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TOPIC: Staff Ethos change / Rule change Suggestion

Staff Ethos change / Rule change Suggestion 6 years 6 months ago #789834

Server Name: Zarp DarkRP

Suggestion Title: Staff Ehos edit / Rule change or addition

How would it benefit the server: Would greatly improve the amount of players being punished for there actions making the server a better place

I suggest that there be a part made for the ethos that clearly states that staff members are not allowed to give "verbal warnings" as punishment for breaking rules. Verbal punishments completely undermine the point of the warning system in the first place. It means that players who regularly would be banned quite fast are getting away with minor rule breaks regularly because of the warning system not being used therefore the "verbal warnings" are never logged.

However to those who say in times where a minor rule break has been committed then they should not receive a warning? Well the entire point of the warning system and the rules is so players have a good reason to follow them so they are not punished.

Potential Issues/Exploits:
- Could cause heavy handed staffing (which is actually needed).
- Annoys backseat staffers who just dish out "verbal warnings" because they do not want to risk actually giving a real one.
- May lead to situations in which a warning may not be deserved still being handed out.

Additional notes:

Please help me and voice your opinions so the staff team can understand and stop this verbal warning aids.
those who disagree please state your reasons
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Staff Ethos change / Rule change Suggestion 6 years 6 months ago #789837

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Staff Ethos change / Rule change Suggestion 6 years 6 months ago #789838

Young Sinatra wrote: because there basically is none, the only people that don't want this are the people that regularly break rules ;)
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Staff Ethos change / Rule change Suggestion 6 years 6 months ago #789840

We have a punishment appeal system in place for a reason.

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Staff Ethos change / Rule change Suggestion 6 years 6 months ago #789845

Well the reason for verbal warnings are quite easy, if someone just breaks NLR for like a second and realises and get caught, just tell them you need to remember or some shit boom, verbal warning needed where a regular one isn't. Also it might not be often that this happens but sometimes a verbal can be enough for people to stop doing something if they are new on the server. It is a good thing
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Staff Ethos change / Rule change Suggestion 6 years 6 months ago #789855

Keith Cozart wrote:
Well the reason for verbal warnings are quite easy, if someone just breaks NLR for like a second and realises and get caught, just tell them you need to remember or some shit boom, verbal warning needed where a regular one isn't. Also it might not be often that this happens but sometimes a verbal can be enough for people to stop doing something if they are new on the server. It is a good thing
Would be great if it was actually used like that! But it isn't. I've had too many times to count where a mod/admin has simply just told a player not to do it again when they have admitted to breaking the rules knowingly. I would even love for it to be mentioned within the new part that you can give verbal warnings but only in certain cases where the player is below a certain amount of hours on the server which would represent there knowledge very well.
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Staff Ethos change / Rule change Suggestion 6 years 6 months ago #789857

itzryzo wrote:
Keith Cozart wrote:
Well the reason for verbal warnings are quite easy, if someone just breaks NLR for like a second and realises and get caught, just tell them you need to remember or some shit boom, verbal warning needed where a regular one isn't. Also it might not be often that this happens but sometimes a verbal can be enough for people to stop doing something if they are new on the server. It is a good thing
Would be great if it was actually used like that! But it isn't. I've had too many times to count where a mod/admin has simply just told a player not to do it again when they have admitted to breaking the rules knowingly. I would even love for it to be mentioned within the new part that you can give verbal warnings but only in certain cases where the player is below a certain amount of hours on the server which would represent there knowledge very well.

Well the problem is that its for every single staff member to decide what punishments fits the situation. Also the whole hour thing wont work because people can just go on ALT's without the staff knowing
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Staff Ethos change / Rule change Suggestion 6 years 6 months ago #789864

There are no problem with the verbal warnings the only problem is how most staff members use them. They should only be used on rare occasions where a warning is not necessary because the user didn't ment to break a rule and it should be there to warn him about that he still broke a rule. Most people who actually read the rules might miss something small like a prop transparency can't be smaller then 50 and make a dupe with 35. They should be told by the admin that the rules says 50 and make sure you read the rules carefully.
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Staff Ethos change / Rule change Suggestion 6 years 6 months ago #789888

I suggest that there be a part made for the ethos that clearly states that staff members are not allowed to give "verbal warnings" as punishment for breaking rules. Verbal punishments completely undermine the point of the warning system in the first place.


Only time people should get verbally warned is when the rule is very complicated and hard to understand. Verbal warning people who casually RDM's is a bad idea and causes a great deal off staff members to quit.
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Last Edit: 6 years 6 months ago by catboy sven ツ.
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Staff Ethos change / Rule change Suggestion 6 years 6 months ago #789972

I actually agree with this cos if I get straight warnings everyone else should too. It will make everything equal good shout Ryzo and welcome back
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Staff Ethos change / Rule change Suggestion 6 years 6 months ago #790002

Blocked wrote:
Has been suggested multiple times throughout the past few months, even after a good amount of support the threads were simply abandoned because there was no reply from anyone in the community team.

The ethos only protects rulebreakers, ZARP is a good server to mass rulebreak on thanks to the ethos.
This post is different from the other ones, though. The other suggestions wanted the staff ethos changed in such a way to ensure that users can be punished more harshly at the staff member's discretion.

Sorry, Blocked, but this is kinda hypocritical coming from you. You have stated multuple times that you want a staff ethos where the staff member can decide themselves what the punishment should be for the user. This addition only limits the staff member even more, rather than giving them more freedom.
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Staff Ethos change / Rule change Suggestion 6 years 6 months ago #790147

ur mum gay
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