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TOPIC: [CM Suggestion] Allowing people to defend themself

[CM Suggestion] Allowing people to defend themself 6 years 8 months ago #738554

Chute told me to post it here
<01:24:38> You poked "Chuteuk" with message: Chute: If someone got a suggestion that's gonna need to be done by the CM-team where does one submit
<01:26:01> "Chuteuk" pokes you: on the forums
<01:26:15> You poked "Chuteuk" with message: Alright.
<01:26:15> "Chuteuk" pokes you: or via the contact form if its confidential
<01:26:29> You poked "Chuteuk" with message: It's not confidential no. Thanks!
Server Name: The entire community, (Possibly only TS, Forums, and the LT of each server)

Suggestion Title: Allowing people to defend themselves against demotions/officials OR just to give them the FULL INFORMATION about their demotion.

How would it benefit the server: Long story ahead.

So, I'm suggesting this. Hard to grasp what I'm getting to? Alright let's explain
It's not often someone would get demoted, but it does happen. Sometimes people get demoted, yeah? That happens. Simple.
However, these people in the current system have no way to defend themselves except for appeals after the deed is done
I'm suggesting a change in this system.

I am suggesting that people before their demotion are moved in and are allowed to speak their reason and give their own arguments against things that would've been said. I think personally that people should be allowed to know why they are being demoted in the FULL REASON and not that people's points who were brought up should be kept a secret from those who faced demotion.

If anything demotions should also be a learning experience and if you don't know everything then that learning will be heavily reduced. Taking my demotion from SSRP HA as an example, I knew I Was inactive, sure this was completely valid.

But upon contacting CaptinF1Rework, attempting to explain my story and trying to turn his vote I got the following point from him "You made the LT look bad" among others, (I don't have the chat preserved my apologies), this stuff looked weird to me... "you made the lead team look bad?" What? How would I ever do that? I did my job? Wasn't talked to before about anything else than the inactivity? How did I make the team look bad in any way? I never ever received this message before. And to this day I don't understand the full meaning of it.

It's this that sometimes happens, extensive points are brought up in the meeting room, yet when people are spoken to about their demotion only the bare bone of what actually was brought up is told, this is not smart and should be changed. People should deserve to know WHY they were demoted, much like they should be allowed to know WHY they would get denied for something.

Anyway, I am confident that with me being allowed to bring my part of the story, my counter-arguments, I may have prevented me from being demoted from SSRP HA, but also prevented the official/demotion from TS & The forums. I get that this would take time, and yes it would but when it comes to your own TS staff, to the Forum staff, and especially to the lead team, those who are among the most trusted and hardworking people in the community, you'd at least should give them a chance to explain themselves, maybe to let them give the pieces which are CRUCIAL to preventing the demotion/officials being given out...
...And to prevent some hard-working staff member who dedicated countless hours from just being thrown out with only the barebone of reason and no chance to even defend themselves, except for an appeal that most likely won't even be taken seriously.

Practical example
Just to prove my point, here's an example with evidence.

I was told I was demoted for the following by the CM-TEAM: "Not doing your job"
The reason(s) I was demoted for
1 "Lack of HA duties" ok so good so far
2 "Sits in the same spacer all day" wasn't told this
3 "No interaction with other teamspeak staff" wasn't told this
4 "No training for accepted LT members" wasn't told this
Not even going to debunk it in this one, I'll do that on my appeal

THIS INFORMATION WOULD BE CRUCIAL for me to improve from my mistakes, but it wasn't even given to me at all how would I improve stuff I wouldn't know? All I knew was appeals & reports. Wow.

Potential Issues/Exploits: It will take a while if it's done for each admin/mod, a fix would be to limit it to TS/Forums/Lead Team.

Additional notes: I would've sent this directly to RedPowder, EMP However I feel like this suggestion could use some community input, and I'd like to see what the rest would think about this being added, so yeah. No drama or this will be locked.
Leave your opinions below!

Note #2: I should go sleep, I've typed WAY TOO MUCH.
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[CM Suggestion] Allowing people to defend themself 6 years 8 months ago #738555

good night
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falling for the pink pill :OMEGALUL:
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[CM Suggestion] Allowing people to defend themself 6 years 8 months ago #738560

Good idea.
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[CM Suggestion] Allowing people to defend themself 6 years 8 months ago #738579

TBH, there is a real simple solution, that would SAVE staff time, which is communication both ways, not just from the staff, voting such as LT, but also the staff member being demtoed(Example).

If a staff member is going inactive or can't do duties for any sort of reasons, than that staff member should let the LT/Higher ups know.

for example, your TS Demotion, nothing about inactivity, work or any such was ever said, meaning none of us in there either 1. ever got told, or 2. bothered to even say it(Which means that staff member who knew had failed to also do their job).

