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RP Name:Luiss
Time Zone:ESt Link to Steam Profile: steamcommunity.com/id/74834723/ SteamID: STEAM_0:1:225888943 Current Game-tracker Profiles: Server 1 - www.gametracker.com/player/Luiss/darkrp.zarpgaming.com:27015/ Around 2k Hours of Zarp Languages I Speak: English, Spanish Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario: RDM Random Death Match or “RDM” Means, if someone just randomly kills someone with out a probable cause. EX: You just spawned in, and instantly die by someone with a mini 2 equipped. Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario: NLR: NLR Means if you died with a probable cause in WareHouse District, you wont be able to go back for about 3 mins if im correct. Explain how you would handle the following situation: You are handling a report in which player A accuses player B of killing them for no reason in a report via the F1 system. I, Would first ask player A, if he has any evidence/video proof. If player A has no proof, I would ask for a story of his perspective. Then I would ask player B if he has Video Proof, if he swell has none I would ask for a story if both doesn’t match up I would let player B off as I can’t give a warning without any evidence of the situation. As if I stand corrected there are no damage logs. Explain how you would handle the following situation: You witness a user mass RDMing in spawn, killing many people constantly to the point where users are complaining. I would freeze the guy and ask, “why are you doing this” he gives me his reason. Then I would check If he had any prior warns, if not I would give him a verbal and jail him for 120 seconds. If he had a recent warn I would kick him, And if he had more then 3 warns I would ban him for 3-5 days. Why I should be chosen (we recommend a minimum of around 150 words): I’ve been playing ZARP for around 5 years. I know I’ve been in serious trouble with the community, my sincerely apologies for everything I’ve done. As I was saying the main reason I want to be staff is, theres currently not that many staff online that take f1’s. Since my last incident I’ve have constant activity on the server for 3 weeks, and im always on from 4pm best-2am est no lifer. I’ve always loved ZARP as its the only server I play, and Garrys mod as the only game I play. Thank you for your time reading this application and I hope I get chosen. |
Last Edit: 9 months 3 weeks ago by Luiss.
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Thanks for applying for staff at ZARP SSRP! During our weekly staff meeting we reviewed your application, checked your activity and discussed your recent punishments. This time, the staff team has decided that you still need to work on your application and then apply again in the future. To try and help you they have summarized some positives & negatives discussed during the meeting: Needs consistent activity You can apply again at any time. Thanks for supporting ZARP! |
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