor is caught using it to lets say raid, he will get punished.
Maybe something like a jugg but not the same style maybe a style like a metal suit or something sharp for the mayor
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Jay House number 1 as always
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[SSRP SUGGESTION] Civil Protection Overhaul 6 years 6 months ago #806334

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[SSRP SUGGESTION] Civil Protection Overhaul 6 years 6 months ago #806336

Chuteuk wrote:
Some great ideas here and before someone calls us out again for never accepting suggestions (we can't accept them publicly due to the nature of updates) I'd be surprised if we didn't see some of these in a future update. In particular I like the idea of overhauling the PD in order to to make it easier to defend, and I believe there could also be a number of other changes to the PD which tie into some of your other ideas for balancing the Police jobs. What exactly do I mean by that? You will have to wait and see in the upcoming updates.
Next update,
New gun,

yeeeeee boiiiiiiii
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