LT and Staff both need to communicate, not just the LT side, if a staff member gets demoted, due to failing to tell higher ups a reason of inactivity, then it is also a fault on that staff member.
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[CM Suggestion] Allowing people to defend themself 6 years 8 months ago #738591

Anon_Gaming wrote:
TBH, there is a real simple solution, that would SAVE staff time, which is communication both ways, not just from the staff, voting such as LT, but also the staff member being demtoed(Example).

If a staff member is going inactive or can't do duties for any sort of reasons, than that staff member should let the LT/Higher ups know.

for example, your TS Demotion, nothing about inactivity, work or any such was ever said, meaning none of us in there either 1. ever got told, or 2. bothered to even say it(Which means that staff member who knew had failed to also do their job).

LT and Staff both need to communicate, not just the LT side, if a staff member gets demoted, due to failing to tell higher ups a reason of inactivity, then it is also a fault on that staff member.
Nice point, but if you'd like to suggest communication I'd recommend the LT to contact those lacking to check like "Hey, you're kinda slacking behind is there a reason for that?" (<-- the quickest way)

As it was with my demotion if anyone wouldve asked I'd have explained, and my suggestion is the exact same as what i just said only infront of all those able to vote
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[CM Suggestion] Allowing people to defend themself 6 years 8 months ago #738668

It may of been breif but I still remember you helping me on ts about a situation despite you being in a channel with others?
Helping others is doing your duties, to be fair when I was ts staff I would sit in a spacer with my friends and help people if they poked me or if a staff member needs help dealing with someone. So what should be the problem with wanting to play games with friends while helping others?
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[CM Suggestion] Allowing people to defend themself 6 years 8 months ago #738678

I will be your demotion defendant for 10MIL I will stand up in Zarp court for you
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Studio Banter wrote:
Mage you will always be remembered as the first person to write a fuck you list on Zarp and a bonus for not getting it deleted.
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[CM Suggestion] Allowing people to defend themself 6 years 8 months ago #738679

onion is such a hypocrite he sits in his spacer all day with chuteuk n stuff
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Sorle was here
Luke was here
Rhys was here
Smo change ur password lol
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[CM Suggestion] Allowing people to defend themself 6 years 8 months ago #738696

Smo wrote:
onion is such a hypocrite he sits in his spacer all day with chuteuk n stuff
Not from what I have seen he does move around and talk to others
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Studio Banter wrote:
Mage you will always be remembered as the first person to write a fuck you list on Zarp and a bonus for not getting it deleted.
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[CM Suggestion] Allowing people to defend themself 6 years 8 months ago #738838

Ascenesion wrote:
I will be your demotion defendant for 10MIL I will stand up in Zarp court for you

That’s not quite what a defendant is
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“so I'll just say what Chummy would say: I'm proud of you bud” -Raeker 2k17

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[CM Suggestion] Allowing people to defend themself 6 years 8 months ago #738839

honestly anna, i can just smell salt coming from ya
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[CM Suggestion] Allowing people to defend themself 6 years 8 months ago #738848

Yes please
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[CM Suggestion] Allowing people to defend themself 6 years 8 months ago #738850

I think onion is salty you don't pay him any attention
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[CM Suggestion] Allowing people to defend themself 6 years 8 months ago #738860

honestly wont change anything

if the lt want you demoted you will be demoted, regardless of what you say or do
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[CM Suggestion] Allowing people to defend themself 6 years 8 months ago #738883

Sans Lorofksy wrote:
honestly wont change anything

if the lt want you demoted you will be demoted, regardless of what you say or do

Then there is no democracy in this community.
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[CM Suggestion] Allowing people to defend themself 6 years 8 months ago #738885

Zaihus The Ravage wrote:
Sans Lorofksy wrote:
honestly wont change anything

if the lt want you demoted you will be demoted, regardless of what you say or do

Then there is no democracy in this community.

Well done, you understand my point.
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[CM Suggestion] Allowing people to defend themself 6 years 8 months ago #739091

Ascenesion wrote:
Smo wrote:
onion is such a hypocrite he sits in his spacer all day with chuteuk n stuff
Not from what I have seen he does move around and talk to others
he comes to my channel only when someone reports me huh?
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Sorle was here
Luke was here
Rhys was here
Smo change ur password lol
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[CM Suggestion] Allowing people to defend themself 6 years 8 months ago #739095

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[CM Suggestion] Allowing people to defend themself 6 years 8 months ago #739105

A Sloth wrote:
Ascenesion wrote:
I will be your demotion defendant for 10MIL I will stand up in Zarp court for you

That’s not quite what a defendant is

Shhhhh I'm poor and needs the money
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Studio Banter wrote:
Mage you will always be remembered as the first person to write a fuck you list on Zarp and a bonus for not getting it deleted.
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[CM Suggestion] Allowing people to defend themself 6 years 8 months ago #739231

Totally agree with this.
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