RP Name: Duke Of Downtown
Link to Steam Profile: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199097048405/
SteamID: STEAM_1:1:568391338
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Estimated Server Time: 1000+ hours
Languages I Speak: English
Give and explain 3 situations in which it would be appropriate to use the ban command:
1. A player is excessively MRDMing and RDAingand warnings have provided no deterrent to them stopping
2. A player on the server doxxes somebody else
3. A player is cheating or exploiting and there is sufficient proof to support this
Explain in detail the main functions of the F1 menu and how this can be used to help you deal with situations on the server:
The F1 menu’s primary use it to see what players currently need help from staff with, whether it be reports, gameplay issues or to highlight an exploit. It also shows the server logs which are essential for some sits to deduce things like nlr timers and verify other things.
Explain in detail how you would handle the following situation:
You witness Player A being verbally abusive towards you through voice/chat whilst you are carrying out your administrative duties.
I would first verbally warn the player depending on the severity of abuse and how much they are hindering my duties, if it continued i would issue a 5 minute mute, and if sustained i would follow with longer mutes and a kick which by then hopefully my point will have crossed their head
Explain in detail how you would handle the following situation:
Player A makes an appeal on a ban that was placed on them permanently for prop spamming, putting great apology and detail into the appeal, admitting to what they did. Explain the process of how you would handle this appeal.
I would first inquire into how many other bans the player has received in the past, the more i see the less lenient i would be. I would also consider how long ago the ban was issued, if it has been quite a long time (long enough for them to have learnt to not make the same mistake) i would be more inclined to accept the appeal. Finally i would look at what the player base thinks about the appeal, if they staunchly oppose the appeal i would most likely not accept at that would ultimately make the server less pleasant in the eyes of the players who do not support the appeal. For the example given, i would need more information to come to a conclusion, but considering effort was put into it and it was propspamming and not something more serious like doxxing i would likely accept the appeal if other factors lined up.
Why I should be promoted (we recommend a minimum of around 150 words):
I think it can be argued that i am one of if not the most active staff member on Zarp as of recently, I play pretty much everyday for a good amount of time and spend alot of time engaging with the community in this time ,i like to think that i am well liked by the player base (besides sinz) , and id hope that they agree with my promotion to admin. I am also fair in my staffing decisions and helpful to new players seeking guidance in what to do when starting out, being a staff member is an active role after all and i like to try my best at fostering and stewarding zarp as much as a i can. By becoming admin i will be able to take up more administrative roles that i cannot fulfill as a moderator, this would be good as there has been many times on the server where i have not been able to help a player due to my limited abilities as a mod. All in all i think my promotion to admin would be very beneficial for the server in situations like this and others. and i thank everyone who has taken the time to read this. <3