Login to ZARP
We receive a large volume of applications each week, therefore for ease of administrative work we ask that you format the title of your application as requested by the application template pertaining to the server you are applying for. Candidates may only be staff in ZARP or Friendly Players, and not other Garry's Mod communities Moderator Application Info As we check your activity on 'gametracker' for your latest steam alias, it is highly recommended that you stick with one name when building your gametime for an application. TITLE: Prefix your application as "[Sandbox Moderator] Myname's Application" NOTE: Make sure you include links to all your active gametracker profiles Details [b]Steam Name:[/b]
[b]Link to Steam Profile:[/b]
[b]Current Gametracker Profiles:[/b]
[i]Replace the server’s Gametracker link with your own profile for the server[/i]
[b]Languages I Speak:[/b] Sandbox Related: [b]Explain what you would do if someone was Text/Mic Spamming on the server:[/b]
[b]Explain how you'd deal with a player that's harassing and disrespecting another player in-game:[/b]
[b]Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 75 words):[/b]
[b]Extra Information: (Not Required) [/b] Admin Application Info IMPORTANT - Only moderators can apply for admin. If you have previously held the admin rank and have received permission from a HA+, you can bypass the moderator rank and apply directly for the admin rank. - You must attend your first meeting before you can apply. TITLE: Prefix your application as "[Sandbox Admin] Myname's Application" Details [b]Steam Name:[/b]
[b]Link to Steam Profile:[/b]
[b]Current Gametracker Profiles:[/b]
[b]Languages I Speak:[/b] Promotion Related: [b]Explain how you feel that your time as a moderator will contribute to you becoming an admin:[/b]
[b]Explain a situation as a moderator you encountered that was an obstacle you had to work around:[/b]
[b]When would it be appropriate to use the ban command?:[/b]
[b]Explain how you would handle the following situation:[/b]
[i]Player x appeals their ban in great detail, apology and effort. You check the ban list and find that Staff Member x banned them permanently for Exploiting, and that this is their first ban. How would your response to the appeal be?[/i]
[b]Why I should be promoted (we recommend around 100 words):[/b] |
Last Edit: 8 months 2 weeks ago by ItsDonny.
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