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TOPIC: [TTT Suggestion] How to play F1 page.

[TTT Suggestion] How to play F1 page. 6 years 6 months ago #773335

Server Name: TTT

Suggestion Title: Information for new players

How would it benefit the server: Newer players are not an uncommon occurrence in TTT, far from it really. And there are a few times that people ask, "How do I play this game". Because of the removed default F1 image and small introduction on how to actually play the game, staff are left to individually explain to them how to actually play the games. Reading the rules, whilst everyone has to do it, it definitely takes a while and to a new player the terminology might be difficult to get behind right off the bat.

Suggestion is, add a How to play or whatever page back to the F1 menu, so that new players can have a quick scroll through. This would minimise time spent for staff constantly explaining the rules and would minimise newer players from breaking the rules because of them being unfamiliar with the gamemode.
Potential Issues/Exploits: None

Additional notes: None
Last Edit: 6 years 6 months ago by Yikes Svanz Comet.
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[TTT Suggestion] How to play F1 page. 6 years 6 months ago #773342

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[TTT Suggestion] How to play F1 page. 6 years 6 months ago #773347

Raeker wrote:
Good luck someone whos entirely new reading that lmao.

Imagine joining a game, tryna have a good time and you're dropped a hard-cover copy of nothing but homework lmao.
Last Edit: 6 years 6 months ago by Yikes Svanz Comet.
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[TTT Suggestion] How to play F1 page. 6 years 6 months ago #773349

Svanzscape wrote:
Raeker wrote:
Good luck someone whos entirely new reading that lmao.

Imagine joining a game, tryna have a good time and you're dropped a hard-cover copy of nothing but homework lmao.

Do you know how to play ANY game without knowing anything about it?
  • Roy Harper
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[TTT Suggestion] How to play F1 page. 6 years 6 months ago #773380

Roy Specter wrote:
Svanzscape wrote:
Raeker wrote:
Good luck someone whos entirely new reading that lmao.

Imagine joining a game, tryna have a good time and you're dropped a hard-cover copy of nothing but homework lmao.

Do you know how to play ANY game without knowing anything about it?

Yes, tons, that's sort of the beauty of playing games, to learn them.

IMO, The default F1 menu isn't a bad thing, it would be a simple Tab on already existing tabs in the F1 menu just explaining THE GENERAL IDEA of the TTT gamemode.

1-2 decent paragraphs, bish bosh you're good to go.

And I'm not saying REMOVE this thread that you've linked, it's good for it to be there for players who want to be more advanced than others, but in any other sense, it's good for it to be there. Literally doesn't hinder anything, just helps.

I play games to play them, not read them.
Last Edit: 6 years 6 months ago by Yikes Svanz Comet.
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