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TOPIC: [TTT Suggestion] Traitors C4

[TTT Suggestion] Traitors C4 6 years 6 months ago #782034

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Suggestion Title:

Traitors C4

How would it benefit the server:

Effectively the way that this would work would be in a case when a Traitor has placed down a C4 which has a decent amount of time which is 45 Seconds (Minimum) And a fellow traitor would get to close when it explodes killing the player. Many times the Traitor would be AFK and see the report open that 'Player x' had killed him, so he would open a report and the other player may have forgotten he placed a C4 or wat happened.

It would decrease the amounts of Reports per round, stop AFK players from raging when they see they died on there traitor round.

Pretty much stop you from having a report players screen when you die from C4.

Potential Issues/Exploits:

Not sure how long something like this would take to program.

Additional notes:

Thats all,
-Mustang :zarp:
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[TTT Suggestion] Traitors C4 6 years 6 months ago #782052

Hard time understanding you righr now, so it's basically not opening a report box when a C4 explodes?
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[TTT Suggestion] Traitors C4 6 years 6 months ago #782066

Svanzscape wrote:
Hard time understanding you righr now, so it's basically not opening a report box when a C4 explodes?


Ok so we are both traitors, your afk at the start of the round near tester so I set up a C4 to kill the people in tester, in the cross fire it actually kills you. When you return to your PC and see that you where killed you open a report saying that you where 'afk and it was your t-round' then I responnd with 'unsure what happened' Then a staff member has to open up a report to tell us that a C4 killed you. Wasting staff and player time. Pretty much when anyone dies from a c4. The report menu wont pop up on the dead person.

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[TTT Suggestion] Traitors C4 6 years 6 months ago #782093

Don't really see that much of a need for this, it doesn't take long for the staff to deal with these reports. It would take more effort to implement then its worth.
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[TTT Suggestion] Traitors C4 6 years 6 months ago #782099

Nah, it takes up our report count :)
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[TTT Suggestion] Traitors C4 6 years 6 months ago #782121

Yeah, in that case, It's really no big deal for us.

It's an open-closed case for us, it takes not even a second for us to deal with those.

And, there might be a few exploits with this, as a C4 kill counts as an explosion, which could be an incendiary grenade, a suicide bomb, etc. So it can be exploited. It's really no biggie for us lmao.

It does get annoying, like I understand you're angry you lost your T round but aside from that it's not an issue.
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[TTT Suggestion] Traitors C4 6 years 6 months ago #782229

I like the Video in you discription
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